Authors Note: Yo! Ebetsu-sama, a.k.a The Lady Sesshomaru here with my first story published on Fanfiction. It's been a while since I've updated and I found myself going over this story again with some concerns, so I'm going chapter by chapter and fixing some indiscrepancies I've come across. I'm re-submitting this chapter because I feel I should have explained some things to any new readers that come across this fic. To my loyals, sorry for not telling you earlier but THIS STORY HAS SPOILERS IN IT!!! There are things in here that really happen in the HYD manga so if you haven't read it and don't want to be disapointed, go to (not advertising) or the manga site/ bookstore of your choice and read the manga first. That being said, please enjoy and review!!!

Ruined, Rainy Evening

"Will this stupid fucking rain just stop already?!" Sojiro complained, pouting and pressing his smooth forehead against the large glass window of his room. The weatherman lied to them, what was supposed to be light scattered showers was now an absolute downpour. Becuase of this nasty turn of events Sojiro's driver assumed that the night was cancelled and took off, leaving the boys to fend for themselves in Sojiro's mansion.

Akira's mood was not much lighter, "Well, if you hadn't spent so much time with your stupid fucking hair, we'd be at "Mary Jane's Hideout" right now!" he said in an extremely annoyed tone. He turned away and muttered to himself, "And today's date was Yuko," he turned to Sojiro, "Do you know how hard it was to get her free on a Friday night?" he asked.

"Shut the fuck up," Sojiro snapped, ignoring Akira's juvenile question, "My hair always needs to be perfect, you should know that better than anyone else, besides you should be thanking me, I'm saving you another 3 weeks of having to shave your balls and use that "Special Shampoo," he added.

Akira gasped, then shot up and ran over to Sojiro, grabbing him by the collar and shaking him violently, "YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T TELL ANYONE ABOUT THAT!!!"

Usually, the crimson shade splayed across Akira's cheeks amused Sojiro and he usually ended up pacifying his friend, but the ruined night of clubbing had already pushed him to the edge of niceness. He grabbed Akira's wrists and put his foot on his stomach, with a strong kick, he sent the wavy haired boy over his head, causing him to fly over a chair and slam against the end of Sojiro's bed.

Akira's head flew back and he let out a grunt, "YOU FUCKER!" he shouted. Sojiro was already up and checking his hair out in front of the mirror. Akira rose to his feet and straightened out his shirt, fully intent on getting some revenge.

"The bitch has crabs AND a yeast infection," Sojiro's tone was positively emotionless, he looked at Akira in the reflection, "Osamu, from History told me,"

All of Akira's anger left him and instead was replaced by curiosity, "How do you know that? I haven't seen Osamu for days," he asked skeptically, Sojiro had a habit of deterring Akira from a girl, then dating her himself, so much so that a suspicious demeanor was now habit when it came to dealing with Sojiro.

"He's been at the nurse's office all week, I saw him there on my way to meet Rui yesterday," he answered, all the while fixing a cow lick produced from his tumble with Akira.

Akira sighed and flopped down on the seat attached to the window, it was his turn to stare out the window and pout, "Suck a fuck," he sighed, it was one of his many sayings, "I was really looking forward to this one, I heard she's an animal in bed," he said.

Sojiro finally fixed his hair and plopped down next to him, staring at the window as well, "I know man, but I wanted to save you from the special shampoo saga," he said, his comment was awarded with a punch on the shoulder from Akira, "Someone might hear you," he hissed. Sojiro rolled his eyes, "No one's here remember?" he asked. Unlike the great Tsukasa Domiyoji and his wide array of staff members, Sojiro kept only 8 servants and had sent them all out with the idea that he would spend all night out on the town; now he was stuck there.

Anger dissipated, he didn't mind too much though, usually nights with Akira turned out to be funny as hell, they always managed to curve their boredom and have many stories to reminisce over as a result of it, "Hey," he said after a long silence, "You remember the time we crank called Tsukasa?"

Akira thought for a moment, then choked back what would have been a loud snort, "Ha, yeah I do, the time when we pretended to be Rui and Tsukushi and told him we were seeing each other secretly? A-and Tsukasa showed up wearing nothing but boxers!" he couldn't continue as the wavy haired boy jiggled with suppressed laughter. "Wh-we got the shit beat out of us for that one," Sojiro added, laughing just as hard, "I still can't believe he was so mad he forgot to get dressed!" Laughter in full possession of their bodies, both Sojiro and Akira sank to the floor, not too long later, both were writhing.

