A Friendly Introduction:

Okay, I know there are going to be some complaints in the direction of "this isn't a chapter," but first let me explain some things.

If you enjoy Saiyuki as much as I do, then you get annoyed with all the rather suck-y fan-fictions on I truly understand your pain. However, for those of you that like the anime, then I'm going to disappoint you. I'm going to be following the manga series of events. They're sooo much better.

Now that's not to say that I'm going to make it any less funny.

Also, my character I'm going to be inserting is more or less going to have to receive powers. She'll die if she doesn't, after all. She will receive some sort of weapon. At the moment, I'm not quite sure what it will be, but rest assured. She will survive the youkai. Whether or not she survives Sanzo is a completely different story.

And now I'm grinning sadistically for those of you who cannot see past the computer screen to your dear author.

Lastly, every chapter, save for the prologue, is the name of a book. Some have to do with the story of the book I had titled the chapter after… Others have to do with the similarities to the situation. You'll understand if you read the manga and the books I reference.


After all… I did put up the prologue to set the mood…


—Khait Khepri—


"Hello." Language Understood

"Hello." Language Not Understood

"Om." Chant

"Hello." Disembodied Voice, as in completely different place, not just around the corner (or emphasis

A combination of these bits and pieces can happen (like in chapter 2 where Rikudo is chanting in another language). Don't get mad at me for not doing the whole tons of Japanese language thing… I don't know all that much.

Again… Ta.

Disclaimer: Saiyuki isn't owned by me. While it pains me to say this, it is true. So don't sue me, please?
Prologue: Just A Book

It was raining. Now, upon hearing this, one would assume that it was a dark and stormy night. Not so. It was actually a summer storm during the day…

…On a Saturday.

Roxanna wasn't the least bit happy that she was virtually stuck at home. Her parents wouldn't let her borrow their cars. Tim was not in a giving mood either. And HER car was in the shop because some bozo decided playing bumper cars in a parking lot would be a fun thing to do. And she was one of the ones the bastard hit. That drunken asshole…

So now the half Latino, half White girl was chatting it up with her best friend. His name was Jacob and the two had been friends since they were in diapers. They were talking about a bunch of inane stuff. Nothing really important to say anyway…

That's when Tim came through the living room she was currently sitting in and turned on the television before popping a DVD in the player. Roxanna didn't pay any attention to him or the set until the TV started blaring a very up-beat song with an almost insane tempo. But that was only the beginning. With her attention now divided between the phone and the television, she could hear the opening theme of some anime Tim loved. The words to the theme were fast-paced and completely Japanese save for one phrase and that was "let it go".

Then the theme was over and the show came on.

At first there was just talking and images of scenery. Then, a blonde guy and a brunette with a crown appeared. Roxanna wasn't sure what was being said since she was a.) trying to listen to Jacob and b.) the words were in Japanese.

Tim knew Japanese. He loved his cartoons so much that he learned Japanese. Her older brother chuckled softly at the antics of the pair but then muttered something about the "manga" being better.

Fed up with the constant noise, Roxanna left the room and headed back to her own room. Unfortunately, her conversation with Jacob was cut short when Jacob had to go with his parents to some family reunion.

It hadn't been canceled because of the storm for they normally had it indoors to begin with.

Roxanna ran a hand through her blond highlighted brown locks with a sigh. There was absolutely nothing to do in this stupid house! This day would be fucking complete if the lights went out!

As if on cue, the lights did just that.

"Fuck you, too!" the infuriated half-Latino said angrily to the ceiling before flopping down on her bed.

"Power's out, Tim said at her open bedroom door.

Roxanna glared at him balefully.

"No. The breakers decided to form a union and quit working until they got better wages," she said dryly, sarcasm evident in her tone.

Tim just rolled his eyes, used to the sarcasm. "What do you want to do?" he asked her. It was pretty obvious what he was going to do. In his hands were a small stack of books and a battery-operated reading light.

Roxanna eyed the four volumes in his hand and asked, "I wanna know why you like that series so much."

Tim looked at his Saiyuki manga and shrugged. "There's no simple answer, Anna. It would take half an hour to explain why thoroughly."

"And the condensed version?"

"Well, read volume one and find out for yourself," Tim said as he offered her the first volume.

Roxanna had nothing better to do. She had already read all her books and there was nothing else to do BUT read at the moment.

So she grabbed her own little book light and took the offered book. Tim gave her instruction on how to read the weird little book and sat down in her mushroom chair (bright orange with black trim, by the way) to read another volume.

Roxanna first examined every single picture in the beginning in detail. She had to admit they were all good looking men. The blonde on the front cover looked very serious. She wondered why he wore a dress, though. The three on the back looked like trouble.

Then she began to read the story. The art was a little weird, but very detailed. It – the story – was seriously confusing. Roxanna found herself almost continuously asking questions of Tim. Tim was obliging enough to answer some of the questions, but he insisted that if he did do something like answer exactly who was causing the disturbance, he would ruin the story. So he said a lot of "you'll find out".

An hour later, the lights were back on and Tim lad left the room.

But she was still reading that damnable little book. It was incredible, the variations in the four protagonists' (or is that possibly 'antagonists'?) personalities and how they all meshed together… This story was as well written as some of the books she had read.

Finally she finished it but had more questions than answers about what would happen next.

So she went and requested the second volume of Saiyuki from her brother, whom looked very much amused. He did oblige her, though.

Roxanna went into her room again and settled down in her chair. She began to read, very interested in what happened next. She had gotten to the point where Hakkai was about to explain Gojyo's peculiar behavior when…


Roxanna blinked at her now unoccupied hands. The book, much to her confusion, had slid straight out of her hands. She had been holding it quite firmly.

The Latino-Caucasian girl reached down to pick up the book. Her hand, an inch away from the prize, froze as she felt the thrill of shock go down her spine. Roxanna could see red on her hands. Orange, too… There was also a distinctive brownish stripe darker than her normal light brown skin.

What was really shocking was that when she looked at her other hand, it was covered in a bright orange tint with black stripes.

Her left hand had been sitting on the armrest of her chair… you know, the bright orange mushroom chair with black edging.

She brought her hands before her face and could see light and dim shapes through them.

And the shapes were steadily getting clearer and more defined.

Roxanna was beginning to hyperventilate. This was not normal. Not normal at all. She wanted to call to her brother but couldn't even stop freaking out long enough to form an even incoherent cry.

She felt the chair give way beneath her, but once she had landed on the floor, the chair, she discovered, was just fine. She, however, was sitting in the middle of it like it wasn't even there. The fabric was going through her chest right under her breasts. The metal framework was also going through her at angles.

Roxanna crawled out of the chair, thankful that the floor was still solid to her… that and the simple fact that her clothing wasn't falling off of her.

That little detail was very much appreciated.

But that didn't change the fact that she was fading away…

She blinked. For a moment she thought she saw forest. That was weird (in fact it was just as bizarre as what was happening to her). There weren't any forests nearby. This was the city after all.

Roxanna barely got any other thought through her head when the entire world faded to black.

That's it for now. Come back in a bit to get the second chapter.

And just so you know, this isn't a re-write of Saiyuki Self-Insert though I did write on that one under a different screen name. But it does have a lot of the same ideas.