Hey everybody, here is the 3rd Chapter. Sorry it took so long. Hopefully I'll be writing more frequently now-a-days.
Tommy and Jude pulled away from the kiss. " So what was D saying when you were on the phone with him?" Jude walked into the kitchen and poured Tommy a cup of coffee, handed it to him, and then poured her own. " Oh, obviously there is some BIG news that he wants to tell me, and he didn't want to tell me over the phone, so I have to be in the studio by 2." "OH, he gave you the morning off? Must be some good news or D must have been brainwashed by people who actually have lives." Jude laughed and so did Tommy.
"I'm going to head home and change, it would probably look pretty odd if we showed up together at work, and I was still wearing the same clothes I was wearing yesterday." Tommy just looked at Jude. Jude reached up and kissed him softly on his tender lips and then walked out the door. About 2 seconds later Jude walked back in. " You drove me here…I don't have my car…" " I was wondering how long it would take for you to figure that out, come on, I'll drive you home and you can get dressed and then we'll go out to eat before we have to be back at the Studio." "Okay" Tommy kissed Jude one last time before they walked out to his car.
When they arrived at Jude's house Jude and Tommy both got out of the car and headed for the front door. Jude fished her house key from out of her brown leather bag and opened the door. Tommy walked in after Jude and took a seat on the couch while Jude went upstairs and got dressed.
When Jude came back downstairs she was dressed in dark faded jeans and a red Rolling Stones t-shirt. She had her hair in a high ponytail on the top of her head with her blonde bangs hanging down the sides of her face. Tommy stood up and walked up to Jude. "Don't you look cute" he said with a grin on his face. Jude gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before grabbing her bag and her guitar and heading for the door. "Nice try…but I'm hungry, let's go get some breakfast." Tommy sighed and followed her out the door.
I the car, Tommy asked Jude where she wanted to go eat. "Um, how bout Denny's?" "Okay."
When they arrived at Denny's they walked inside together, hand in hand. "Two please." Tommy said to the hostess. "Right this way." They hostess seated them in the back in a booth for two next to a window. Jude and Tommy sat down and the hostess informed them that their waitress is going to be Heather and she will be out to help them shortly.
While they were waiting Jude asked Tommy "What do you think the big news is going to be?" "I don't know, D. giving you the morning off was a big enough of a surprise enough. I'm thinking that if he can shock us again, who knows what he could have up his sleeve."
Just then, a woman showed up to their table. "Hi, I'm Heather, what can I get you two to drink?" Both Jude and Tommy ordered coffee. Heather nodded and disappeared behind a door into the kitchen. "What are we going to do? Are we going to tell everyone?" "We'll see what D's big news is. But I'm not going to keep us a secret Jude, it was hard enough when we were together the first time, and you know how that ended up. Plus, after last night Jude, I don't think I can keep my hands off you for more than an hour." Tommy smirked, and Jude rolled her eyes.
Heather appeared with their coffee and took their order. Jude ordered French toast and hash browns, and Tommy ordered eggs, bacon, and pancakes. Jude and Tommy made small talk until their food came. After they were done eating, Tommy paid the bill and they headed over to G Major.
Once they were in the G Major parking lot. Tommy got out and opened the door for Jude. Tommy moved Jude's bangs behind her ear and leaned into to kiss her. Just as their lips met Jamie walked out into the parking lot talking on his phone. Jude and Tommy were unaware of the other presence since they were otherwise "preoccupied." Jamie turned his head and saw them. The girl he was in love with, enveloped in another man's arms. He was so shocked he dropped his phone. Jude and Tommy heard the noise and looked to where Jamie was standing. He looking like a deer in headlights. Jude saw him and her heart sank. Jamie turned and re-entered the building, letting the door slam shut.
"I'd better go talk to him, Tommy, he seemed really upset." "And say what Jude? You should just let him cool off and talk to him when he's more reasonable." Jude looked at Tommy and knew he was right. "You're right. Since when have you been the mature one?" Tommy smirked and rolled his eyes. "Let's go inside."
In Darius's Office
"Jude! Get Tommy in here! Hell Get everyone in here!" "Okay D, calm down your gonna have a stroke." Darius laughed and Jude walked out the door and yelled out for everyone to get in D's office.
