Hahaha reading everyone's reviews make me laugh and feel guilty at the same time. I have the hardest time envisioning solutions to my cliffhangers. But I'll give it a try. I'm sure my writing style has changed since the last time I wrote, but bear with me. ^_^ I don't mind if people decide they want to adopt my story or wish to translate it into another language. I'll finish it someday. College is a very busy time for me, and I apologize to everyone if I forget to write for years at a time. It's happened before. I am currently studying abroad in Japan.

Anyway, it's been three years since my last update, so here's a nice long new chapter. I hope you all like it! Happy reading


Chapter 8:


"Take your clothes off," Came the command, Itachi's voice firm.

Sasuke's head snapped up, his eyes wide. Itachi's words reverberating over and over through his head.

"W—what?" he gasped out.

"You heard me, Sasuke. Take them off." Itachi said, his eyes burning into him.

Unsurprisingly, Sasuke just sat there on the ground looking overwhelmed.

Itachi smiled. Slowly advancing on his prey once again, Itachi could just feel his old blood begin to heat up with excitement. It'd been so long. So long since he'd felt the warmth of a lover… or taste the blood of a mortal in the throes of passion. He was getting a high just thinking about it. And poor Sasuke, he could see his terror from here. It was so … compelling.

Sasuke still looked shell shocked by the time Itachi had taken the four steps to the bed. Reaching out with a cold hand, Itachi gently reached out to cup Sasuke's cheek, rubbing his thumb tenderly over the soft skin.

He didn't dare move. Take your clothes off, Itachi had said. There was no way he could do that! What the hell was Itachi getting at? But the vampire was serious now. He could see it. He could feel Itachi's eyes burning into him, expectant, and yet frightening as he stood there. It wasn't the passive stare he usually received from Itachi. No, this one was calculating, as if he were looking into Sasuke's soul and then figuring out what to do with his findings. The touch on his cheek startled him, stilling his conflicting thoughts. He was frozen in place.

"I'm waiting, Sasuke." Itachi purred.

He couldn't move.

"Alright then. I'll just have to help you."

Help me? … "No! Don't—"But Itachi had already wrenched him into a brutal kiss, his hand tightening around the back of Sasuke's neck.

Itachi chuckled darkly, "Don't worry, Sasuke . . . it'll feel good. I promise."

Pushed back upon the bed, he could feel himself start to hyperventilate. This was happening. It was really happening. His hands kept trying to push the vampire away, but this time Itachi was having none of that.

Hands suddenly pinned above his head, "Stop! I don't want to do this—please! I—"Cut off by another vicious kiss, Itachi smirked down at him. "Hush Sasuke. Relax…," he whispered into the boy's neck, tasting the delicate skin there.

As the vampire settled himself between the boy's legs, Sasuke couldn't help but let out a whimper. Itachi would not be deterred. Following the line of the throat down to the collar of his shirt, he continued to place soft licks and open mouthed kisses down the pale expanse of exposed flesh. Squirming in the man's iron grip, Sasuke couldn't help but fight helplessly, hoping he would be freed if only he fought hard enough. It didn't happen.

Attacked with a sudden kiss to the mouth, Sasuke couldn't help but gasp out in surprise. Taking quick advantage of the moment, Itachi invaded the boy's mouth. Slowly drawing out small gasps from the boy's lips as he slowly and deliberately undid the buttons of Sasuke's button down shirt. Releasing kiss swollen lips, Itachi turned his attention to the newly exposed skin on the boy's chest. Looking down, Itachi saw it. Eyes shut tight, a heavy blush across pale cheeks, shallow labored breath, flushed skin. It was beautiful. He smirked. Experimentally, he rolled his hips forward into Sasuke's spread thighs. It was just as arousing as he thought it'd be. The kid's reaction was immediate. Letting out a startled cry, Sasuke's hips jerked back, forcing his back to arch almost violently into the hovering body above him. Eyes blown wide, Sasuke stared horrified up at his captor.

Swallowing thickly, Sasuke whispered, "Itachi—Master… Please. Please don't do this."

