a/n: I had the sudden inspiration to write this story, and soooo... I did. xD I'm very happy with it, although excuse any minor faults in the recreation of this scene. I was too lazy to go back and actually re-read the chapter. I'm not even sure Matsumoto was present. Let's pretend she is. ;)Definate Histu/Hina, although I'm a little bit mean to Hinamori here. Some mention of Hina/Aizen. Reviews are appreciated if you read it and enjoyed it!


"Please, Toshiro-kun!"


"Rescue Aizen-taichou!"

Perhaps these thoughts are not quite true, but Matsumoto thinks them anyway.

Her eyes flicker from the screen to the boy. Dear God, he's just a boy. He might act older sometimes, but he's just a kid. And one with a good heart, at that. He's looking away, away from the crying girl that he grudgingly calls his best friend. That he's loved since forever.

The girl with the too-big eyes sniffs a little more, and her lips pout out pathetically. Worst of all is the look in her eyes: a look of pure, genuine sorrow. A sorrow that's deep. This girl - dear God, she's just a girl - is too young to look that sad. And she's so innocent. Like a puppy, or..

Matsumoto's always liked Hinamori, and her heart goes out to the girl. But there are few times she's felt more hate welling up inside her.

The tears start flowing again and she sobs out loud. She is pulled off of the screen.

Matsumoto glances back at the boy. His eyes are empty, hollow, and he stares into the floor. But she feels her skin prickle when she realizes that she does not see what the cogs of his mind are up to. This is very, very worrisome. Because Matsumoto knows him well. And if there's one thing he takes more seriously than his work, it's Hinamori.

He's considering answering her plea. She is not begging for herself, but for the man that killed her. It's like seeing a puppy, beaten by it's master, only to come crawling back whimpering.

He's repugnant, a master manipulator. Perhaps he doesn't know it, but these tricks have been passed on to his unwitting dog. How can Hinamori not see the total control that she has over Matsumoto's taichou?
