Judai and Johan: Hi readers-sama!

Johan: Dark Lord is really sorry for not updating for awhile.

Judai: He got so many things to do at home, so… yeah.

Johan: Ok, start with the dis--

Guy: Hey, wait! Don't start yet without me!

Judai: Who are you?

Guy: I'm just--

Dark Lord: Hey, V!

Guy: Johan!

Judai and Johan: Johan??

Dark Lord: Oh, I forgot. My real name is Johan. Sorry for not telling ya.

Judai: Johan as in, like, Yohan or its REAL Johan?

Dark Lord: Johan. Ok, enough with that. Let me introduce my best pal in the world, tomboysparkman007.

Tomboysparkman007: Hiya! Nice to meet you!

Judai and Johan waved their hands.

Johan: Um, Dark Lord, can we start the fanfic now?

Dark Lord: Alright, just hang on a sec. I just want you all to know that some of the parts here (especially the duels) are Japanese. Don't worry, because I got the translations at the bottom of the dialogue. And also, tomboysparkman007 had helped me so much in this fanfic and the Judai-going-to-the-blizzard thingy is "his" idea. So I would thank "him" for all that. Ok, say the disclaimer… um… who do you want to pick, V?

Tomboysparkman007: I think I would pick… Manjyome-sempai!

Manjyome: NANI??!!

Dark Lord: Go, Manjyome!

Manjyome: Alright, alright! Disclaimer: Dark Lord of Anime doesn't own the songs, the GX characters and the Judai-going-to-the-blizzard thingy. "He" only owns this fanfic and the whole idea itself.

Tomboysparkman007: Applause for Manjyome-sempai!

Everyone: Whoo!!!

Dark Lord: Ok, Sho, Kenzan, take it away!

Sho and Kenzan: 3… 2… 1 and action!


--Turn 035--

The Three Aces V.S. The Death Three

--Previously on Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Season 4--

--back at Hero City--

Judai and Manjyome Black Thunder's battle is already done after a few minutes of slashing and crashing.

And the winner is none other than, Judai.

Johan, Ken and the other masters are happy to see Judai win. Manjyome had returned to his real body and no more possessing of anybody to him. But, of course, Manjyome suddenly felt unconscious and fell to the ground. The other masters, helped Manjyome while Johan and Ken helped Judai.

At this point, Judai's evilly golden eyes had disappeared and Judai gasps heavily.

"Hey, Judai. You alright?" Johan asked and Judai nodded before he passed out again.

Johan and Ken helped Judai up and went back to King Atem's castle with the help of Ken's Black Skull Dragon (ATK 3200/DEF 2500).

Opening: Oath in the Storm by Kimeru

--in an unknown location--

Blade, Zeo and Venom are still walking to go back at the Tower of Destruction. Shadow ordered them to do something along their way, that's why it took another hour to go back.

"Go, Dark-Hero Neos (ATK 2500/DEF 1600)! Destroy that trash!" Blade said.

Actually, that "trash" Blade is talking about is Faith Bird (ATK 1200/DEF 800) the messenger of the Heaven's Gate City. He was ordered by Shinja to follow the duelists who destroyed Hellion.

But, of course, no luck has with him since he was spotted by Blade, Zeo and Venom and was eventually killed.

--in King Atem's castle--

King Atem is still sitting in his chair at the throne room, watching at his "Ball of Illusions". He was waiting for Shinja to tell him about their plan. Then after awhile, the face of Shinja appeared.

"Atem-sama, Faith Bird was killed." Shinja said.


"But don't worry. I followed the trail of Faith Bird."

"Really? Where is it, Shinja?" King Atem asked happily, feeling a little sign of hope.

"It is in the Fire Mountain. And Atem-sama, you remembered the strongest sword of Serpentholm held by Neo, right?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"You see, before Faith Bird was killed, he said that he heard Blade, Zeo and Venom talking about stealing the sword from the mountain. If they steal it, Shadow can have an enormous power so I suggest you to get it before they did."

"I'll try. Wait. Why don't you just tell Thestalos about it? It's one of his bases, right?"

"Yeah, but Blade, Zeo and Venom are stronger than his monsters. It might be a bit useless of the soldiers of Thestalos to battle because they will lose easily."

King Atem nodded. "Alright, thanks Shinja." King Atem said.

Then, Shinja's face disappeared.

"Dark Magician." King Atem said.