"H-hey, remember the time we turned the front hallway into a giant water slide?" Akira asked adding more almost unbearable laughter, "I can't believe it worked. Y-you slid straight into a dry patch and stopped halfway, that looked sooo funny!" he said, Sojiro could only nod, " Mah-man was my mother piiiiiiised!" he whispered, "You know sh-she STILL won't tell me where the garden hose is," this statement caused Akira, who calmed down long enough to get a drink, to spit the 4,000,000 yen wine out all over Sojiro's Italian coffee table, Sojiro cracked up, "F-f-f-fuck you!" Akira coughed, laughter, however quickly took over until both boys were once again on the floor.

"You remember that time…"

The early evening drifted into night as the two playboys of Eitoku reminisced over pranks and debauchery pulled in the past decade, each antic stupider than the last. The rain still hadn't let up but it seemed that neither boy noticed. Sojiro wiped tears of hard laughter from his eyes took a sip of wine, "Hey! Oh my God," he said, Akira, face redder than a tomato, shook his head, "No please, no more stories, ah-I can't take it," he managed between snorts. "Nah, you remember that time you and I had a contest to see who was more sexy? We tried to get Tsubaki to judge but all she did was slam our heads together!?" he asked. Akira had finally managed to settle down and was now rubbing his extremely sore stomach, "Oh yeah! That was the very first time we got stuck somewhere. It was raining even harder than it is now," he said matter of factly.

Sojiro took a swig of wine this time, "Yeah, that was crazy, so, no hard feelings right?" he asked.

"Hard feelings, about what?" Akira inquired.

"About losing the contest, well, like you stood a chance, ne?" His nonchalant manner of speaking caused a vein to pulse in Akira's forehead, "You didn't win, I did!"

"What? No way! I friggin' won!"

"Not even, man. Tsubaki had declared me the winner,"

"She never declared anyone the winner, she left two minutes in! Still, I was way hotter."

"What? Sojiro, you pulled that stupid 'Did it hurt when you fell out of heaven' line. I'm hotter!"

Had either boy been paying attention, they'd have realized the rain was finally letting up.

But the workings of fate and destiny were in major flux

And so, it all began...

"You're about as hot as a dead body, I can get ANY girl I want," Akira continued.

"You think that's something to brag about, may I remind you that I've had up to 4 girls SIMULTANEOUSLY, you've only had 2," Sojiro said, he knew that it chapped Akira's hide to know Sojiro had bested him as far as quantity went, however where Akira lacked quantity, he had a lot of quality. Akira smirked, "I can get girls AND women, you always get stuck with the timid virgins that take AT LEAST 4 dates to finally bed, I get women, GROWN WOMEN with YEARS of experience, I'm not held back sexually just because some twit doesn't know what to do in bed," his rebuttal stung and he knew it. Sojiro pursed his lips together, "Yeah? Well, not only do women want me, but men too, guys are so fucking hot for me it's disgusting!" he said. Akira twitched, "Yeah, well, so can I!"

Sojiro was getting tired of this stupid fight, however the fates sent yet another down pour; he was stuck there, "O.k. then", he said, desperate for something to pass the time, he searched his mind for something to do, "How….hmm….how about we settle this stupid fight once and for all," he offered.

Akira's waning attention was brought back, "Settle the fight? How?" he asked. Sojiro thought for a moment, then clapped his hands together and nodded, "O.k. then, we both claim to be so irresistible that even men want us right?"

"Riiight" Akira agreed with caution. Sojiro had a knack for coming up with some crazy ideas, what was going through that sinister head of his, he could only imagine.

"Well then, let's try with each other, see who can resist who. That would be pretty ultimate wouldn't it, our fortresses are both really strong right?" he prodded the question carefully, whether or not Akira agreed it didn't matter to him he just didn't want Akira to think of him as a fag if he said no. Akira contemplated for a minute, "It would be one hell of a challenge…a playboy is not only capable of having women fawn over him, but capable of drawing out the sexual beast in everyone…hmm…O.k., but on one condition: The winner gets to be called "The Ultimate Sex God" by the loser, FOREVER." He said, "Deal?"

