-Choice and Faith-

A Teen Titans Fan Fiction

By: The Darkside Incarnate

-Part Two: Faith-

I exhale happily, my feet moving faster then physically possible for a human being. But I'm a meta-human; I can do anything I want to.

'Especially when it comes to girls…' I smirk at the thought, cradling Jinx's body closer to my chest. Mere minutes ago I had dashed into her room and persuaded her to come with me with my devilish good looks.

Okay so I sort of had to force her to come with me, but whatever. She still wanted to come, regardless of what she said, or the signals she sent.

I grin to myself, knowing in my heart that this is indeed the case. Jinx digs me. I mean, she may be a sexy sorceress, but she's still human. No one can resist the Flash! Fastest boy alive! Soon to be boyfriend of the infamous bad-luck villainess!

Another smile graces my face, my quick as lightning mind already racing with the possibilities. What if Jinx DOES like me (scratch that…I know she likes me), what if we were boyfriend and girlfriend? Peanut Butter and Jelly? Thunder and lightning, two peas in a pod? Another bad analogy that I can't think of?

Now THAT would be awesome-ness. I grin to myself, noticing that we're scaling the building already. You see, technically, it takes about three seconds for me to reach Gotham, and two seconds to scale the building. All in all, it takes five seconds to come to my destination. I bet you're wondering how I can think all of this through when in five seconds. Well, my mind is as fast as my body. So, in the time it takes you to think through a plan and solution, I would already have put the plan into action and accomplished the task.

Yeah, I know I'm cool.

I skid to a halt, taking a half second to admire the view, before setting Jinx down on her feet. She doesn't stumble, like people usually do when I take them on trips. No, all she does is stare at the surrounding city, taking it all in.

"It's beautiful…" she says, her voice barely above a whisper. But the view is the last thing on my mind; Jinx is all that matters…her light skin shade, her glistening pink hair. She's a goddess.

"Yeah it is…" I manage to cloak my lust with a grin, and I can see Jinx's conflicting emotions as she stares at me.

She doesn't answer.

Five seconds.


"What's wrong?" I finally ask.

"You have another reason for bringing me here," she says robotically.

"What? No, that's crazy talk. I take people places for one reason and one reason only, we HEROES don't have hidden agendas; you should know, you are one!"

The lie feels like poison as it rolls off my tongue.

"You're a terrible liar," my face goes sober, the look of determination gone. I wonder if my Faith in Jinx is necessary, if it's worth it. I mean…how could she go all this time and not realize she's good? How is that even possible?

My next words come in a rush, and I'm reminded of that chick flick "mean girls" where there was something about "word vomit". Now I know what it means. "There is another reason that I brought you here I guess…I know how your Power works, Jinx. You sense the luck energy in the air," I can see her facial expressions flashing to anger, "and then you just tip it so that it turns bad. I know that you can sense how bad it is in this city. I know that you know that it's the villains who are causing most of it."

"So this whole visit was just another stupid attempt to sway me; to make me 'good'." Her voice is like a blade, driving straight into me. I take a step back, guilt scorching my veins.

"That's not true—"I try to deny it…but she sees right through me.

"Don't even fucking deny it Flash; I KNOW how your mind works. You think that if I hear a cry for help I'll run to it…you think I have a conscience. Well I don't. I'm soulless, evil. Dead inside. So stop messing with me," I can see tears welling up in her eyes, "just…stop it."

"Kid Flash…good was never an option, never a possibility…never even probable for me. I exist to cause conflict…to spread pain. In what twisted universe is that 'hero material?'"

"You always have a choice Jinx," I say, walking closer to her. I wrap my arms around her. "You can make your own destiny; you're the one in control." I draw on my faith in her, I cling to it, "This world isn't just black and white, there is always another way…just because you make bad luck doesn't mean you can't be good. It doesn't mean…doesn't mean that you can't be with me."

I watch as she looks into my eyes. Maybe she's searching for the truth inside me. Maybe she's searching for the light.

All of the courage that I've gathered seems to vanish in this one instant, for a terrifying millisecond I'm frozen…completely lost in her eyes.

Then the second ends, and I know just what to do.

My lips connect to hers, brilliant warmth swarms through me. I'm locked in the moment, taking it slow (big shocker I know…).

I finally step back and say three magic words into her ear "I love you…"

One second.



We're kissing again.

She steps back, before I'm ready to let go, but I know she has something to say so I wait patiently.

She looks at me, and again I see those conflicting emotions. "I…love you too," she says finally, and I can see that the good side has won out.

"How did you know I'd turn good…?" Jinx goes on.

"A little thing called faith."

"Thanks for bringing me here, where'd you get the idea?"

"It all started when this really cute girl with pink hair tried to rob a museum…"

The End

A/N Yeah, that's the end. Flash's part carried on a bit longer then Jinx's…so that's why there's some dialogue that wasn't in Jinx's part. I love the Flinx paring; it's so fun to write about.

Thanks for reading, oh, and speaking of that. Come to find out, I only have ONE review for this story. I know there are more of you who read this, at least tell me what you think of it.