Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters of charmed, nor Charmed itself, however I do own this storyline

Summery: Set during Season 6 of Charmed, after Chris-Crossed and before Legend of Sleepy Halliwell. A girl comes to the past (no not what you're thinking) to bring Chris back, and the Charmed Ones decide to follow this time. Chris soon finds out what's happened to his family while he's been away.

New Surprises.

Chapter 1: The Trip

Chris was alone in the attic, he spent a lot of time here, reading through the book, trying to find that demon that turned his older brother evil.

"Chris?" he heard his mother call him.

"Up here, Piper." He called down to her, of course she still did not know who he was. He was hoping he would get through this trip without her ever finding out. He looked up to the sound of footsteps to see Piper, Phoebe, Paige and Leo, who was holing baby Wyatt, walk in. Uh oh, was he in trouble?

"What's up?" Chris asked, trying to sound casual.

"We just want to clear something up," Leo stated, he still did not trust the young whitelighter, but he had just saved his son from The Order just the other day, "It's about Wyatt."

Before anybody had a chance to say anything a portal opened up on a wall. Everybody in the attic looked towards it to see a young girl step out. Chris instantly recognised her.

"Peyton, what are you doing here?" Chris asked, looking at the young girl with dark brown hair. She was covered in dirt, obviously from all the hiding out she had been doing.

"Chris, we need you back."

"Who's this?" Phoebe asked, "Another girlfriend from the future?" Chris looked at Phoebe slightly hurt and then back at the young girl.

"Bianca's come back then." Peyton asked, slightly coldly.

"She's dead, Pey, he killed her." Chris explained, "Why do you need me back."

"It's Melinda," Peyton looked like she was going to cry, "She's…well…for the past three months…she…"

"Peyton!" Chris shouted, fear ran through his body at the sound of his sister's name.

"Wyatt has her, and we haven't seen her for three months."

"What about Ryan, had he not…?" But Chris stopped as Peyton shook her head.

"Ok, you got a spell to take us back?" Chris asked, seeing that the portal had now closed. Peyton nodded and took a piece of paper out of her pocket.

"Chris, you're seriously just going to go back?"

"I need to, my family needs me."

So this was his family. Leo stepped forward.

"You're not going back alone," Leo told the whitelighter, "You don't whether you can trust her."

Chris laughed, now his father was showing that he cared.

"I know I can trust her, Leo," Chris stared at him straight in the eye, "She's my cousin."

"Well, we're coming with you." Paige stated, moving closer to Chris.

"Chris…if they…" Peyton started, the Charmed Ones could not come to their future, if they died before their time everything would go completely wrong.

"Paige is right," Piper agreed, "You're not making another trip to the future alone."

Chris could not argue with that and looked at Peyton, seeing the fear in her eyes.

"It's ok," Chris explained, "He won't do anything to kill them yet."

"I'm coming with you." Leo worriedly said to Piper.

"No, you stay here with Wyatt."

"We can bring Wyatt with us."

"Whatever, Chris can we go. I left Henry and Prue alone. If he finds out he'll easily take them out."

Chris nodded, his 18-year-old cousin was right, his two younger cousins did not have enough power, wait she only mentioned two of the cousins.


"I'll explain when we get there, right now the family really need you."

Stopping her from saying anything, Chris took the spell, reading over it once to make sure it would work.

"Ok, draw the Triquetra." Chris instructed his young cousin and turned to mom and aunts.

"I should really stop you from coming with us, but you won't listen to me, but I will ask you to leave Leo and Wyatt here."

"Chris…" Leo started but was cut off by Phoebe.

"He's right, you two stay here."

Leo sighed, defeated and looked at the whitelighter and his cousin.

Once the Triquetra was drawn, Chris turned to the Charmed Ones.

"I hope you're ready to see what your son has done to the future." And then said the spell. The blue portal opened, and Piper turned to her ex-husband and son.

"We'll be back soon."