Sojiro smiled, "Deal,"

Akira nodded, then thought for a moment, "Err…how exactly do we start this?" he asked.

Sojiro thought again, "We'll do it like this: We each take turns trying to seduce each other, pull out our top-quality playboy moves. We both get only 15 minutes, who ever gets aroused loses. You go first," He finished, or rather, started.

Akira panicked, he wasn't ready yet, "You go first."

Both boys stared at each other, then without a word, "1,2,3 shoot!"

Sojiro pulled scissors, Akira pulled rock.

"Fuck! Fine," He said.

Sojiro and Akira were still sprawled out on the floor, his winning attack plan was to catch Akira off guard, doing that would give his friend no time to put up a psychological barrier, if he attacked in a way that Akira would be surprised, then the wavy haired boy would be struggling with the barrier, leaving his bodily functions to fend for themselves.

The taller boy evaluated, then attacked.

Sojiro pushed himself forward and nestled himself between Akira's open legs. A gasp of surprised almost left Akira's mouth, but the smaller boy managed to keep himself in control, Sojiro wouldn't win this one! Looking back, Sojiro always seemed to win; games, women, you name it, now he had the opportunity. He would just remain calm, keep his head, and before long have Sojiro screaming for mercy. This in itself was proving to be a tough feat; Sojiro was already at an advantage. Akira had been leaning back on the side of Sojiro's bed, and not only were his legs apart but they were also already up. Sojiro had long since noted this and took advantage of it; he placed a rather large hand on Akira's lower back and hoisted him to the point where Akira was now straddling him. He then grabbed Akira's wrists and pinned them together above the smaller boy's head on the bed, Sojiro's whole body was now pressed against Akira's smaller frame. "You ready?" he said in a low voice.

Akira gulped, he REALLY didn't want to admit it, but as soon as Sojiro had hoisted him up, that oh so familiar aching feeling began to stir in a certain region. Sojiro was winning and winning fast. Akira would not lose, he had so many things he could do to Sojiro, he had to wait out, but his body was so close and the power he knew that lay underneath Sojiro's pants was beginning to be too much, he had to think fast, do something that would give him an advantage. That's when Akira remembered something, he already had a vantage point; he was sitting smack in on of Sojiro's hot spots, 'Why should I wait for my turn?' he wondered, he also knew that if he waited to long, sooner or later Sojiro would take notice of Akira's hardening bulge and it would all be over. His mind was made up, shifting a little higher up on Sojiro's lap, Akira wrapped his legs around his companion's waist and slowly ground his hips upwards.

Sojiro's whole body froze, Akira's sensual motions were more than enough to get a fire going, "W-what are you doing?" he asked, trying desperately to keep his cool. For the first time in his life he regretted being so well endowed, "Something wrong, Sojiro?" he asked, seduction laced all around every note. This only added fuel to the fire. Sojiro, aware of what was going on down under, tried to discreetly pull away from Akira's grip, "Are you pulling away? You can't be affected by something like this," he said and began grinding upward again, this time rolling his stomach so that his ass rubbed against Sojiro's member a little longer.

Sojiro gritted his teeth, he shut his eyes tightly and took a deep breath, 'Stay calm, he knows your weak spots, but you know his, keep your cool and you can get through this' he said to himself, he then remembered that Akira was playboy classification NS: Nipple Sensitive, and with his new weapon retaliated.

Slowly, Sojiro reached up Akira's turquoise sweater, his fingers lightly grazing Akira's navel, then his upper torso, "No, little Akira, I'm just taking in every hot spot I know you have and wondering which one's to try first, I'm thinking about starting with this," he said and with his index finger swirled around Akira's left nipple before lightly pinching it.

Before Akira could stop himself, he arched his back and threw back his head, "J-Jiro," he breathed.

