Ok, I don't not like Jax but I had to make someone the bad guy and since I am a Sonny lover he had to be the sacrifice… Oh, this is going to be Jarly… because who else could save her?
Chapter 1
Carly did know when Jax started to change. But something had happened to the good and gentle man that she had married.
These days he was angry more often that not and ready to pick a fight with her over anything whether it was something big or small
Sighing she looked in the mirror, she had taken great care with her make-up and had even went and bought a new dress. She wanted tonight to be special because she intended to make Jax an offer he couldn't refuse.
The boys had gone over to Sonny's, happy to escape the strange atmosphere that had settled over the house. So Carly had worked her magic and candlelight lit up the dining room in a romantic glow, a nice romantic dinner sat on the table ready to be served.
Smiling she dabbed a tiny bit of perfume at the base of her neck. Now all she needed was her husband to come home. She had plans tonight and she hoped he would be pleasantly surprised. It was six in the evening and that meant Jax would walk through that door ant any minute…
Four hours later the most of the candles had burnt out and the dinner sat untouched and cold on the table.
Carly had given and broke up a bottle of wine though she hadn't intended to drink tonight. In disgust she had given up and leaving everything out she had finally gone to bed.
Lying in bed she heard the front door open and shut. The minutes it took for Jax to come up to the bedroom drug on endlessly, but finally she heard his foot steps on the stairs.
Rolling over she turned on the light beside the bed.
Jax looked at her as he set his drink on the dresser, "Sorry I'm late. I had a meeting."
"That's it? You had a meeting and you couldn't bother to call me and say you would be late?" Carly asked calmly.
"What you think I'm lying to you?" Jax asked irritably.
Carly climbed out of the bed and walked toward him with a smile.
"No, baby, I just am a little disappointed, I had dinner all ready… the mood was set." Carly purred seductively.
"I said I was sorry…" Jax gentled just enough to let Carly wrap her arms around his neck.
"I just put a lot of effort into tonight… No boys, no work… just us…" Carly started to say, but Jax surprised her by grabbing her wrists tightly and prying her arms from around his neck.
"I said I was sorry, now drop it…"
"Ow! You're hurting me… Let me go!" Carly tried to pull away and ended up falling back against the dresser, her arm hitting the side.
"Oh god, Carly, are you ok?" Jax asked in concern as he reached out to help her.
"Don't! Don't touch me…" Carly winced as she rubbed her arm and wrists.
"I'm sorry, baby. I'm just tired and it's been a long day."
Carly walked over to a drawer and started pulling out clothes.
"What are you doing?" Jax asked in bewilderment.
"What I am doing is leaving you… this is the second time you have grabbed me like a maniac…" Carly explained as she pulled a T-shirt over her pajama top.
"Quit being childish and get in bed…" Jax growled as he stalked toward her.
"Forget it. You are being an ass and I don't have to put up with... agh!" Carly screamed as Jax grabbed her by the hair and threw her on the bed.
"For better or worse you are my wife and you aren't going anywhere."
Carly's eyes stung with unshed tears, "You're crazy… you've lost your mind…"
"Crazy? Is it crazy for a man to expect a little understanding from his wife? Did you nag Sonny like this? Is that why he ran around on you?" Jax taunted cruelly.
"Sonny would never, ever get violent… I should've listened to him…" Carly was so angry she didn't think about the consequences as she got off the bed and reached for the phone.
Grabbing the phone from Carly's hands he threw the receiver against the wall.
"Who in the hell do you think you are calling? Sonny, whose happily banging his latest piece of ass? Or better yet Jason, the one who hasn't bothered to even call or come by in the last month?"
Carly stood staring at Jax in anger and weighed her options. First choice was running for the door, second choice was running into the bathroom and locking the door behind her. Taking note of the fact that a man over a foot taller than her and at least sixty pounds heavier than her stood between her and the door, she chose option number two. It was better to run away and live to fight another day she decided as she sprinted for the bathroom.
Jax hadn't been prepared to chase her so he missed catching her as she slammed the door in his face.
"Carly, open the door! Open the damn door…" Jax bellowed as he pounded on the door in anger.
"Go away! Just leave me alone!" Carly screamed as she sat on the edge of the bathtub, tears of frustration running down her face. How could she have been so wrong?
"Please, baby, I am so sorry… you know me… you know I would never hurt you, I just am under so much pressure…" Jax pleaded.
"That's what you said when you elbowed me in the ribs three nights ago on accident… Just go away and leave me alone." Carly grabbed a glass jar of bath beads and threw it against the door in anger. She should've left that night when he hadn't felt like being cuddled in bed so he had accidentally thrown an elbow giving her a huge bruise on her ribs.
For a moment everything was silent and Carly had thought she had won. Slowly she stood up and started to walk toward the door.
Before she could get there a loud crash and flying debris sent her to her knees covering her head in protection.
"God damn it! You are my wife and you will respect me!" Jax thundered as he knocked down the remaining pieces of wood that had once been the bathroom door.
Carly started to back away slicing her hand on the glass from the bath beads, but she didn't even notice, her only thought being to get away from the man coming toward her.
Grabbing Carly by the shoulders he threw a punch that connected with her jaw. In a daze she started to sink to her knees, pain shooting through her jaw and face.
Jax laughed hatefully threw her over his shoulder, "You said you were in the mood, huh? Well, I'm in the mood to show you how to treat your husband."
Carly groaned as Jax headed back into the bed room, throwing her down on the bed, he tore open her shirt and fell on top of her. She tried to fight, but between her head spinning and her hands bleeding she never had a chance.
"Please… Jax… don't… don't do this." She pleaded as she sobbed uncontrollably.
But her pleas fell on deaf ears and what had once been a beautiful act of love became her worst nightmare.