
By naruto939

Chapter 10: The result of writer's block

Last chapter: Kyuubi made his way to Tsunade's chamber, where Tsunade was trying to get Hinata to safety, but Hinata wouldn't listen. Kyuubi was able to grab Hinata, and escape. They were attacked by ANBU soon after, and Hinata saved Kyuubi's life. After that, they left Konoha.

Okay… since I'm having a severe writer's block right about now, for this chapter I'll take this chapter reply to some reviews I've gotten for Control. It's better than me writing out a really lame chapter due to the writer's block... That's what happened to me when I wrote my first story, Sasuke: Chronicles of an Uchiha, chapters 16 and 17... Anyways... yeah... here's a Control chapter 10 that you probably weren't expecting...


vampire hunter derek
ch 9,

sweetness. I van't wait for the next one!

You mean the next chapter after the next chapter, due to this stupid "Writer's Block" chapter!


ch 9,

Back when I was writing some of the earlier chapters Microsoft Word would constantly turn chakra into charka. So I would have to rewrite it until it ditched the automatic change-the-word or whatever crap. Hopefully it's fixed now that I put "Ignore All" on chakra. Anyways, glad you like it.


ch 7,

Geez is this story ever going to take a turn for the better I mean I like it but the moment I start to think I can look up you slap me down again.
Signed The God Of Perverts

SLAP! lol sorry, i just had to do that... Well, this is the kind of story that calls for that sort of thing…. Well, that's my opinion… SLAP!


ch 7,

What I think is Kyubi Naruto should get Hinata.

It could happen… I don't even know what's gonna happen yet… writer's block, y'know?


ch 8,

Woah! this is nice! and youre last sentence... Youre an Axel fan? I am too! Got it memorized?

Yeah, it's my catchphrase… and Axel PWNZ. Got it memorized?


ch 9,

Kyuubi and Naruto should fuse, then have his way with Hinata (but she would want it too).

I don't know if Naruto would want to fuse his mind with Kyuubi's. After all, Kyuubi is basically ruining his life, and Naruto wants control back. I don't really think Naruto's the kind of guy to compromise. He'd probably fight to death. And Kyuubi probably wouldn't want to go along with that either. Well, it might happen. It's always a possibility… unless it isn't….(sweatdrops)…. But it is here!


ch 9,

Alot of people are going to be mad for what I'm about to say, Naruto should NOT win out in teh end, the Kyubi has always gotten a bad deal, he deserves to win for once, I'm not really a fan of the valaint hero winning at the end, it annoys me actually

Ya never know what's gonna happen… unless you do… (sweatdrops again)…. Uh… yeah… I haven't planned out the ending or anything yet tho, so anything's possible!


C.A.M.E.O.1 and Only
ch 9,

...Seriously, what DID happen 2 Ino's kid?

Well, Tsunade's taking care of it (I don't know if it's a him, or her, yet…) because she doesn't want the villagers to kill it because it's the child of "the demon."


Here end's this ever boring "OMFG I HAVE WRITER'S BLOCK!" style chapter.

Read and review. Got it memorized?