That was supposed to be it, he lost, by the rules of the game, the outer expression was his downfall. However Sojiro was transfixed on something miles away from his victory, Akira called him "Jiro". He hated when people called him Jiro, only one person in his whole life was ever allowed to call him Jiro, but when Akira said it, the flame in the pit of Sojiro's stomach ignited into a blaze. Before he could stop himself, he muttered, "Please…call me that again…"

Akira, devoid of all sense, lifted his head and put his lips up against Sojiro's ear, "Jiro…" he whispered again. Sojiro thrust upward into Akira, Akira moaned loudly, his body quivered with a slight orgasm, how did Sojiro do that? Things were just as hot on Sojiro's end of the line, they both found themselves wondering, if dry humping had sent the sensation it did to both of them what would happen if they…

Both of them knew that Akira had lost, both new that they no longer had to continue this little contest, both boys even knew that the rain had stopped and they were now able to go clubbing, but neither boy gave a shit. They were there, they were together and both were aching for each other. Fuck the F-4, fuck the 28 playboy rules they were breaking, fuck the fact that they were best friends, fuck the fact that there were women waiting for them, fuck Mimasaka Akira and fuck Nishikado Sojiro, they're not them. They were them, and they would probably be them after this. But right now they were nameless lovers hungry for passion and mad sex.

Sojiro grabbed Akira's buttocks and pushed upwards, sliding Akira onto the bed all the while keeping himself positioned between his legs. He himself slid a little upwards to meet Akira in their first kiss; it was absolutely wild, both boys gnawed at each other, their tongues madly searching each other's mouth, not wanting to leave any part unattended.

Sojiro was the first to pull away, he placed a few softer kisses on Akira as he grabbed the wavy haired boy's sweater and tugged it off of him, he then moved quickly to pull off the purple button-down shirt he himself wore. Both shirts were cast aside as Sojiro went in for another kiss, his hands made their way back to Akira's nipples working quickly to erect them. Sojiro pulled away once again, this time making his way down to Akira's erected nipples, he toyed with them at first, mainly to hear Akira's moans of pleasure and to hear his lover of the night scream his name, he then went in for the kill, sucking on them madly. Akira went crazy,

"Jiro…please…" he whispered.

Sojiro smiled and made his way back up to Akira's lips.

Akira wrapped his arms around Sojiro's neck, he lost and that sucked, but he had never been hotter for someone than he was now. There was still a question he had yet to have answered, it was something he had always wondered if he found himself in the position he was in now, the one gnawing question that would decide their fate. He need not wait very long though, as Sojiro began answering it, the larger boy began fumbling with Akira's pants, the removal of one's pants always a trivial chore for the playboys, however Akira happened to be wearing button fly pants, elongating the anticipation. Sojiro fumbled with them a little longer before he had finally gotten them all unbuttoned, he moved quickly to remove the dastardly clothes that kept him from his lover and there Akira knew, he was to be the submissive one.

Sojiro kissed Akira as his hand grabbed the shaft of Akira's penis, his thumb rested in the tip, massaging it and causing Akira to shudder. The wavy haired boy moaned into Sojiro's mouth, it was true what they had said about gay sex being better than straight sex, Sojiro did all the right things, he himself being a male, the Tea company heir was well practiced in the sexual mechanics of the penis. Usually, even in the more seasoned women, Akira found them fumbling around, confused at just what to do, unfortunately that usually meant them jerking at him too hard or squeezing to tightly, but Sojiro went into a professional mode, he rubbed the tip when it was needed and even pulled some hand maneuvers Akira had yet to discover.

Sojiro managed to work himself into a nice rhythm with Akira, he started slowly, then bent his companions erection upwards and pressed something that made Akira absolutely writhe with pleasure, "Jiro! Oh god, Jiro please don't stop," he said in between moans Akira arched his back and found that doing so increased pleasure 3 fold. Sojiro decided he would treat Akira, breaking his pumping rhythm, Sojiro leant down and took all of Akira's erection into his mouth, he began pumping the base of his penis again, all the while sucking on the tip, his tongue just as versatile as his hand.

Akira could not believe how much pleasure he was deriving from some seemingly simple oral sex, he now knew that calling Sojiro's name would work to his advantage, "Jiro, Jiro yes, Jiro!" he yelled. Sojiro began pumping faster, however just before Akira came he removed his mouth and allowed Akira to release his seed into his naked stomach. Sojiro had no convictions about swallowing semen, both the taste and the task of taking it all in was something Sojiro mastered via self-karma sutra. He had a plan for this semen.

Akira was speechless and for a few minutes could only remain in the arched position he climaxed in, "Jiro…" was all he could manage after that.