Itachi just stared down at him, a satisfied look on his face. "I don't think so. We've barely even begun. Besides… this is punishment. Remember?" He smirked.

"Now behave."

Letting go of the boy's hands, he was happy to notice no movement from him.

"Good boy."

Leaning down, he restarted his efforts on the boy's neck. It was slow, but rough, as he abused and marked his way down the boy's torso. Every once and awhile Sasuke would gasp and tense up when Itachi found a particularly sensitive spot.

Stifling a moan, he couldn't help but writhe under Itachi's ministrations. It was so hard. He'd never had to try so hard to keep quiet in all his life. He knew there was no point in struggling, so he did nothing. Itachi would only get angry if he tried to escape again. And that would only lead to pain he didn't want when the vampire would inevitably restart his task. It wasn't fair! He knew he shouldn't have provoked Itachi like that, but he couldn't help it. He was still only fifteen after all! Nearly sixteen now, but that wasn't the point. He was fairly sure this was not supposed to be in the cards for him! Why the hell did all the bad Joojoo end up on his plate? He was doing just fine before all this happened. Maybe it was karma? But that didn't make sense, because then that would mean on some level that he actually deserved this. No, that wasn't right. Or maybe he shouldn't have been so mean to Naruto…. That might have done it. It was possible, right? On the other hand, if he started believing in shit like karma… then that would mean that God might actually be real… and reincarnation…. but God wouldn't do this to him… would he? Maybe the people that believe in a vengeful God were actually right? No…. that's not right either. No divine intervention here. Suppressing another involuntary sound, Sasuke decided to change tactics. Damn Itachi…. Why couldn't he just stop? It was—it was good. Why did it have to feel so good? He hated that it felt so good. And the man hadn't really done anything yet! What the hell?!

Wrenched back into reality, razor sharp pain radiating from the juncture of his neck. Itachi, taking advantage of Sasuke's lax form, had gone for what he had wanted when he sought the boy out in the first place. Crying out, hands fisting into the material of the vampire's shirt, he let out a pained sob.

Fangs buried in the boy's throat, Itachi took great pleasure in taking blood from the tensed form below him. It had been such a long time since he'd allowed himself this. Sasuke was so accident prone. But now he was healthy enough. This small amount of blood loss would do him no harm. Taking just enough for the boy to get light headed, he pulled away.

He smiled down at his possession. Taking stock of the boy's hazy expression, he decided that yes, he still wanted to punish Sasuke. Painstakingly.

Licking off the remaining blood from the already closing punctures, hands moving down to slowly remove the boy's pants. Sasuke was still out of it. Focusing on his task, he was surprised to encounter a hand impeding his progress.

Sasuke was staring straight at him. "Don't…" He whispered quietly, propping himself up on the bed.

Well. This was no good.

Bodily picking him up, Itachi settled them both against the headboard. Sasuke's back tightly pressed against his chest. This was much better.

"Wha—?" Sasuke struggled, suddenly feeling dizzy as he was jerked into a sitting position.

Holding the boy more securely against himself, Itachi purred, "Relax for me, Sasuke."

Arms wrapping like steal restraints around his middle, Sasuke could do nothing to stop the shivers from traveling up his spine at Itachi's words. He felt so exposed. Violated almost. His shirt was falling off his shoulders, held in place by his arms only. Pants were open as well, threatening to slip off his narrow hips. Breathing heavily, he startled when Itachi licked a long line up his neck. He tried to lean away from it, but was yanked back almost immediately.

"Hold still," Itachi growled. He settled a small kiss on the skin directly below Sasuke's ear. "We're going to have some fun. Which means you need to cooperate…. Is that clear, Sasuke?"

What did he just say? NO! That was not okay! Not today, thank you!

Itachi's arm tightened around his middle in warning. "Sasuke?" came the low growl.

On the other hand… Maybe—Maybe it was better if he cooperated?

"No matter. It makes no difference to me whether you cooperate or not." Sasuke could practically hear the smirk in Itachi's words. He cringed in anticipation of Itachi's "Fun".

One of Itachi's hands came up to grab his chin, turning his face to receive a stern glare and a particularly rough kiss. It made his lips tingle a little.