"Yes, King Atem." Dark Magician said.

"Tell the Aces to come here at once. I need to tell them something."

"Yes sir." Dark Magician said as he walked off.

After a few minutes of waiting, the Three Aces have arrived at the throne room.

"What do you want to tell us, King Atem?" Tsuichi asked.

"Half of the trail going to Tower of Destruction had been cleared already by Shinja," King Atem started.

A/N: The map has already been, accidentally, destroyed by Lotus many years ago due to the fact, that he is so mad at Neo for insulting him. Just all of you know, the map of Serpentholm is just one. If it will be many maps, the others besides the original will be fakes. King Atem and the others must find their way to the Tower of Destruction by the hints of one of the monsters of Shadow.

"But, there is a problem. Blade, Zeo and Venom are already at the Fire Mountain which the trail of Faith Bird was detected. They are planning to steal the mightiest and the strongest sword of Serpentholm: the Elemental Sword. If Blade, Zeo and Venom will get it before we did, Shadow might have a very powerful power to destroy all of us."

"What is that Elemental Sword anyway, King Atem?" Shawran asked, a bit interested in the information of the sword.

"The Elemental Sword was held by Neo to defeat many of his opponents. Ever since I saw that sword, a very powerful aura had corrupted it. It has a very unique power that I haven't seen before. So, I decided it to be the mightiest and the strongest sword of Serpentholm. Neo told me that, that sword is the sword of his master, Hidesato."

A/N: Ok, if you want some info about Hidesato, this site will help you: click on it and search for the word 'Hidesato', ok? Now, back to the fanfic.

"So, what are we going to do with it?" Kaiji asked.

"Simple. Take the sword and bring it back here." King Atem said.

The Three Aces nodded and said, "Yes sir" in unison. Then, the three of them walked off.

--at Judai's room--

Judai is still in his bed, sleeping. It was very strange because whenever he sleeps, he snores. But now, he is just mumbling something. The dream of Judai is really bothering him that he always roll around.


Judai is in a middle of a dark surrounding. Inside the darkness, many blank cards with pictures of his friends are surrounding him. In front of him, a blank card showing Asuka's face is placed. Judai just stared at the pictures of his friends, including Asuka, looking both sad and confused. He doesn't understand why, but he feels like it.

"Yuki Judai," A voice called out in the darkness. Judai turned around and saw the figure of his own darkness, Haou.

"What do you want from me, Haou?" Judai said in a furious way.

"You know, you don't need to trouble yourself in protecting these people," Haou stopped for awhile and snapped his fingers. All the blank cards, except in the front of Judai, all disappeared.

As Haou did those things, Judai's eyes became wide in shocked.

"Just face it, Judai. You don't really want to save your friends from anything. You only want to save your love, Asuka, from the Tower of Destruction. You are repeating your past by going on by yourself again. Even though you hurry to save Asuka, you will be doing the same thing as before. Saving Johan in that Different World is your reason that's why you're hurrying and not waiting for your friends. But in the end, you ended up dueling against your fellow friend. Do you want that to happen again, Judai?"

Judai just stayed there, looking at the ground. He didn't know if he will save his friends or his love. It is just a very tough decision that he cannot decide anything between both. Then, Haou spoke again.

"Alright, just remember this Judai: "In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually they'll hate you." Soon, you will fall and your friends will hate you."

After Haou said that, he began to chuckle evilly.

"N-No! No! NOOOO!" Judai shouted on top of his lungs.

End Dream

Judai snapped back to reality as he sat back on his bed. He gasped heavily. Then, he noticed that someone is opening the door of his room. The person revealed himself to be Johan.

"Johan!" Judai said as Johan closed the door quietly.

Johan turned back and saw Judai sitting in his bed.

"Judai! You just woke up?" Johan asked.

Judai nodded weakly.

"What happened anyway?"

"What happened?! You didn't remember a thing yesterday?" Johan asked, looking a bit shocked at what Judai said.

Judai just shrugged.

Johan sighed. "You know, you really put a fight yesterday, against Manjyome. Are you sure you didn't remember a thing?"

"I just remembered that I dueled Manjyome. That's it."

"Oh. King Atem told me to guard you for awhile. Jim and the others had got something important to do, so… yeah."

After Johan said those things, he cocked his eyebrow. He saw Judai looking outside the door.

"Um, Judai what are you doing?"