With that all five jumped into the portal, to find themselves in a run down house. Chris looked up to see his two cousins sitting on an old couch looking worried.

"Chris!" Prue screamed and ran to him. She may have been 16, but he feared that what Wyatt was doing was causing her to have a breakdown. She acted like such a child. Henry on the other hand was only 17, but acted like he was way older.

"Why are they here?" Henry asked his older cousin, looking at the Charmed Ones.

"Chris couldn't talk them out of it." Peyton rolled her eyes as she ran to make sure her younger sister, Prue, was ok.

"It's ok, nobody came, you weren't gone long enough," Henry looked to his cousin, "But Melinda's not back. You know, right Chris?" Henry suddenly realised that when Chris was here, Melinda was. Of course it was all their fault that Melinda had been caught by Wyatt.

Chris nodded his head as a demon shimmered in with a body, dropped the body and shimmered out.

"Wasn't that Ryan?" Peyton asked, as everybody else stared at what had just happened. Chris was the first one to move.

"Melinda!" Chris called as he ran to the body that was in the room. She was in rags, that seemed to be covered in blood. As he got to her, he could see cuts and bruises all over her, "Melinda?" He said softly, as he heard her coughing.

"I'll never tell…" the room heard her faint voice, "You'll never find them…no matter what you do to me."

"Melinda, it's me Chris…" Chris said, realising that she must have gone through some torture.

"No you're not, stop the glamouring Wyatt, I'll never tell you." Chris sighed, if she had been gone for three months and she was like this, then she must have gone through some horrid torture.

"Mel, honey," Peyton cried, as she realised what Melinda must have gone through, "It's me Peyton, Chris is here, I brought him back from the past."

"Wyatt stop it, I'd rather die then tell you where they are," Melinda looked at 'Peyton', Wyatt had never done this to her, he had never put both of them in front of her, he was getting desperate, "You will never find them."

"Find who?" Chris asked, running his hand through his sister's hair.

"Chris, what's going on?" Piper asked, as she looked at the young girl.

"My sister, Henry, heal her."

Henry did as he was told, hoping it would help Melinda come to her senses.

"Henry?" Melinda said weakly, Wyatt would never heal her cuts. She felt herself being sat up, so Henry could heal her back and then looked at where she was. She was back home, well what she and her cousins called home. It was a dump, a filthy dump, but it was where they had been hiding for three years now. She was actually surprised that Wyatt had not managed to find it and burn it down yet. She then saw who was there, her cousins, her brother and the Charmed Ones, this was not one of Wyatt's tricks. He never brought the Charmed Ones into her torture sessions, she did not know them long enough to trust in them, even if they were her family.

"Chris?" She looked at her brother, "Tell me something so I know it's really you."

"Ok," Chris thought and the smiled, "When I finally escaped from Wyatt you brought me to your hideout and stayed by my side for weeks, you wouldn't let me go."

Melinda smiled slightly and titled her head to one side, Wyatt would not know that, would he?

"And, when mom died, you tried in vain to heal her. You knew that you couldn't, you didn't have enough power then, but you still tried and I stayed with you for weeks on end while you had the nightmares. And you were the first one to realise that Wyatt was evil…"

Suddenly he felt arms wrap around his neck, "Oh God Chris!" he heard her sob. He was slightly taken aback, he had not seen her cry since she was 11, since she tried to save their mom from death. After that day she had turned her feelings off, she never showed if she was happy, sad, excited, nothing, well until she and Ryan realised that they loved each other, but she had still never cried, at least not in front of anybody.

"Mel, what happened?" Peyton asked quietly. She looked to the Charmed Ones who were just staring at her in shock.

"Nothing." Melinda shook her head as she remembered so many people were in the room. She wiped her eyes dry and pulled away from her older brother, but he would not let her go. She winced as he ran his hands down her back.

"I couldn't heal everything," Henry admitted, "I think he's put some sort of spell on them." He could see the marks, blatantly from a whip, possibly a 'cats and nines tail'.

