Temperance Brennan stood on an outcrop of rocks watching the ocean. She lost herself in the methodical coming and going of the huge waves. The salty sea spray bit into her face and a cool breeze whipped her hair around. She pulled her jacket tighter across her body, trying to warm herself.

A sudden noise from behind caused her to jump. She turned to find Booth with his hands in his pockets.

"You followed me," she said with accusing eyes. She turned her back to the special agent. Though she was watching the waves again, her body was still tuned into Booth's and she could sense his every move.

He stayed where he was, wanting to give Brennan her space. "You took off pretty quickly. I wanted to make sure you were alright."

"I'm fine." She folded her arms across her chest in another attempt to warm up.

"Bones, you are not fine."

"I am. And don't call me Bones."


She turned, startled that he had skipped straight from Bones to Temperance. He still stood a few feet away from her, but she could see the intensity that burned in his eyes. His windbreaker flapped in the wind, adding to the noise.

"Temperance, you are not okay." He waited for her to say something. She didn't. "It's Mother's Day, Tempe, and your mother is gone. You aren't–"

"Stop." Her voice was quavering, but Booth could tell that she was trying to hide her emotions.

He didn't stop. "You aren't fine, Bones. You aren't."

She turned her back to him once again. Booth was beginning to worry that he was making her mad. He still didn't back down though.

"Temperance, look at me."

She faced him with a pained expression. A single tear coursed down her check. Booth followed its progress until it disappeared under her chin. She didn't speak.

"This is… this is good, Tempe. Showing emotions, it feels good, doesn't it?" He wasn't trying to be a jerk, he just didn't know what else to say. He couldn't remember ever seeing her cry before.

She shook her head. "Is this what you want? To see me weak like this?"

"Bones, no. This isn't being weak. This is being human." He tried to put it in a way she would understand.

Another tear fell from her other eye. She quickly wiped it away. "I can't even deal with my emotions." She sniffled. "That's being weak."

Booth picked his way across the rocks over to his partner. He stopped when he stood just a foot away from her. "Temperance, you have got to be the most un-weak person I know." She smiled. "I think that crying makes you stronger."

"Thanks." The corners of her mouth were curling up in a smile. "And I wasn't crying." As she was saying this, one last tear made its way down from her blue-gray eye.

"Yes, you–" Booth stopped himself before he upset her even more. He moved closer and they both watched the waves crash against the rocks beneath their feet. He had the urge to say something sentimental, but he had an inkling that she might not understand.

He gave her another smile instead, hoping it would convey the same meaning. "Come on, Bones. Let's go."

She reached out and took his hand.