And then the fun began.

In his mind, Sasuke wasn't quite sure what to expect. His teenage self-study of sex-ed was a little lacking and personal experience was definitely in need of a little more updating. This was WAY over his measly little bar of experience. A bar he'd earned mostly from interaction with Master.

Itachi chucked. "So tense," he murmured, nuzzling into the back of the boy's neck. His hand splayed over Sasuke's flat stomach.

"Relax. Let your body unwind…., "Itachi purred, deep voice washing over his entire body.

"Just like that. Good boy."

Slowly, Sasuke let his body relax. He knew he shouldn't, especially if this was part of the "fun". Finally, he let out a breath he hadn't even realized he had been holding. He was slumped against Itachi now, the man's head still resting firmly on his right shoulder.

Itachi kissed his shoulder, the hand on his stomach beginning to make little circles on his bare skin. It made him twitch uncomfortably every once in a while, but overall it just kind of tickled.

It was probably the silence and the repetitive motion of Itachi's hand that made him so complacent. But when the man's hand got nearer and nearer to the band of his underwear, he barely noticed. When the vampire's hand finally slipped inside, wrapping around his length firmly, there was no preventing the full body jerk and cry that escaped his lips. Curling forward, he tried to pry the man's hands away.

"Stop! What are you doing?" He tried to pull away, however Itachi only tightened his grip. Pulling the boy back against his front.

Head still firmly planted on the boy's shoulder, Itachi chuckled, "Sssh Sasuke." Not only did Itachi not stop, he began to rub him. Again and again. Up and down. It—it was. It was maddening. He could hardly contain his little sounds of pleasure, gasping aloud at the feeling of the man's hand between his legs.

"Stooop . . . ,"Sasuke whimpered, "Please."

Itachi just used the hand that had been used to restrain him to turn his head for a deep kiss.

"Feels good, doesn't it, Pet?" Itachi hummed.

It was no use trying to reason with Itachi. There was no getting out of this.

Sagging against his master again, he couldn't help but tense every time Itachi touched him with that rhythmic groping of his. It made him writhe and twist. It felt so different than when he did this to himself. It was so embarrassing. But Itachi was right… it did feel good. He could feel himself getting hard. He was getting hot, breath becoming ragged as he struggled to get the much needed air to his rapidly beating heart. Itachi stroked him faster and faster, making his toes curl in pleasure. It was as if the vampire was teasing him. It wasn't enough, but he wasn't sure if he wanted more. Biting into his lower lip hard, he tried as hard as he could not to let Itachi have the satisfaction of hearing him moan like a whore. But ultimately, that was exactly what he was giving the bastard! This was bad. The feeling of it raced through him, sending flashes of lightning up his spine and back down to pool in his groin. His legs had begun to shake. It was so overwhelming in its intensity, he felt so helpless in his efforts to stave it off.

Beautiful. That's what it was. This lovely creature he'd manhandled for the better part of an hour was so very painfully beautiful. It was so easy to wring those delicious sounds from his mouth. So easy to keep him exactly where he wanted him. This boy, so very frustrating, so disobedient, but more entertaining than anything he had found in the last three hundred years.

At the moment, he was debating with himself. Should he take the boy now? Or wait? On the other hand, he had been waiting for quite some time now. That incident with Sasori had really done a number on the kid. And because of that, he had avoided feeding from Sasuke. He'd even gone so far as to venture back to the human world to protect Sasuke from his growing blood lust. Which was just absurd in the first place. Perhaps he was growing soft? That just wouldn't do. No, the waiting was over. He was so hungry. Not just for the boy's blood. No, AB- was rare, and it was definitely mouthwateringly delicious. But there was time enough for that later. He was so hungry. He ached to touch the boy. Even now, as he was wrapped around the writhing mortal, he needed more. Becoming rougher with his ministrations, he could feel the heat radiating off that pale skin. The panted breaths, soft gasps, stifled moans, flushed skin… it all went straight to his groin. So sweet. The musk of sweat and arousal settled heavily on his tongue. A ravenous appetite settled at his very core, pulling at the last strings of restraint left within him. Sasuke would bend for him. Moan for him. Dance with the agony of overwhelming desire. All for him. He could feel it. Taste it. And he wanted more.