"What are you doing here?" Melinda asked, as she finally stood up. She pushed her knotted blonde hair behind her ears.

"Peyton came back, saying you guys needed me."

"We don't need you Chris, go back to the past and take those three with you. They shouldn't be here."

She's back, Chris thought, Why does she have to be so cold all the time?

"Honey, with you gone, we were going to pieces," Peyton admitted to her 19-year-old cousin, "We were sitting ducks without you around."

"How long were I gone?" Melinda asked.

"Three months." Came a reply from Prue.

"Please tell me you got the blue prints," Melinda sighed, "I did not go through hell to find out we have to go back."

"We got them."

"Blue prints?" Chris asked, she had got herself caught for some blue prints.

"Yes blue prints, to Wyatt's mansion," Melinda explained, as she looked at the disk that Henry gave her, "We're storming the place."

The Charmed Ones looked on while the siblings fought, Piper was amazed at how much Chris seemed to care for her, yet she just pushed him away.

"Wyatt's mansion?" Phoebe asked, trying to find out what these teenagers were doing. Melinda had been through three months of what looked like torture, and now she was talking about storming a mansion.

"You need to go back to your own time." Melinda said coldly.

"Melinda!" Henry shouted at her cousin.

"What, Henry?" Melinda asked, "I didn't go through three months of pure hell at the hand of her son for these three to come to the future and completely screw everything up."

Melinda took the disk to her laptop, which was sat in a corner. Turning on the laptop she put the disk in.

"This had better be what we need. Otherwise someone else can go through that son of a bitch's mind games."

"Melinda!" This time it was Chris, since the 'son of a bitch's' mother was standing in front of her.

"I'm not going to be nice about him Chris," Melinda stated, "You may still feel some loyalty to him, but he stopped being our brother the day he turned his back and killed everybody we loved."

"Brother?" Paige asked, picking up on what Melinda was saying.

"Damn, Melinda," Chris breathed, "I've managed to keep my identity a secret for nearly seven months now and you've just completely screwed it up."

"I didn't ask you to bring them here. In fact, I didn't ask you to come back. Go back to the past, Chris, try and save him. But guess what, I'm not interested in saving him I'm gonna kill him."

"You won't kill my baby." Piper shouted to the girl who she had just found out was her daughter. Melinda just looked at her and scoffed, going back to check the disk her cousin had just given her.

"Did you see Hannah?" Peyton asked Melinda, trying to lighten the mood. Melinda stared at the laptop screen, pretending she had not heard the question, "Mel? Did you see her?"

"She's not being tortured, if that's what you're wondering." Melinda whispered, hoping that they would not catch on to what she was saying.

"She's changed sides?" Prue asked, thinking about her 18-year-old cousin, Henry's sister. Again, Melinda acted like she had not heard them.

"How many of you are there?" Phoebe asked, "I mean, if you two are Wyatt's brothers, then your cousins are mine and Paige's kids, right?"

Chris looked at his Aunt Phoebe and looked at Peyton. Phoebe had only died a few years ago, and it hit Peyton and Prue hard, they did not need to see her now and then lose her in a few hours, days…damn, how long were they going to be here?

"How did I get back?" Melinda suddenly thought. There was an anti-orbing spell in the dungeons, so obviously somebody sent her back.

"Ryan brought you back." Peyton answered, then saw the look of shock on her face. Ryan had been working both sides for a few years now, but this was the first time that he had done something stupid enough to be caught out.

"Shit!" Melinda said to herself, going back to the laptop.

"So, what's been going on?" Chris asked, finally happy that his sister was back to her normal self.

"You don't want to know," Henry shook his head, "They don't want to know." Obviously he was talking about the Charmed Ones, that were still surprised at what was going on in the future.

"What's happened to this place?" Paige asked, feeling sorry for the young girl sat with the laptop, who seemed engrossed in something.

