Disclaimer: I do not nor have I ever owned Dragonball Z or any of it's characters.

AN: Long time no see! Where have you guys been?! I've been looking all over for you! Lol...just kidding. I know it's been a long time and you're all probably wondering why I'm back. Well, about a month ago I broke out my old DBZ tapes...watched them ALL... and got hit with some inspiration. So, here I am again. Anyway, if you haven't figured it out, this is the sequel to my second most popular (and my personal favorite) story by me, My Friend. I hope you guys like it. Enjoy.


"I just don't know how to thank you! You're like the sweetest guy ever!"

The handsome forty something male smiled at the shapely twenty something. "Well, I wouldn't be much of a gentleman if I didn't help out a lady in distress." The man was only slightly surprised when the young woman stopped beside a brand new silver Mercedes convertible. Something about her had just screamed money and sophistication.

The girl flashed him a stunning smile. "I was so humiliated to realize I had left my wallet at home. If you hadn't been there to bail me out, I would have had to drive all the way back home. Oh, you can just put those bags in the back there."

He placed the two large grocery sacks in the backseat as he watched her perfect body slip into the driver's seat of the car. He moved to the front of the car as she slipped a pair of fashionable sunglasses on. "Well, you could show your appreciation," he started as he rested a hip against the car. "If you like, I'd gladly except a phone number in exchange for paying for all those groceries."

"And here I thought you did it out of the kindness of your heart." The beautiful young woman tucked a stray blue strand behind her right ear before resting an arm on her car door. "Well, however much I'd love to do that, I don't think my scary, muscle bound boyfriend would like it." As she watched the man's face fall she lifted her glasses to look pointedly at his left hand. "And I don't think your wife would appreciate it either." Slipping her glasses back on her nose, she gave the man another brilliant smile and started her engine. "Thanks again for your help. Now I better be getting home. Bye-bye."

Barely giving the unhappy looking man time to move out of the way, she pulled out of the parking space and then out of the lot. Now on the road home, the glorious California sunset before her, she smiled to herself as the wind blew her shoulder length hair all around her pretty face. Even a woman as madly in love as herself could appreciate being hit on by a stranger every now and then. It was nice to know that she still had it. Turning up the radio, she hummed all the way home.

Pulling into the garage of her condo twenty minutes later, she hopped out and grabbed her grocery bags out the backseat before heading into the house and upstairs to the kitchen. Taking care not to trip, she began thinking about the free items in her arms. She couldn't believe she had actually gone to the store without her wallet. She had been so absent-minded over the last few months. The strangest thing was she couldn't put her finger on what was up with her. Her life was pretty much perfect. She had taken to her new life in the states with the greatest of ease. She had completed her undergraduate studies in engineering and business within three years and was currently working on her Master's degree in the double major. She was beautiful, intelligent, and wealthy. She lived in a spectacular condo, had great friends, and an even better boyfriend.


Yeah, things were pretty much perfect.

Sighing, she set her bags on the kitchen counter and started unloading the bags. After the mundane task was complete, she took out a skillet and sauce pan to begin preparing dinner. She let her mind wander as she preformed the task completed so many times before. Once the meal was simmering in the pan, she grabbed a loose piece of celery and wandered into the living room, plopping down on the couch. Munching on the vegetable, she grabbed a magazine off the table as she rested her feet on top of the wood and began flipping through it.

Having all ready read this particular issue, she tilted her head back and closed her eyes for a moment. She was so bored! Opening her eyes, her gaze fell upon one of the framed pictures on the end table.

Smiling, she leaned over and reached for the frame. Her azure eyes caressed the portrait. She had been absolutely in love with the pale blue, strapless bridesmaid dress she wore in it. The picture made her smile for more than that reason. Her eyes perused the face of the handsome man standing beside her in the picture. Outside of prom, it was the only time she was able to talk him into a formal tux. However, she had not been able to talk him into the wedding party. Because of his stubbornness she ended up walking down the isle with Jay.

The ceremony was beautiful. They'd all returned to Japan where the wedding had taken place by the ocean on the little island that the Roshi family called home. There was such joy as the young couple pledged their love to one another as the sun set that day. She and ChiChi had to share a handkerchief throughout the ceremony. Juu looked absolutely radiant and Krillian never looked more handsome. The day could be described as nothing short of magical.

She sighed and put the picture back on the table. That happy day had taken place just six short months ago and her friends had seemed blissfully happy ever since.

"Must be nice," she muttered to herself as she pushed herself off the couch and headed back to the kitchen. After turning off the burner, she covered the food.

"Now what to do?..." she wondered out loud. Walking over to the freezer, she retrieved a cherry Popsicle. As she opened it, she wandered into the living room again. Sucking on the sweet treat, she weighed her remaining time passing options. Watch tv, read another magazine, a book maybe...

"All boring! I've been patient long enough. He needs a study break anyway." Mind set, she headed for the bedroom.


Dropping his pen on his notebook, he ran his hand over his face and through his spiky black hair in frustration. Why was he having such trouble remembering this crap? School work had never been a problem for him in the past. He must be stressing too much. His finals were two weeks away and retaining this knowledge stood between him and the engineering degree he'd been working towards for four years.

