Déjà vu

Chapter 2Perfectionby Ummster


Déjà vu's such a sweet story I simply couldn't resist writing another chapter. So here it is! Of course, it follows sequence, so after the proposal, of course, would come the wedding. Read on, because it's not as perfect as you might think.

And yes, I do know that I need to be working on Bunny Pajamas but I'm suddenly interested in my other stories again! Check Only Time Will Tell for an update if you're interested.

Read, review, and enjoy!

Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine, of course.


It was the perfect wedding. Silver streamers were strung high across the ceiling of the ceremonial church amidst snow-white doves fluttering overhead. An assortment of chrysanthemums, blue delphiniums, dahlias, irises, and purple lilacs danced underneath the archway, leading towards a heavenly walkway blanketed in red and white roses. A string quartet played Tchaikovsky's Romeo and Juliet under the altar, their fingers teeming with romantic repertoire. Crowds of spectators waited anxiously for the beautiful bride to enter with the bridesmaids and join the handsome groom in matrimonial union. Indeed, it was perfect.

Apart from the fact that the bride had been cued fifteen minutes prior.

Mamoru was devastated. Fear of rejection had hung over him while he had proposed to the beautiful woman but rejection at the altar was far worse. Sadly, he straightened his tuxedo, wondering what could have possibly gone wrong. They'd gotten along perfectly well the last few days, as always. True, Usagi had seemed a bit tense, but that was understandable, speaking as there was to be a grand wedding and much preparation needed. Mamoru had made sure that everything was painstakingly perfect, and now this…

He watched in horror as Rei slipped in under the archway, her expression of panic undeniable. In a second she was at Mamoru's side.

"She won't come out," she whispered, pushing meandering black locks behind her ear. "Don't get me wrong, she still wants to get married." That was a relief. "However, there seems to be something wrong with her dress. She's been crying ever since we got there, something about how she's ruined your perfect wedding. She thinks you'll hate her because of it."

His clenched hands suddenly dropped to his side. "That's insane!" he exclaimed, in exasperation. "Tell someone to stitch her up."

Rei frowned. "Not quite. Unfortunately, a stitch won't fix this dress."

"Lend her yours then?" he asked hopefully. Rei glanced down at the vibrant crimson summer dress adorning her figure. No doubt, it was beautiful, with the intricate designs of red roses trailing down the side, and the low-dipped neckline which accented her curves; nevertheless, it was hardly fit for a bride. Besides, she was too tall for Usagi to fit into it. Rei shook her head with a wayward sigh, Mamoru knowing full well there had been no chance of it.

"I'll go talk to her, perhaps," he retorted, knowing that he was the only one who could comfort her.

She shook her head sadly. "Mamoru, you know that it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before she walk up the aisle." Suddenly, her azure, violet eyes brightened, a suggestive smile tugging at her lips. "But there may be something I can do about that."



There was a muffled sob from the other end of the bride's dressing room door. "Usako, listen to me."

Another sob. "If you want me to come out, I'm not, so don't even try-"

Mamoru sighed. "Of course not," he tried, "I'm just here to talk to you, love. What's wrong?"

Usagi crumbled, her petite figure sliding down the back of the door she was pressed against, her arms thrust around her knees, silver tears trickling down her cheek. "That's exactly it! Why must you be so good to me?" In vain she tried to compose herself so he wouldn't know she was crying. "This wedding was supposed to be perfect." She sniffed, and he caught it. "I know how much you've worked, Mamoru. I've spent tireless nights awake, waiting for you to come back from the wedding planners, wondering what you possibly could be doing, wondering whether," she gulped, "you were fooling around." His heart clenched. "And you were just finalizing the flora decorations. Do you know how that makes me feel?"

Well, it had to be a good feeling. "Relieved?"

"No. Guilty." It was now evident that she was crying, and Mamoru only wished he could swing open the door, the measly boundary separating him and his love, and take her into his arms once again.

"Mamoru, you're wedding was going to be perfect. We both knew that. And I appreciated it, more than you knew. Then, here I go ruining it, and you're not even the least bit mad." The tears were rolling down faster now, proportional to the racing beat of her heart. "What did I ever do to earn your love? I don't deserve you." (A/N: Anyone thinking of the song "Better than me" by Hinder?) In a moment she had revealed what she'd kept hidden inside her ever since he'd proposed on the sandy beach of the moon that fateful day.

His heart broke. He clenched his fists in agony, his eyes squinted to prevent the salty tears he knew were unmanly of him. "Don't ever say that. Promise me you'll never say that again," he pleaded, his voice breaking. Usagi squirmed, her head buried in her lap, but didn't respond. "Usako," he murmured, "please." Again, she remained silent, her tears muffled in the fluffy cloth of the ruined wedding dress that adorned her figure. "You haven't ruined it."