As Sasuke shuttered with the beginnings of release, Itachi pulled away.

"Not yet, Sasuke. Not yet," he soothed. "The fun isn't over yet."

An inarticulate whine, the only reply he received. Itachi pushed the boy forward onto his stomach, leaving him collapsed in a heap of panting, flushed teenager in the middle of the bed. Lovely.

Getting up, Itachi began to shed his clothes. Slowly, carefully, he made sure Sasuke watched as every last piece of clothing was unbuttoned, and discarded upon the floor. Left now in only a pair of boxers, he had Sasuke's undivided attention. The mortal's eyes trained on every movement he made, breathing more measured than before, posture guarded and apprehensive. It was overwhelmingly clear that Sasuke knew what he had in mind this time.

As Itachi began stalking back toward the bed, Sasuke sat straight up and started backpedalling as fast as he could.

"No. No! Hell no! You're not thinking—I don't want to—you can't! There's no way!" He shouted, panicking now in his haste to get away.

Undeterred, Itachi hauled the boy back by an ankle.

Unfortunately for him, Sasuke was not to be underestimated! Determined not to be the victim, he doled out a particularly vicious kick to Itachi's face. And another. And another!

"Take THAT! And THAT! You rapist! Don't TOUCH me!" he screamed, furious at the rather smug looking vampire still firmly attached to his ankle. "This is all your fault! I knew this would happen!"

Itachi had to chuckle. Catching the next kick, he used it to turn the boy over onto his stomach. With a surprised, unhappy sound, Sasuke found himself steadfastly trapped. Arm twisted back and locked firmly underneath his shoulder blade in his captor's iron grip.

With Itachi now hovering above the boy's lower back, full weight used to keep him in place. Sasuke let out a defeated groan, uselessly waggling his remaining arm and legs in a last ditch effort at freedom.

"Why meeee..?" Sasuke grumbled miserably with a sigh, going boneless beneath the vampire's hold.

"Resistance is futile, pet," Itachi said, leaning close. "Did I not make it clear who you belonged to? Or has it just not sunk in yet? You are mine. Struggle all you like, but I will take what I want." Running a hand along the boy's bare skin, "And you… will give it to me… You will cry, and beg, and scream… all for me." He whispered. "Now submit! I will not ask again."

Swallowing thickly, he let his body go lax," Yes, Master."

"Good boy."Itachi smirked with a caress down the boy's spine. "Now do as I say and it won't hurt. This is punishment, after all."

This was humiliating! If anyone back home ever caught wind of this, he'd NEVER live it down. Not that going home was likely, but that wasn't the point! This was sex we were talking about. At least… he was pretty sure that's what Itachi was going for. Virginal nervousness aside, he had the very distinct urge to scream. Not only that, but the world seemed to have closed around him. The sunny skies of afternoon still cast long shadows within the dark confines of the room, darkening with every cloud that passed overhead. The birds had gone mute, but every movement the vampire made seemed to echo across the room. The slide of sheets as Itachi shifted, the soft hiss of skin against skin, the hammering of his own heart. The silence was deafening. With every touch, every soft sensual movement, every slither of fabric… his world grew smaller. Focused on the pinpoints of contact with the man above. He was still so very hot from their earlier activities, these new touches merely helping to rekindle the fire he had only just managed to escape from. It hurt. It burned. It was good. Electric fingers spidering up and down his frazzled nerves. It came in waves. Small at first… then stronger. More. It was painful. Slow. Building. Breathe coming now in short gasps. It was as if the sun itself had taken up residence within his body. It was agony… soft. Slow… torturous agony.

Shifting the boy over onto his back once more, Itachi couldn't help but admire his work. Breathtaking. Sasuke lay, sprawled haphazardly across the bed. Flushed, breathless, eyes unfocused. Pupils blown wide.