He just needed to refocus. Pushing the book aside, he sat back against the headboard. Closing his eyes, he decided it was as good a time as any to take a break. It was then that the door creaked open. He kept his eyes closed, pretending he did not hear the soft sound of footsteps on the carpet or feel the bed move as the woman climbed upon it and straddled his hips.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone today," he said with no malice and without opening his eyes.

"I got lonely," she pouted.

He then opened his eyes to watch her enjoying her icy treat. It was obvious she planned to put on a show for him as she moved the 'sicle in and out her mouth provocatively. Naturally, he smirked. She returned the grin.

She glanced at the book he'd casted aside moments before. "Getting easier?" she questioned as she continued playing with her food.

He shrugged, his attention being elsewhere now.

"Guess what?"

He raised an inquiring brow.

"This guy bought us dinner."

He frowned. "Oh?"

She nodded. "I forgot my wallet and he was trying to hit on me. It was pretty awesome." She couldn't help chuckling at the deepening frown on his face. "Aw, you're not getting all jealous are you? I mean you are dating a pretty hot piece of ass. You can't stop a guy from taking a look."

"That's not necessarily true," he started. "I could easily remove his eyes from their sockets." He was quickly losing interest in the conversation as he watched her rubbing the frozen dessert on her bottom lip. Her pink tongue then followed the cold path to clean up the red mess.

Leaning forward, she rested her elbows on his rippled chest. "Sounds like a lot of eye gouging just for little 'ole me. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you cared."

He barely grunted, never taking his eyes from her mouth.

With devilish intent in her eyes, she quirked a narrow eye brow. "Oh, would you like some of this?" She dangled the sweet snack just above his face. Melting slowly, a single drop formed and fell onto his nose. "Oops," she muttered before leaning forward and licking it off. "There. All better."

The right side of his mouth hitched. "You're about to get in some trouble, woman. I hope you can handle it."

Taking one last suckle of her Popsicle, her eyes dancing with mischief, she leaned closer still until her mouth barely brushed his. "Oh trust me, I can handle it," she whispered before pressing her mouth to his.

Slipping his hands into her silken blue strands, he flipped her onto her back, causing her to giggle in surprise. Exchanging playful kisses, they made quick work of their clothes and found themselves naked in one another's arms within a few minutes. Lifting his head briefly, he searched and found the displaced, nearly melted, Popsicle before returning his attention to her.

Azure eyes sparkling with passion and laughter, she questioned, "And what do you plan to do with that?"

"Nothing at all," he lied as he rested the tip of the treat on the center of her collarbone and slowly drug it down between her breast to her navel.

She couldn't help gasping. "That's cold!"

"Really?" he smirked as he lowered his mouth to her collarbone to follow the cherry trail he'd created. As he drug his warm, moist mouth down her body, she began trembling with pleasure. He then slowly returned up the path until he was once again nibbling on her lips.

The teasing kisses soon grew more intense as they became more wrapped up in one another, touching and caressing one another all the while. The passion built steadily faster and she found herself panting desperately. "Will you? Oh, please, will you?" she begged.

Happily complying with her pleas, he slid between her legs and entered her wanton body. Cries and moans filled the room as he started moving in and out of her powerfully. Steadily, his speed increased until he drove them both to their climax.

Breathing heavily, he laid on top of her for a few moments, nipping at her creamy white neck. After resting in the after glow a short while, she began wiggling beneath him. "You're heavy," she complained as she toyed with his hair.

Sighing, he rolled on his back, pulling her on top of him. Snuggling close, she began nuzzling his neck. "I am so crazy about you," she sighed as she placed little kisses along his throat.

"I know," he responded as he ran a hand leisurely up and down her smooth back.

They laid there in silence for about fifteen minutes before she spoke. "So how much did you get done?"

Eyes closed, he shrugged. "A little."

Propping herself up on her forearm, resting on his chest, she gazed down at him. "You know, I had the senior seminar last year. I could help," she offered for what had to be the hundredth time.

He opened his eyes briefly to shoot her a glare. "I can handle it."

"Ok! Don't get all huffy about it!" She sat up and grabbed his discarded T-shirt. "I don't know why you won't let me help you. You never minded in high school," she complained as she pulled the shirt over her head.

"I can handle it," was his only response.

"Fine," she huffed. Crawling over him, she climbed out of the bed. "If you don't want my help I'll find something else to do!"

He couldn't help grinning at her little tantrum. "Oh, don't be mad," he said sarcastically. He chuckled as she marched out the door, slamming it behind herself. That chuckle quickly died as he reached for his notebook, however. The large red stain immediately elicited a growl from him. Apparently, in his haste to claim the woman now fuming at him, he dropped what remained of the Popsicle on his book. "Great," he groaned as he began wiping at the mess.

Meanwhile, the now slightly irked woman picked up her cell phone off the entryway table as she passed it on her way to flop down on the living room couch.

"Say command now," ordered the electronic voice.

"Call ChiChi," she answered as she picked up the remote control and used it to turn on the television.

"Calling ChiChi," the phone responded. After a few moments it went straight to voice mail.

Frowning at the phone, she hung up. "Where could she be?" Sighing, she tossed the phone aside and sat back in the couch to sulk as she began flipping channels.


Where is ChiChi? I don't know. Come back next chapter and we'll find out together. Thanks for reading.