Disclaimer: I don't own anything but my plot. This is only for entertainment purposes and in no way is set to offend anyone. If you are one to become upset with subjects of suicide, death, self-injury, or indifference, please do not read. This is my one and only disclaimer for the story.

A/N: Hey everyone. This isn't your normal crazy, read-in-one-sitting lazytown fic from me. I'm really going to try and take the time for dedication to the story. A lot of times I can't put as much umph, or energy into my LT fics. I don't know why. Anyways, please don't flame me. Constructive Crit is welcome though.

Chapter One: School Time Blues

She held onto school books without much care. The bell was about to ring, and her blood boiled with nerves. As her feet hit the ground one by one in step, a strand of pink hair found a way to fly around freely.

"Ugh, out of my face!" Stephanie swatted the hair away, but it returned with vengance.

The hallway was packed as usual, with students walking at different speeds to reach their destination. Stephanie's destination was English class, but her distraction delayed her.

A nearby water fountain became a bookshelf while Stephanie pulled her hair back. It had grown longer over the span of two years. In fact, her waist-length hair was quite a menace. Unmanageable hair wasn't the only change that eighteen-year-old Stephanie faced. As senior in her high school, things altered almost everyday. Her fluctuating life became annoying, but bearable nonetheless.

Sitting in the back row of the lemon-scented English class, Stephanie placed her books in her backpack. She hadn't had time earlier, so she took advantage of the extra second before the bell rang once more.

"Hey," A short blonde said to Steph, "is the test today?"

"Oh no!" Stephanie hit her forehead with the palm of her hand.

The blonde smirked, "I'll take that as a yes."

"Quick, quiz me!" Stephanie hoped to have last-minute studying.

"Alright class," A man with a scruffy beard and mustache walked in the room. He said, "Everyone put books and papers away. We're going to start our test immediately with no interruptions." He strode over to his desk and picked up the pile of test papers to hand out.

"Maybe you should fake sick and go to the nurse," The blonde suggested.

"No way, Tiffany. Mr. Hugh would never fall for that."

Tiffany smiled, "Yes he would. You are just too chicken to do it."

"I want to press the fact that there will be no talking during this test." Mr. Hugh passed the last of the papers out. He had missed the girls' conversation by a mere moment.

"Mr. Hugh," Stephanie raised her hand high.

He nodded, "Yes, Stephanie?"

"I'm not feeling well. I haven't felt good all day, but I think right now I really need the bathroom." She clutched to her stomach.

"I realize this might be a tad mean, but considering there would be no time to make it up, I can only allow you to use the bathroom and come back for the test. I'd be happy to escort you to the nurse's office later. Unless you are in dire need of an ambulance, of course."

Stephanie weakly said, "I'll just use the bathroom, Sir." She stood up and made her way down the hall.

Upon entering, Steph saw a tall, skinny brunette tending to her make-up.

"Hi, Lily," Steph said as she peered at her own refelction.

"Hey Steph. What's the trouble that's bursting your bubble?" She brushed some eye shadow on.

"Test in Hugh's." A feeling of defeat grabbed her stomach. She said, "I have to go back and take it. But I never studied."

Lily joked, "Cheerleading competition finally getting to you?"

Steph's eyes grew wide, "That's not today. That's not for another week."

"Yeah, right before we graduate. The pressure is getting to you, isn't it? Relax, chicky. Take your test, and if you fail, demand a re-take. Hugh loves you as a student. He'd grovel at your feet if you asked him to. You're his best student."

"Thanks for reminding me," Steph sunk, "Now I have even more reason to worry about this damned test."

"You'd better go take it now." Lily felt bad for her friend.

Without another word, Stephanie left the bathroom. She entered her English classroom to see everyone taking the test. Oh, if she could only run away right now. Turn invisible, or maybe even transport out of the school. If only she had one of Robbie Rotten's crazy inventions of escape right now.

Sitting down, Steph faced the test with a confused mind. She finished within the time alotted, but doubted a passing grade. Students handed in their papers and left the class when the bell rang again.

"Stephanie," Mr. Hugh smiled, "Would you like me to bring you to the nurse's office?"

"Umm . . ."

"Or would you like me to know the reason you lied to me?"

"Sir, I'm-" Stephanie stared at the floor. "I didn't. I really don't feel good. Now, please excuse me. I have to get to gym."