Body caged in with Itachi's arms on either side of him, Sasuke stared straight into the fiery eyes of his master. There was hunger there. The fires of need shining luminously from within. His own desire igniting into want from the sheer yearning embodied in Itachi's eyes. It was so confusing, but he wanted this man to touch him. Everywhere, nowhere, maybe, definitely, no! He didn't know.

Eyes still glued to the ebony pools within the eyes of his pet, Itachi descended into a slow, sensuous capture of the soft lips below. Sluggishly, they deepened the kiss. The slide and slip of twining tongues. Soft. Wet. Coaxing. Drawing forth feverish passion in its wake. Here too, it burned.

"Are you ready?" the man whispered.

This was it. This is where it started.

"Yes…" came the murmured reply. What else was there to say?

The soft rustle of clothing being removed. The slide of skin. Slither of cloth. The feeling of cool, silken sheets beneath his heated flesh. It was all so surreal. It almost didn't feel real at all. An out of body experience at best. But it was real. He knew that… could feel it, taste it… see it. So very real.

They were naked. Both of them now. Glistening with sweat, hair out of its usual binding, Itachi's eyes looked upon him with such admiration. Burning with lust straight through the skin he had caressed only moments ago. Cradling the boy's slim frame to his own, arm slung possessively around his waist, pulling them together. Nuzzling the neck, "This is going to be uncomfortable… bear with it."

Sasuke, eyes trained on the man's every move, watched as he moved into the space between his legs. Gentle, with fire in his eyes, Sasuke was propped up. Bloody gaze directed straight into his own. Two fingers were suddenly pressed against his slightly parted lips.

"Suck." Came Itachi's command.

With slight hesitation, Sasuke took the two digits into his mouth, rolling them over his tongue, generously coating them with saliva.

"Enough." Came the order, and he released Itachi's fingers.

The heat being generated between them now was enormous. The tension making him edgy with apprehension.

Flipping his pet over once again onto hands and knees, he placed steadying hands on the boy's hips. Taking the time to feel the skin beneath his fingers, it was all he could do to keep himself from plunging savagely forward. He could feel Sasuke shaking in his grip… so helpless… so his. He could sense the fear. Could almost see it as it rose in wisps off his slight frame. Just looking at him gave the vampire shivers.

He dared not move. He couldn't move. He could even feel himself start to tremble under the raw hunger he could feel radiating from the man. As a shudder lanced itself down his spine, Sasuke could only wait in mounting distress as the vampire took his time debating how best to devour him.

Leaning forward to place a lazy kiss to the jugular, the predator circled a finger around the boy's entrance, earning a quick intake of breath in reaction.

Slowly, dipping his fingers into the tight heat of the young man's ass, he whispered," Does it feel good, Sasuke? How does it feel?"

Sliding in and out, unhurried… deliberately slow. The man made sure he felt every. Single. Touch. Biting his lip, he curled, and writhed, silently trying to escape the uncomfortable feeling pooling into his extremities. When he leaned too far forward, the hand at his hip pulled him back.

"Stop… it—it hurts… haa…" He gasped out.

The twist. The stretch. No one had ever touched him there before. It hurt. It burned. It felt strange… Ever so slowly, he felt the man add another finger, go deeper, and yet… the motions stayed the same. Sliding in. Out. Twisting. Turning. Stretching. Again. And again. And again. Deeper. More. It hurt. It made his toes curl. Made him squirm.

And then he felt it. Three fingers in, deeper now than before, and the same motions as before, now rubbed against something that sent pleasure shooting through him at every pass. Fleeting at first, then becoming more and more insistent as the man behind him took stock in his responses. Breathing heavy, slow breaths, and now rocking with the movement of those fingers… it didn't hurt anymore. No, even worse, he could hardly contain the little sounds of pleasure the man's fingers milked from him. It was that terrible agony from before all over again. But this time, the vampire hadn't so much as touched his cock. No… only those fingers. The twist and slip of those clever fingers was all Itachi required to make him hot.

As suddenly as they'd come, they were gone. It left him feeling overwhelmingly bereft and empty to the very core.

For one terrible moment… he was alone.

All was quiet.