When everyone was in, D sat down at his desk and started to talk. "Since Jude is finishing up her 3rd album…I was thinking about sending her on a European Tour. She didn't get to tour last year, and I want to make this year extra big." "What!...Darius!...That's Amazing!...Where all am I going to go?" Jude screamed excitedly. "Jude. Calm down." Tommy said laughing at her excitement. "Paris, Rome, London…basically all of the big major cities in Europe." D. said, smiling at her. "Awesome!" SME said to each other all simultaneously hi-fiving each other. Spied looked at Darius' amused face and said "We ARE going with Jude…right?" in a panicked voice. "Of course, Jude would be lost without you guys." "Yea, she couldn't live without me…right Jude?" Spied said. Wally interjected and said "Dude, get it through your head, she's always gonna like me better…" Everyone started cracking up.
When everyone was quiet again, Tommy asked, "When do they leave?" Then it struck Jude, when she went on this tour, she would leave Tommy behind. She had no idea how she could do that. "In a month from today. " D. said. "She'll be gone for 8 months." Tommy looked at Jude and then back at Darius. Jamie sat across the room watching Tommy and Jude sneaking looks at each other, and it sickened him. Just the other night she was looking at him that way. "Wow." Was all Jude could say.
"Well, that was all of the news, so everyone get back to work. Tommy, Jude stay for a minute." Everyone but Jude and Tommy filed out of D's office. "Do you think you guys will be done with the album in a month, I was thinking we could release it right before you go on tour." Tommy smirked, 'Yea, I think we could finish up before she leaves." "Good. Now get to work. I don't want you two to be wasting a single second of your recording time."
Jude nodded, rolling her eyes, and made her way to Studio C with Tommy following close behind her. When they got in the studio Tommy closed the door behind him and locked it. "So…big tour huh? Are you excited?" Jude sighed and looked down. "Yea I'm excited about…the tour…not so much the 8 months away from you part…" Tommy walked over and stood in front of where Jude was standing. He gently tucked her bangs behind her ear and tilted her chin up to look him in the eyes. "I know. But we'll be fine…I promise." Tommy leaned down and covered Jude's lips with his own.
"We better get to work Tommy, we wouldn't want D walking in…I'm pretty sure he'd consider this 'wasting our recording time'…" Tommy laughed and wrapped his arms around Jude's waist, pulling her closer to him, "The door is locked" Tommy ran his hands up under Jude's shirt and rubbed all over her stomach, sides, and back. Jude grabbed him by the back of his neck and brought his lips to hers. Jude's hands wandered under his shirt and felt his toned, muscular chest. She quickly lifted his shirt off and started walking backwards towards the couch, never parting her lips from his. "You seriously wanna do this Jude, in this closet of a studio, in G Major?" "Yea, well this was where I wrote "Waste My Time"…" Tommy smirked, recognizing the irony. He reconnected their lips and pulled off Jude's T-shirt. Jude worked her way down to Tommy's pants and undid his belt, Tommy took over and removed his pants the rest of the way. After his pants were off, he slipped his hands under Jude's shirt pulling it over her head and throwing to the other side of the room. Just then, Tommy attached his lips to Jude's neck, causing her to moan his name. Her hands wrapped around his neck pulling him closer to her, and her fingers, gently playing with his hair.
Right when Tommy was about to unclasp Jude's bra to reveal her breasts, someone knocked on the door. Tommy motioned for her to stay where she was and cracked the door open, just a sliver, to see who it was. Kwest. "Man, he always does have bad timing…." Tommy thought to himself. "What?" he hissed being slightly pissed for interrupting 'Jommy Time' right when things were heating up. "Look man, I just wanted to let you know that I'm going on my lunch break and was gonna ask if you wanted me to get you and Jude anything to eat…but since your all pissed off at me you can get your own damn food" Kwest said jokingly with a smirk on his face. "Sorry man." "It's okay, So do you want me to pick you two up something to eat or not?" Tommy thought about it and said "Naw, I think we'll go to the Italian Café down the street."
"You two should probably put some clothes on though…" Kwest said looking down at Tommy's boxers. Tommy shut the door after Kwest left and turned around to Jude. She was sitting on the couch, watching Tommy come towards her. She walked up to him and placed her hands on his shoulders, pulling him closer. Tommy, rested his hands on her hips and pulled her flush against him. "Now, where were we…" She purred, pulling Tommy onto her lips.