Instead of answering Johan's question, Judai asked another one.

"Where is Kaiji, Tsuichi and Shawran? I haven't seen them since our mission in the Hero City."

"They had gone through a mission."

"Nani?! Why didn't King Atem told me?!"

"It's because you are asleep at that time, Judai. And besides, you can't follow them. King Atem had forbid us to go out for a mission since you're not okay yet."

"What do you mean 'not okay yet'? I am okay. Look…" Judai tried to do the battle stance and activate his Armor Blaze but he suddenly felt pain in his body so, he knelt down. Johan helped him get up to his bed.

"You have caused a severe damage while you're battling with Manjyome yesterday, that's why you're like that. You have to rest Judai…" Johan was cut off by a voice at the door.

"Johan's right. If you don't get rest, we won't be able to move with the others. And we might never save Asuka." The voice said.

The voice is so familiar that they realized who it was.

"I know, but I just don't want to sit here and do nothing."

"We know that Judai but--" Johan was cut off by Dark Magician.

"Johan and Ken, King Atem needs you to be in the throne room now." Dark Magician said.

Johan and Ken nodded and ran off. Dark Magician closed the door first before running off with Johan and Ken.

When Judai heard the door is already closed, he quickly put a letter in his table, escaped from his room and went off to the exit. He don't have any time anymore. Even though he has injuries, he tried to surpass it and went on.

Judai had heard the information towards Fire Mountain from Kousuke back in his training so he already knew how to get there. But, little did Judai know, the path Kousuke gave him is the dangerous one. So, the only thing Judai had brought with him is his Armor Blaze.

--in King Atem's throne room--

Johan and Ken had just arrived at the throne room and bowed down to King Atem.

"What is it, King Atem?" Johan asked.

"As I've told the Aces and Protectors awhile ago, half of the trail going to Tower of Destruction had been cleared already by Shinja,"

Johan and Ken looked surprised by this.

"Why didn't you just told all of us right away, King Atem?" Ken asked.

"Because of Judai. I can see that he has so many problems with Haou, even in his dreams. He has a dark past with Haou isn't it, Johan-kun?"

"I-I don't know, King Atem."

King Atem nodded in agreement.

"Anyway, we should tell Judai about this. I'm sure he will be happy to hear it." Ken said as Johan nodded.

Johan and Ken ran off again and went to Judai's room with Dark Magician.

When the three of them had already arrived at the room of Judai, the only thing they saw is an opened window. All of his things are crowded everywhere.

Johan and Ken searched where Judai is while Dark Magician went to call King Atem.

An hour had passed and they still haven't found Judai in the castle. That is just the time Ken saw a letter in Judai's table. He read it with Johan, Dark Magician and King Atem. It says:

I will be back. Don't worry.


"Judai is such an idiot." Ken said.

"We have no time to lose. We have to find Judai." King Atem said as Johan and Ken nodded.

--in Fire Mountain--

Kaiji, Tsuichi and Shawran, who are riding Curse of Dragon (ATK 2000/DEF 1500), had just arrived at their destination. They looked around the mountain and they found the Elemental Sword that King Atem is telling them.

Just then, Kaiji noticed a fire ball going straight to them so he told Curse of Dragon to stay away from it. Curse of Dragon did so and the fire ball exploded behind them, causing Curse of Dragon to go forward.

Again, Kaiji noticed many fire balls going straight to them so, he told his dragon again to stay away from it. Curse of Dragon did so again, but a fire ball, somehow, hitted Curse of Dragon's head and causing it to turn into particles of light and disappeared.

Kaiji, Tsuichi and Shawran fell down from the dragon, but instead of falling on the ground, a solid fire catches them. They are confused on who did this.

Their question was answered by the appearance of three mysterious guys who is standing in the middle of the Fire Mountain. The guy on the middle put the solid fire in the opposite position on where they are standing.

"Hi Aces! Long time no see, huh?" the guy in the middle, who is Zeo, said as he smirked.

"What is your problem, anyway? Why did you attacked us then, you brought us here?" Shawran asked madly.

"Well, thanks to me, the three of you will have died now without even saying goodbye to your friends." Zeo replied.

Kaiji, Tsuichi and Shawran looked at them, annoyed.

"I think I already know what they are up to." Tsuichi said as he point to the Elemental Sword.

The Three Aces smirked and activated their Armor Blazes.