Mr. Hugh said nothing and let his student leave.

The gymnasium was already filled with sounds of sneakers hitting the floor at a rapid pace.

"Show offs," Stephanie grunted at the passing jocks. Sure, she was physically fit, but she never dreamed of sucking up to a gym teacher by running extra laps just to cause more exhaustion.

As class began, Stephanie met up with her only close guy friend, Nate. His acorn-brown eyes searched the gym while they stretched.

"What are you looking for, Nate?" Steph adjusted her shoelaces.

He replied, "Amelia. I was hoping she would pop up out of nowhere to finally ask me out."

"I could sigh very loud right now, but that would waste my time. Just as you do waiting for that arrogant soccer player who you want you marry and have lots of babies with."

"I don't want to have babies. Not ready. Amelia, though, well if she's ready . . . I guess I could change some of my morals for her." Nate stretched out his back and clapped his hands together. "After all, she loves me."

Steph frowned. She stood up straight as the gym teacher began instructing them for the day.

"Basketball again?" Nate whined while the over-exerting jocks ran to bring the basketballs out from storage.

"'Fraid so. Play me?" Steph laughed.

He cracked a smile, not taking his eyes off of the gym door. "Duh. Who else would I play against?"

"Gee, maybe Amelia."

"I'd let her win."

"Of course you would."

The game of one-on-one began. Steph dribbled the ball here and there, trying to catch Nate's attention. He was still gazing out into nowhere. Amelia was the sort of girl every guy in school would love to be with alone in a broom closet. Her wispy blonde strands of hair occasionally shined just enough to blind the closest person, and her lips beckoned with red-cherry lip gloss. Her outfits weren't skimpy, but left enough for imagination. And while guys drooled over her shoulders, the girls were left in the cold to try harder than anyone to look somewhat pretty.

That's why Steph completely gave up attempting to win Nate's heart. She had done everything from 'accidentally' bumping into him to straight out saying pick-up lines. Of course Nate thought each action or word was just a friendly joke due to the four years they had known each other.

In Nate's mind, he would've thought Steph would ask a football player out by now. With prom three days away, he knew it wouldn't happen. Steph would probably sit around with her friends and drink sparkling cider as he and Amelia danced. Oh, he would ask Amelia to the prom this afternoon. She was bound to say yes and fall madly in love with him. As for Steph, she would have to wait for a friendly dance with him.

But Steph thought differently. She would ask Nate to the prom after the basketball game. She knew Amelia was going with the most popular baseball player in the school. She heard the Queen-of-Lust ask him this morning in biology class. Actually, Amelia basically sat on the guy's lap and told him to go with her. He melted into a puddle as his brain imagined how beautiful she would be.

"Nate!" Steph dodged the orange ball when it whizzed by her head. "Will you pay attention? Stupid 'Melia is not coming in gym! She's in some other class, letting guys look down her shirt!"

"Hey! What do you know about her?" Steph had crossed a line with Nate. He defended Amelia more, "She's probably signing up for the Environmental Club or something that has to do with making mankind better. Can't wait 'till we're married. I'll be the husband of the most thoughtful girl in the world."

Steph had enough. She was no longer interested in sitting in class or playing sports with her close friend, listening to his banter about what life would be like with Amelia.

The basketball hit the floor hard, bouncing right over Nate's head.

"What the-"

Instantly, Steph's blood boiled just enough to launch a rocket.

"I have had it!" She shouted, ignoring the echoes through the gymnasium. "Everyday you talk about Amelia! Every second you fantasize about what underwear she wears or how much of a good citizen she is. I'm done Nathaniel Jade Waters! Done!"

A stormcloud of anger pulled Steph's feet across the gym floor rapidly, right out of the room. She ran to the ladie's room and locked herself in a stall. A tightened fist hit the stall wall. Stephanie collapsed in a ball and sobbed. She hated crying. She hated men. She hated Amelia, Goddess of all great things; And stealer of hearts, eyes, and souls.

Nate, you bastard. I liked you so much.

Sportacus had taught everyone to be kind and treat each other with respect, and so on. However, he never covered any lessons of what to do in cases such as Steph's. So, she would take a lesson from another Lazytowner-Robbie. He taught of what to do if one needed to take some form of action in order to prove a point, or to give taste of one's own medicine.

I won't get mad. I will get even. I will. And when it's all said and done, Nate will be sorry.