So here's the deal...

Tommy is a 25 year old rich playboy who lives off of an inheritance. He has graduated from college.

Jude is 22 and is currently in college.

They do not know each other.

Neither of them have been involved in music.

Chapter 1

Tommy's eyes flew around the packed club, searching for his target of the evening. None of the hundreds of girls whose bodies moved about on the dance floor interested him. He'd been there and done all of them before and quite frankly, he'd been getting bored with trashy club whores as of late. Just when he was about to give up and settle for one of the unoriginal bimbos, his eyes went to the bar and he saw her. A satisfied grin spread across his face and he tilted his head to get a better look at her.

"I'm guessing you found the next one" his best friend since age 5 Kwest yelled from behind him.

Tommy turned around to face his friend and smiled. "You know it" he said confidently.

Kwest rolled his eyes and shook his head at his friend. "Well which one is it?" he asked.

Tommy turned back around and gestured towards the bar with his head. "The blonde on the right over there"

"Nice choice" Kwest said laughing lightly.

Tommy turned to face his friend once again. "I'll call you tomorrow man" he said before walking towards his newest conquest.


"I can't believe I let you talk me into this Sadie" said Jude as she tugged at the bottom of her skirt, thinking that in doing that, she would look less like a skank.

"Oh come on Jude. You've been locked up in your apartment for weeks. It's about time you got out and had some fun" Sadie, her sister, yelled over the loud music.

"I had exams!" Jude argued. Her eyes traveled around the room and she looked at all of the skanky girls dancing in disgust. Then, her eyes moved to a young, dark-hair man who seemed to be staring in their direction. "Well it looks like some guy's got his eye on you already" Jude said to Sadie as she gestured towards the man.

"Actually, I think he's got his eye on you Jude" Sadie said as she pointed out how the man was grinning and now walking in Jude's direction.

"Oh god Sadie" Jude said turning around and resting her elbows on the bar counter. "What do I say to him?" she asked frantically.

"Jude, just relax and be yourself. Jesus, you really have been locked up forever" said Sadie as she rolled her eyes at her younger sister.

"Ugh Sadie. You talk to him. He's your type, not mine" Jude said, not really wanting to talk to this guy.

"It's too late Jude. He's coming right for you" Sadie informed her.

Jude groaned and turned back around to face the seemingly over cocky, yet extremely attractive stranger.


"Can I buy you a drink?" Tommy asked as he approached her, flashing one of his signature smiles.

"You know, I would, but I have this policy where I don't let strangers buy me drinks" Jude said annoyed.

Tommy laughed and hung his head for a moment before looking back up at her. "How silly of me not to introduce myself" he said as he held his hand out. "My name's Tom Quincy, but my friends call me TQ"

Jude looked down at Tommy's hand and rolled her eyes at his attempts.

Sadie shook her head at how rude her sister was being to this gorgeous man and reached over and kicked her in the shin as she gave her a look that said 'be nice'.

Jude glared over at Sadie for a moment and sighed before taking Tommy's hand. "Jude Harrison"

"Well Jude" Tommy said as he pulled his hand back. "Now that I'm not a stranger anymore, how about I buy you that drink?"

Jude sighed and nodded her head. "Okay" she said in hopes that he'd leaver her alone after he bought her a drink.

"Great" Tommy smiled as he turned to the bartender and ordered two drinks. "Here you go Jude" he handed the drink to her.

"I like how you didn't ask me what I wanted" Jude rolled her eyes as she took the drink from his hand.

"Yeah, well that's just how I roll" he teased. "No, I'm kidding. Just trust me on this one" he winked.

Jude rolled her eyes at him for what seemed to be the hundredth time in the past 5 minutes and took a drink from her glass. "Okay, so maybe you made a good choice" she laughed lightly.


"Hey, what do you say we get out of here?" Tommy asked Jude after talking with her for over an hour.

Jude looked around to find Sadie and saw her dancing with a man. "But what about my sister?" she asked Tommy.

Tommy looked over to the dance floor and then back to Jude. "Oh, no worries. She's dancing with my friend Kwest. He'll get her home" he told her.