Sojiro, mindful of the semen hoisted himself above it and bent down to kiss Akira, this helped the smaller boy to relax a little. Akira pulled away and tried to clean off the semen. "No, leave it," Sojiro whispered. Swiftly, he pulled his pants and boxers off, and for the first time Akira saw just what it was girls were so crazy about him for, "It's huge…" was all he could whisper. Sojiro looked down at himself and smiled, "Yeah, it almost cost me the bet," he said. He then looked up at Akira, "You know what's going to happen now right?" he asked. Akira frowned, "I'm not stupid, it's time to pay my dues, ne?" he asked. Sojiro smiled and began kissing him again. Akira wrapped his arms around Sojiro's neck and spread his legs, slowly he became aroused again with the anticipation. Sojiro reached down and scooped up some of the semen with his fingers, he then moved his way down to Akira's opening and rubbed the semen around it. Sojiro, having never done this before didn't exactly have lube on hand, and the idea of using spit made his stomach churn, this would do.

Something about the sensation of having semen rubbed around the edges of his sphincter further aroused Akira, dizzy from the amazing orgasm Sojiro sent him into he could only give soft moans and shudder.

Sojiro finished lubing up Akira's entrance and hoisted himself into position, he prodded the entrance with his tip, allowing some of the semen to get inside and ease any outer friction. Akira breathed in sharply, Sojiro looked up, genuine concern written on his face, "It-it's o.k. just keep going," he said to his dominant companion, Sojiro leaned forward and bit Akira's ear, it was a poetic form of distracting the pain of de-flowering a virgin that he remembered from reading a book, he nibbled the lobe before applying pressure and fully entering Akira. It worked, Akira wrapped his legs around Sojiro's torso and moaned loudly, Sojiro lay fully on Akira, getting the remaining semen on his stomach as well. Akira was tight around him making every thrust a little uncomfortable at first, but as the rhythm fell into a more natural beat, it became 4 times as pleasuring as a vagina. He had never known a man could be so satisfying, and he liked it.

Akira's member began rubbing against Sojiro's torso and soon he found himself climaxing a second time, his body tightened around Sojiro's member, "Oh, yes! Do that again Akira," he said. Akira did as he asked and was rewarded a loud moan and harder thrusting, Akira arched his back to accommodate. "Jiro!" he screamed, Akira came once again, this time sending Sojiro over the edge, he climaxed into Akira's warm entrance grabbing Akira's hips to keep him sane. Sojiro then fell forward and lay on top of Akira, both were sweaty, sticky and tired, but extremely satisfied. He pulled out slowly and sat up.

He looked up at Akira and for a long time they just stared at each other, one would expect them to smile, or laugh as lovers tended to do.

But instead, both were wondering.

What would happen now?

Friends by history, heirs by birth, playboys by reputation. But lovers? Could they be such a thing? As reality set in the air became more and more awkward, what in the world could they say to each other? They were best friends, best friends who just shared the most passionate night either had ever known. Now they were friends again…weren't they?

Sojiro looked for his clothes, "I…." his mind raced for something to say, he needed to say something, anything, "I….I gotta go to the bathroom. He got up and without turning want into his restroom.

Akira watched Sojiro disappear into the hallway leading to his bathroom. What was he going to say when he came out? Sojiro was his best friend, he decided first to look for his clothes, his pants were by the dresser, his sweater was by the bed, retrieving the sweater was no problem, but as he stood up to get his pants an immense pain shot up his back, the orgasms managed to mask the pain but now that they had subsided he found himself barely able to walk. He gritted his teeth as he bent over and dressed himself. 'Sojiro…Sojiro and I…" the gravity of the situation hit him, he and Sojiro just had sex. Best friends all their lives and they just had sex.

'What in the hell do I tell him now?' Sojiro searched his reflection for answers. Do they act as though nothing happened? Do they continue this behind closed doors, did he even want to do this again? Is he gay now or is he still straight? Should they tell Rui and Tsukasa what happened, what about Tsukushi? What was Akira thinking right now? That's when Sojiro remembered that Akira was still in his room, the taller boy slowly headed out of the room, he peered through the door way into his room.

Akira was nowhere to be seen.

And there it is, I was just gonna make it a one shot, but I've decided to continue it, the sex has happened O.O now for the aftermath, and what of the morning after?