"Wyatt." Prue stated before Melinda could, knowing her feelings towards her younger brother.

"How did it happen?" Piper asked, looking at her second son who was now sat with his male cousin trying to get information.

"I told you," Chris looked up to his mother, "I don't know which demon managed it. For all we know it could have been The Order, but the future's still the same so it obviously wasn't."

"We only know it was before Chris was born." Peyton answered, realising that Chris had obviously gone over this with them before.

"How do you know that?" Phoebe asked, intrigued.

"Just something you told us years ago."

Chris stood up, looking at each of the sisters in turn.

"I shouldn't have let you come," he shook his head, "This isn't something you need to see."

"Maybe it is, Chris," Piper softly said to her son, "Maybe we needed to see this to understand why you're so neurotic."

Just then, they heard a scoff from the corner. They looked around to see Melinda looking at them.

"Wyatt never turned him neurotic," Melinda coldly stated, "He was neurotic from birth."

"Mel, what's your problem at the moment?" Henry asked, sensing her being colder than usual, especially towards Chris.

"I've been through three months of torture, figure it out."

The whole room went quiet, you could cut the tension with a knife. The sound of movement came from Melinda, everybody watched as she stood up and walked towards the kitchen. There was a sound of something smashing and then her scream. Chris and Piper ran in to see her throwing energy balls at a wall. Finally she stopped and collapsed to the ground, leaning against the scorched wall, with her knees tucked up and her hand running through her hair.

Piper looked towards her son, she could not go near the poor girl, for some reason she hated her being there, but at this moment in time she hated everyone being around.

"I can't keep fighting, Chris," Melinda finally whispered, "Every time he pulled me in for more torture, every time the whips hit my back, each time I wanted to give in to him, tell him everything that he wanted to know," Melinda looked up and could see tears forming in her brother's and mother's eyes, "But the thought of you in the past trying to save this stopped me. Ryan being there each time helped me. Seeing the pain in his eyes every time the whips or energy balls hit, helped me through it."

Chris knelt down with his sister and pulled her into a hug, he kissed the top of her hair as she finally let loose all the tears she had built up through the years.

Piper saw the love come from Chris and felt guilty for not trusting him. He was trying to save his family, he was not trying to hurt Wyatt, he had obviously thought killing Wyatt was a last resort, he had not even tried to kill him in his own time, let alone when he was a baby.

"Don't give up," Chris whispered to Melinda, "You're better than that and you know it."

Just then a demon shimmered into the room. Piper looked up and was just about to blow him up when Melinda and Chris shouted no. Melinda stood up and ran to the demon, that was when Piper got a better look, it was the demon that had brought Melinda here.

"Ryan, what are you doing here? If Wyatt finds out…"

"Screw Wyatt, ok? After what he's done to you. I needed to make sure you were ok, I needed to see you." Ryan pulled the girl to him and kissed her.

Melinda wrapped her arms around her and pulled her body as close as she could to the demon.

"He's good," Chris explained to Piper, "Actually, he's that little manticore baby."

"And you wanted to vanquish that little manticore baby." Phoebe said, as she entered the room.

"You wanted to vanquish me?" Ryan pulled away from Melinda and looked at his girlfriend's brother.

"I didn't want you to be all over my sister." Chris looked at him, they had always hated each other, mainly because Ryan was Wyatt's friend, well ex-friend, and was sleeping with his younger sister.

"You should go," Melinda kissed Ryan again, "We can't have Wyatt finding out, not when we're closer than ever to storming that place."

Ryan understood, they needed people on the inside. They already had four demons and two witches, and that was not enough, so they could not lose one.

"I'll be back if there's any news." Ryan stated and shimmered out.

"Great, my daughter dates a demon in the future."

Melinda gave her mother a dirty look and left the room, going back to the laptop, back to the blue prints.


Ok, there's a little insight to my idea. I'm not entirely sure where this is going at the moment, but got the idea and had to go with it. Please read and review anyway