"Well, we didn't come here to fight but, since you asked you for it…" Zeo paused as he, Blade and Venom activated their Armor Blazes also.

"I think we are." Zeo continued.

The six of them stand on their positions and was ready to start.

"DUEL!" all of them said in unison.

Three Aces- 12000 LP

Death Three- 12000 LP

A/N: In this duel, it will be a 3 V.S. 3 duel. As you all know if it is a 2 V.S. 1 duel, the opponent has 8000 LP and the tag team had 4000 LP each, right? I combined all the duelists in each teams' Life Points to become 12000. Their turn will be like a normal duel. They will start at the left.

"Boku no Time. Draw!" Kaiji said as he draws a card.

A/N: 'Boku no Time' means 'my turn' in Japanese. Again, I would like to thank for the translation for some of the duel terms.

His hand contains Lord of D., Flute of Summoning Dragon, Curse of Dragon, Dragon Treasure, Masked Dragon and his drawn card Negate Attack.

"I summon Masked Dragon (ATK 1400/DEF 1100) in attack position! Kado O Ichi Mai Setto. Turn end." Kaiji said as a face-down card appeared at the back of his monster.

A/N: 'Kado O Ichi Mai Setto' means 'I set up a card face-down' in Japanese.

"Boku no Time. Draw!" Blade said as he draws a card.

"Mahou Kado, Dark Summoning, Hatsudou! I think you already know what the effect is, right?" Blade said to Kaiji.

A/N: 'Mahou Kado Hatsudou' means 'I activate my magic card' in Japanese.

"Just continue you turn!" Kaiji said, looking annoyed.

"Alright then. I summon Dark-hero Cyber Warrior (ATK 1700/DEF 800) in attack position!" Blade said as a warrior with black leather armor, red eyes, a scar between his eyes and had metals in his arms and legs appeared before him.

Kaiji, Tsuichi and Shawran were surprised by Blade's new monster they have never seen before.

"And now, I activate its effect! If I have four or less cards in my hand, I can let the three of you draw two cards from your decks, but you will have to skip your next two turns." Blade said as Kaiji, Tsuichi and Shawran draws two cards.

"Ike, Dark-hero Cyber Warrior, ima kougeki! Eternal Slash!"

A/N: 'ima kougeki' means 'now, attack' and 'ike' means 'go' in Japanese.

Dark-hero Cyber Warrior did as he was told and attacked Kaiji, Tsuichi and Shawran with one slash each.

Episode 35

Second Period

Three Aces- 10300 LP

Death Three- 12000 LP

A big explosion appeared in the field of the Three Aces, as they scream in pain.

"N-Nani?! Why did he attacked our Life Points?" Tsuichi asked Blade.

"Dark-hero Cyber Warrior has also one more effect. If there is a monster in my opponent's field, then it can attack your Life Points directly. Turn end." Blade replied.

"Well, because of Blade's monster, the three of you will have to skip your turns by two times so it will be my turn. Draw!" Zeo said as he draws a card. He smirked as he looked at the card.

"Well, what do you know? It's my ace cards!" Zeo said excitedly as the Three Aces are wondering what it is.

"I activate my spell card, Dian Keto the Cure Master, to increase our Life Points by 1000."

Three Aces- 10300 LP

Death Three- 13000 LP

"Then, I activate my spell card, Sparks, which inflicts 200 points of damage to you."

Three Aces- 10100 LP

"Then, my next spell card, Hinotama, which inflicts 500 points of damage to your Life Points again."

Three Aces- 9600 LP

"And then, my three spell cards, Final Flame, Ookazi and Tremendous Fire!"

Three Aces- 7200 LP

"But, because of the effect of Tremendous Fire, we also have to decrease by 500 points."

Death Three- 12500 LP

The last fire that hitted the Three Aces make them feel tired already. Their clothes looked burned because of those spell cards of Zeo.

The Three Aces gasped for breath before they returned to their positions.

"Wow!! Was that awesome or what?" Zeo said as he laugh at the Three Aces.

The Three Aces can't stand this anymore. Their Life Points are decreasing rapidly, that they thought they will die. But, they can't let that happen. So, they get up in their positions and continued the duel like nothing had happened to them.

--in Judai's location--

Judai was walking in a middle of a strong blizzard. He can't take the storm anymore but he still keeps on going. Even though he stops now, no one can save him in this type of storm.

