Disclaimer: Mine, only in me black pirate heart.

"... the hanging will take place Friday morning, at nine bells." Will whispered to Marty, desperately.

The small pirate's eyes widened, "Tha' don' give us much time, Mr. Will!"

"... you MUST be there. There is no choice if this is to work. Just have the Pearl ready, and be there."

"... Aye, Will. We will have the Pearl repaired, an' we'll be there! That a promise!"

These thoughts ran through young Turner's mind over and over, over and over. He looked out over the square at the gathered crowd... vultures, he thought bitterly. He looked up at the viewing stand where his love stood next to Governor Swann and Commodore Norrington. No cold smiles there.

He turned his eyes to the gallows, and to the dark, slender man with a noose around his neck, whose fate was now in William's rough blacksmith hands. A good man. An honorable man, in his own way. A man that had taught him much, changing him from a naive boy into a much wiser young man.

Thanks were in order.

William Turner the Second took a deep breath...

... and stepped into destiny.