Then, with a touch that seemed almost holy, the vampire caressed him. The cool hand felt like balm to his fevered body. Pressing him gently into the mattress below, the touch calmed him, even as the hand returned to settle at his hip once again.

"Relax…" came the softly murmured command.

Letting out a breath, Itachi finally allowed himself to plunge forward into the tight heat of the body before him. It was glorious. Almost better than he had imagined it would be. So tight.

Now with a smirk firmly plastered on his face, Itachi set a fast grueling pace, firmly intending to wring every last sweet cry from Sasuke's honeyed lips….


… Master was away… it was now or never. He may never be presented with this chance again….

…. And it was PERFECT!

Standing in the middle of Itachi's bedroom, Sasuke let out a happy, slightly insane laugh.

Haha. He would have his revenge. Petty… slightly childish, yes… but it was his revenge. No one ever said anything about revenge having to be clever or witty. No, it was nothing even close to that. And it would certainly make him feel better! Itachi would pay for the humiliation he'd exposed him to! Making him do such a thing… really. He was pretty sure escape was a moot point now, but that didn't mean he couldn't make that man regret keeping him confined here. Oh no…. clever it was not… but satisfying it would definitely be!

…. He also doubted Itachi would ever leave him on his own again…. But let's not focus on that for the moment.

The manor was nearly empty now. The vampire having left him in Kakashi's capable hands… and other than the slightly eccentric house keeper and Deidara, who were both in the midst of their own mischief, there was no one who was really keeping an eye on him. Having procured a box of matches from the kitchen this morning, another box from the mantel above the fireplace in the lounge, another from the foyer that was used to light the lamps at night, and finally the last conveniently from the bedside table in the bedroom… it seemed he was set to begin.

With glee radiating from his rather twisted smile, Sasuke lit the first match. This was so easy. He'd never realized how easy it was to set things on fire. Not that he'd ever had many vengeful thoughts before either, but it seemed like something that shouldn't have been quite so easily carried out.

Giggling to himself, Sasuke dropped the match… right onto the satiny sheets of Itachi's giant mahogany bed. Quickly dropping two more, he watched in rapture as the flames danced across the fabric until the flames began to lick hungrily at the ancient wood.

Why did I never think to set things on fire before?! This is AWESOME!

After that, he happily destroyed the curtains and the rug… leaving to bedroom, he carefully closed the door. Walking calmly through the deserted halls, he dropped match after match, setting fire to anything that seemed flammable enough.

Curtains, rugs, couches, chairs… nothing was safe. Doilies, wall hangings, beds, clothes, pillows…. Everything Sasuke could get his hands on became doused in the fiery fingers of the rapidly spreading flames.

When his supply of matches finally ran out… calm as you please, Sasuke walked out the front door and stood in front of the house. It was a lovely day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Sasuke couldn't ever remember being more satisfied with himself than he was at that very moment.

Deciding to find a comfortable place to sit against the fountain in the courtyard, he settled in to wait as his masterpiece took form before his eyes. Closing his eyes in contentment, soaking up the warmth of the midday sun against his back, he couldn't help but anticipate the look on Itachi's face when he returned home. He really hoped Itachi took the time to appreciate his efforts. After all, it wasn't every day that one's house shone as brightly as the sun.

. . .

Nearly an hour later, Itachi let out a long suffering sigh as he looked upon the inferno spewing from the upper windows of his home.

Still staring blankly up at the steadily burning household, he asked, "Kakashi?... why is my house on fire?"

Kakashi, busy trying to save a piece of charred metal, distractedly pointed off to the side.

Aiming his gaze in the indicated direction, his eyes landed on a teenager perched at the edge of the fountain looking gleefully up at the hellish destruction.

As if drawn by his gaze, bottomless pools of ebony locked with his own deep crimson irises. Smirk blossoming across young features, the boy turned to face him, head tilting to one side, chin thrust out arrogantly.

It was then that a challenge rang out…

Without a single word… Itachi heard it.

In a voice quiet yet firm…

It whispered…

The game begins now. Catch me if you can… Master

Posted 11:00pm 10/14/2013 Nagoya, Japan