Then, a silhouette of a monster appeared in front of him, without him even noticing. The monster pulled out a very powerful water towards Judai. Judai just noticed it now, and was hitted. This time, in the stomach. Judai struggled to stand up and activate his Armor Blaze. It was activated, but when he supposed to draw a card from his deck, he was hitted again. He falls down to the snowy floor and summoned E-hero Neos (ATK 2500/DEF 1000). He told his monster to attack.

However, E-hero Neos also cannot see the monster because it is very fast, so he was destroyed easily. Judai don't know what to do anymore when a warp hole begun to appear in the ground.

Judai looked up and saw the monster Master of Dragon Knight (ATK 5000/DEF 5000) with Johan and Ken riding it.

At this point, Ken had activated the magic card, Dimension Warp Hole, to send the monster to disappear first.

"Hurry, Judai! This magic card will not last long!" Johan shouted so that Judai could hear. Judai just nodded and rode the dragon.

But then, another monster came and attacked Judai and the others behind. All of them fell down and Master of Dragon Knight disappeared.

The monster was about to attack Judai and the others but then, a Jetroid (ATK 1200/DEF 1800) and a Cenozoic Fossil Dragon Skullger (ATK 2500/DEF ?) flied up from the monster and attacked it.

Judai, Johan and Ken realized the owners of the cards and quickly escaped in that place where they are standing.

The monster, whom was trapped in Ken's magic card awhile ago, has already escaped from the hole and started to attack the others also. But, it was block by more monsters of Judai's group.

All the monsters attacked the crystal-like monsters, but it was no use. Their attacks are just going back to them.

"Ken, is there anything better to do than attacking these monsters? Whatever we do, we can't--" Jim stopped as he turned back and saw Ken jumping from the air.

"Ahhh!" Ken screamed as he attacked the crystal monsters with his claws. The crystal monsters disappeared and everything is normal.

The monsters of Judai's group also disappeared and they deactivated their Armor Blazes.

"Thanks for helping, Jim. Without you and the others, we would be dead by now." Judai said.

Jim smiled and nodded.

"Um, aniki, can we get out of this place? It's really c-cold. Achoo!" Sho said as he sneezed all over again and started to freeze.

"Eh? Are you alright, Sho?" Judai said as he went to check his friend.

While everyone is busy with their "things", Ken looked around the place and dug every snow in his surrounding. After awhile, his eyes went wide in shock on what he just saw.

'It can't be! This is…'

--back at the Fire Mountain--

Three Aces- 7200 LP

Death Three- 12500 LP

"Boku no Time. Draw!" Venom said in a very boring matter.

"Kado O Ichi Mai Setto. Turn end."

The Three Aces even the Venom's teammates are confused at his first turn.

"Hey, Venom is that all you got? No offense dude, but--" Zeo was cutted off by Venom's voice.

"You will know later why I did that, Zeo." Venom replied, again, in a boring tune.

Zeo sweatdropped. "Oh, uh… hehe! Yeah… I've figured that."

"Hey, enough chit-chat! It's our turn now!" Tsuichi shouted to the Death Three.

Blade smirked. "Good thing you know that, Tsuichi."

Tsuichi got annoyed by Blade's statement, but he just continued the game.

"Boku no Time! Draw!" Tsuichi said while drawing a card.

'This is all I've got for a moment,' Tsuichi thought to himself as he looks at the card.

"I summon The All-seeing White Tiger (ATK 1300/DEF 500) in defense position! Turn end."

Kaiji and Shawran both looked at Tsuichi's strange move. They were also surprised by his turn. But, since they are in the middle of a duel, they just continued the game.

"Boku no Time. Draw!" Shawran said as he draws a card. After that, he turns to look at Tsuichi.

'I don't know what's happening to you, Tsuichi, but no matter what happens, I won't let us lose to these three!' Shawran thought to himself and continued his turn.

"I summon Ghiron the Mage (ATK 1800/DEF 1000) in attack position! I now activate its effect! If I will discard 1 Spell card from my hand to the graveyard, I can destroy 1 Spell or Trap card on my opponent's side of the field." Shawran said as he discards his Spell card, Animal World, to the graveyard.

"And I choose to destroy…" Shawran then, pointed to the face-down card of Venom, which surprises the Death Three.

"The face-down card of Venom! Ike, Ghiron!" Shawran finally said as Ghiron destroyed the card.

A big explosion then appeared into the Death Three's field and causes the three of them to shield with their arms.

