(Kate Pov)

"Kate." I look up at the voice and my eyes go wide.

"What? How did you guys get in here?" I asked completely shocked yet confused to be seeing these guys here.

"We are good at sneaking into places." Rocky says with a shrug but smiles down at me, "Now let's us get you two out of here." He then goes to work on untying the ropes around me.

"What's going on?" I look to Amy to see that she was finally waking up. Perfect timing.

"Later." Colt tells her. She looks over to me and I give her a smile. Glad to see she's okay now.

Rocky then removes the ropes from around me and throws them to the side. My body then just moves on its own. I'm up out of the chair and my arms go around his waist and I give him a hug. I am so happy that he is here with me. I was so afraid before.

"Thank you." I manage to say.

"You're safe." He say in a gentle voice and hugs me back. I really did feel safe with him hugging me.

"Hurry up Love birds." Colt teases us. We quickly break away and Rocky looks to the door. I move to go help Colt support my sister. She was till affected by the drug.

"We can leave the same way we came out." Rocky tells us. We nod our heads in response.

We follow Rocky to the door that they came in but stop so Rocky can look out the glass window.

"Guys quick over here." He says flattening himself to the wall behind the door. I was guessing there were people coming. Colt and I move Amy to the wall and she leans against it when we let her go. Rocky was going to need us to help if guys were coming.

The door opens and in comes 3 guys. When the door shuts Colt, Rocky, and I jump the guys. We each take one and beat them down.

"Hurry out the door." Rocky says opening the door and motioning for us to go out it with his arm. Colt goes out a head to see if it is safe while I help Amy out. Rocky then closes the door quietly before following behind us.

We go down the hallway before Colt puts his arm out for us to stop and he goes flat against the wall. We could he people talking but not what they were actually saying, which means they were coming our way.

The next thing that I know is Colt just punches a guy when he turns the corner and Rocky runs right past me and goes for another one. There were only two guys and the boys were able to take the two down in no time.

"The door is right over there." Rocky says pointing to the door.

We reach the door quickly and Colt opens it for us not caring if it makes a noise or not this time and just lets it slam shut.

"Just keep going straight." He tells us before running over to a bush with rocky and they pull out their bikes.

They run back over to us and we cross the street before turning to look at the building.

"I'm calling the cops." She says reaching into her pocket and grabbing out her cell phone. You were kind of surprised that they didn't take it away from her when they kidnapped you both.

Amy talks to the police and you turn to the guys.

"Thank you for rescuing us." You give them each a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Of course." Colt smiles, "We are glad you two are okay."

"What about the tournament?" You ask eyes going wide as you remembered it.

"You missed your match with me and got disqualified." Rocky says rubbing the back of his neck, "And I probably missed mine now." He says with a little frown.

"Sorry Rocky." You felt bad not that you made him lose the tournament.

"No, don't apologize." He shakes his head. "I rather be here rescuing you anyways." He gives a smile.

"The cops are on their way." Amy says coming back over to you all.

"Can I borrow your phone?" Colt ask, "I should call gramps." He looks to Rocky, who just nods his head.

"Sure." She gives him the phone and he calls their grandfather and explains what happened.

(Rocky Pov)

When the cops show up they talk to Kate and then to Amy and question them while other cops went in and brought all the guys out from the building.

When Kate was no long in need she came over and stood next to me. Colt was over with TumTum and gramps talking. We had gotten an ear full when he showed up but he was also proud of us for saving Kate and Amy.

"I'm glad this is over." She says as she watched Dan being put into the back of a cop car.

"We should go out and celebrate after this." I suggest.

"That sounds good to me." She nods her head but she also takes my hand. I glance down to them with a shocked expression before looking up at her and she was just smiling. She wasn't looking at me but in front still but I smiled since she was happy now. I gave her hand and squeeze before turning towards my brothers and Gramps.

Colt and TumTum were smirking and Gramps had a sly smile on. I rolled my eyes but kept the smile on my face. Things were going to be good now.