"Yes I have!" she cried, her body shaking violently. "I couldn't believe that you'd catered all by yourself- that was unbelievable." She sniffed. "So I said to myself, it must be wonderful, everything you make is wonderful. Just another reason that I don't deserve you." He tried to interrupt but she continued speaking, her tone now monotonous. "I was supposed to be in the dressing room, but I slipped out to the kitchen and stole a tray of you're Chocolate Mousse. Oh god, it was delicious. Irresistibly chocolaty." Her tone brightened for a second, then dropped again. "But then I spilled it all over the beautiful wedding dress you got me." Mamoru listened attentively, waiting for the big conclusion, one that would make him gasp in horror. "You must think, I'm ungrateful, but believe me, I'm not! I only have a knack from screwing up important things…"

"Wait a second, that's what all this is about?" he questioned curiously, the light suddenly dawning on him, "You spilling chocolate mousse on your dress? We can fix that!"

Usagi's head alighted from her lap. "But this isn't about that! It's about me betraying your trust and ruining your perfect wedding! First I think you're cheating with other women when you've never even thought, for a second, of going astray. Then I steal the chocolate mousse reserved for the guests and spill it all over this beautiful dress." She fingered it sadly, the lace and ribbons still beautiful, but tinted brown. She'd tried to get it out of the fabric, yet it had seeped further into it.

"Usako," he soothed, "that's what I love about you."

"What?!" she exclaimed, "ARE YOU INSANE!"

He chuckled. "Sometimes I feel like it. See, if you hadn't been such a klutz I would never have met you." Usagi thought back to the countless times she had crashed into him in the sidewalks because she hadn't been looking at where she was going. "And I can't imagine what life would be like without you."

"Mamo-chan…" It still struck her as unbelievable, the fact that he didn't find her klutz attacks annoying, like any normal person, or anyone else.

"You say you feel guilty because I've never even thought of going astray and you mentally accused me of it. Tell me, have you ever thought for a second, of going astray?"

She contemplated for a second, then replied. "No. But that's because-"

"See Usagi, I, in fact, am the one who should be feeling guilty. To make you even the slightest bit unsure of what we share with each other is my own fault. I should never have stayed late at the decorators'. Or I should have at least brought you with me. Besides, I feel flattered that you're so worried about me. Other women probably wouldn't have cared if their boyfriends were off late at night. That tells me you care about me, Usako. I appreciate that."

"But what about the chocolate? I had no excuse-"

"Usagi, you put too much blame on yourself," Mamoru cut in. "It's understandable that you were dying to try my chocolate mouse, I mean, it is my chocolate mouse." She laughed and he was pleased to hear the familiar, ringing sound, like bells tinkling against each other. "And the fact that you appreciate my cooking means a lot to me. None of our guests know how much we both went through to make this possible. Yet the one thing that matters to me the most is that I'm going to be spending the rest of my life with you, and that's more than enough." Usagi smiled at his sincerity, knowing that he meant every word. "Everything I've done has been for you. I know you wanted a perfect wedding, growing up. Every young girl does. I can only wish I've provided you with something close enough to your standards."

"But the dress-"

"Don't think about me," he interrupted, "I'm doing all this for you. If you don't feel comfortable, I could go out and buy you a new dress right this minute. If you don't want to come out, I can reschedule this whole wedding, just for you. Anything for you."

"Oh, Mamo-chan," she gushed, "It's already perfect."

"It is?" Mamoru asked perplexedly.

She was crying uncontrollably now. "Because I'm being married to you."

Usagi swung open the door, and he let her sob into his arms, amazed at the intensity with which he loved this girl and the way those last words had touched his heart.

"Thank you," he whispered, and she nodded, reaching up and kissing him tenderly. "You know, I'm really not supposed to see you until you walk down the aisle."

"Well technically," she began, a sly smile creeping across her face despite the tears, "you haven't seen me as I will be when I walk down the aisle." He raised an eyebrow. "Just you wait."


A few minutes later, Mamoru laughed as Usagi walked gracefully down the aisle in her gorgeous wedding dress, the front covered by an equally beautiful apron, while the guests gossiped about the originality of the outfit and the new trend that was emerging because of it.

"Mamo-chan," Usagi whispered after he had kissed her under the altar, "Like my outfit?" Her hands followed her figure, modeling herself. Mamoru looked her over greedily and pulled her too him as she squealed in delight. "You look incredible, Usako. And you know what's funny?"

"What?" she asked, her eyes dancing.

He grinned down at her. "Our guests love it." He dipped down to nuzzle her neck intimately, Usagi still wondering how Mamoru could pull off being sexy and a gentleman, both at the same time. Well, she thought, bemusedly, it must come standard to being perfect.



What do you think? Review! Want another chapter? Tell me! Right now I'm not so sure, I might skip their honeymoon and go to marriage and such. I already have an idea but it might be going too far ahead…

Ummster -