"Ike, Ghiron! Dark-hero Cyber Warrior kougeki!" Shawran ordered as his monster attacked Dark-hero Cyber Warrior. Of course, it is in attack position, so the Death Three will receive 100 points of damage.

Three Aces- 7200 LP

Death Three- 12400 LP

After the explosion, all the Death Three will do is to laugh evilly. The Three Aces are very surprised by this.

"Hehe. You got us one heck of a game back there! So, we will start the REAL battle from now on!" Zeo said as he smirked at the last phrase.

"Don't worry! We're ready for anything!" Kaiji replied to Zeo's comment as he also smirked at his last phrase.

The battle of the Three Aces and the Death Three had just begun from now on. All of them have no clue on who is going to win in that triple duel, but, the only thing they think of is:

"How will they survive?"

--in a very unknown location--

Amon is standing near a cliff in a mountain, staring at the city below him. He had escaped the group because he feels like he needs to do something.

"Once I'm thru with everything, I'm gonna go thru you..." Amon paused as he saw the face of Kian in the air. He pulled out his arrows and aimed for the face of Kian.

"Kian." Amon continued as the face of Kian broke down in the floor. Amon then laughed evilly.

(to be continued)

Ending: Jougen no Tsuki by BOWL

Card of this episode

Shawran's card:

Ghiron the Mage

ATK: 1800

DEF: 1000


EFFECT: Discard 1 Spell card from your hand to the graveyard, and destroy 1 Spell or Trap card on your opponent's side of the field. This effect can only be activated once per turn.

Preview for episode 36

Johan: Judai, everyone can't take the blizzard anymore!

Judai: I know that, Johan. Wait... We're already here! Fire Mountain!

Johan: That's Fire Mountain?! It looks...

Judai: Next time, The Power of the Aces V.S. The Power of Fierce Fire!

Johan: Kaiji, Tsuichi, Shawran! Don't lose to those Death Three!! Or the three of you will be dead!

Judai: Yeah! Hey, what's with those fires going to the field of the Aces?

Card effects for this episode:

Dark-hero Neos- If this card is summoned or special summoned successfully, you can destroy one monster on your opponent's side of the field once per turn.

Masked Dragon- When this card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard as result of battle, you can special summon 1 Dragon-type monster with an ATK of 1500 or less to your side of the field from your deck. Then, shuffle you deck.

Dark Summoning (Normal Magic)- Special summon one Dark-hero type monster from your hand to the field (including level 5 and above).

Dark-hero Cyber Warrior- If there are four or less cards in your hand, you can let your opponent draw two cards from his/her deck and skip his/her next two there is a monster in your opponent's field, this card can attack your opponent's Life Points directly.

Dian Keto the Cure Master (Spell)- Increases your Life Points by 1000 points.

Sparks (Spell)- Inflicts 200 points of direct damage to your opponent's Life Points.

Hinotama (Spell)- Inflicts 500 points of direct damage to your opponent's Life Points.

Final Flame (Spell)- Inflicts 600 points of direct damage to your opponent's Life Points.

Ookazi (Spell)- Inflicts 800 points of direct damage to your opponent's Life Points.

Tremendous Fire (Spell)- Inflicts 1000 points of direct damage to your opponent's Life Points and 500 points of direct damage to your Life Points.

Master of Dragon Knight (Fusion Monster)- Black Luster Soldier + Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon. This monster can only be Special Summoned by a Fusion Summon. For every Dragon-type monster on your side of the field, excluding this one, increase the ATK of this card by 500 points.

Dimension Warp Hole (Normal Magic)- Select a monster on the player's field. The selected monster is disappeared and is resummoned in the next standby phase of the opponent.

Jetroid- At the time this card is selected as an attack target by your opponent's monster, the controller of this card can activate Trap card(s) from their hand.

Cenozoic Fossil Dragon Skullger (Fusion Monster)- A Rock-type monster in your graveyard + level 4 or lower Dinosaur-type monster in your opponent's graveyard. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of Fossil Fusion.

Ghiron the Mage- By discarding 1 Spell card from your hand to the graveyard, you can destroy 1 Spell or Trap card on your opponent's side of the field.

Animal World (Field Spell)- If there are 3 or above Animal-type monsters in your field, increase their ATK and DEF by 500 points and decrease all Warrior-type monsters' ATK and DEF by 600 points.