Jude thought about it for a minute and then smiled at Tommy. "Okay, let's go"

Tommy smiled and took her hand in his and led her out to his black Porsche. "M'lady" he said as he opened her door and cheesily gestured for her to get in.

Jude giggled at him and got into the car. "Thanks" she said before she watched him close the door and get in on his own side.

After a few minutes of driving in silence, Jude turned to Tom. "So TQ, where exactly are we going?" she asked sweetly.

Tommy glanced over at her and grinned. "It's a surprise" he said as he turned into the parking lot of his apartment building. He parked in his spot next to his other cars and various vehicles and turned to face Jude. "Come on. I want to show you something" he said before he unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car.

Jude waited for him to open her door for her and when he did, she got out with him. "You wanted to show me an apartment building?" she asked skeptically as she eyed him.

Tommy laughed lightly and shook his head. "No. Just…trust me okay?" he said, looking into her eyes.

Jude smiled and nodded her head. The look in his eyes made her feel safe, like she could really trust this man. "Okay" she said softly as she grabbed on to his hand.

Tommy flashed her another smile and lead her into the building and to the door leading to the stairs that went to the roof of the building. He held tighter onto her hand as they walked up the stairs. "This, Miss Harrison, is what I wanted to show you" he said as he opened the door to the roof.

Jude smiled at him and walked through the door. "Oh wow" she said turning back to Tommy. "Tom, this is beautiful" she said smiling at him.

"Not as beautiful as what I'm looking at right now" he said, bringing his hand to her cheek and gently stroking it with his thumb.

Jude blushed and turned away from him. "Thanks" she said shyly.

Tommy smiled to himself at the effect he was having on her and he knew that his plan was working. "Come on" he said as he took her hand again. "You have to see this view." Tommy led her over to the ledge of the building.

"Wow. You can see the whole city from here" she said, putting her arms around her torso to keep herself warm.

"You cold?" Tommy asked her when he noticed her trying to keep warm.

"A little" she confessed.

Tommy reached over and put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her body close to his. "Better?" he asked, looking down at her.

Jude smiled up at him and took in the scent of his cologne. "Yeah. Thanks" she said softly.

"I like coming up here and just looking out at the city. It's humbling" he said as he held her a little closer.

"What do you mean?" she asked curiously, looking up at him.

"It reminds me that no matter how big and rich I get, that I'm just a little piece of this city. There are millions of people out there and I'm just another one in a million, you know?" he said.

Jude smiled at his confession. "I guess you're not as cocky as I thought" she laughed lightly.

"I'm just a normal guy" he said looking down at her. "People just assume that because I have a lot of money and fancy stuff that I'm going to be a cocky jerk and I hate that" he told her.

"I don't think you're a jerk" she whispered.

Tommy smiled down at her. "I'm glad. You're special Jude" he told her. "I probably sound really lame right now" he laughed lightly. "But there's just something that drew me to you in the club tonight. I don't know how to explain it"

Jude looked in his eyes for a moment before putting her hand on his cheek and bringing his lips in to hers.

Tommy smiled briefly and wrapped his arms around her as he continued to kiss her, each kiss getting more and more intense.

Jude pulled away breathing heavily, looking into his eyes. She pressed her chest into his and leaned in close to him. "Let's go to your apartment" she whispered in his ear.

Tommy grinned and kissed her cheek. "Okay" he whispered back as he took her hand in his and led her down the stairs and to his floor. "I'm sorry if it's a mess. I wasn't expecting to bring anybody home tonight" he said as he unlocked the door and opened it.

As soon as the door was open, Jude pulled him inside and closed the door.

Tommy put his arms around her again and kissed her feverishly, moving his hands under her shirt.

Jude pushed the black blazer off of his shoulders and started frantically unbuttoning his shirt, grazing his toned chest in the process with her fingers. She pulled away and put her lips to his ears and whispered "make love to me Tom Quincy."

Tommy laughed internally at how easy it was to get her here and pulled her into his bedroom.


Alright, there it is. Feedback makes me happy, so please leave some!