I don't own anything. This takes place several days after the last chapter.

Detective Ikari: The Price of Blood

-Chapter Ten: That's All Folks

"Are you sure one of your men is a licensed physical therapist?"

"Of course Doctor," Amber replied. "Would you like me to bring in his license?"

"I don't think that's necessary," the Doctor replied. Spades ignored them and kept pushing his partner's wheelchair towards the exit.

"We need to get food," Mana stated. Spades glanced at his watch. It was a little after three a.m.

"Sounds good to me," he stated.

"And then I want to play with my present," Mana added.

"About that," Spades commented. "You gave the doctors trouble."

"Not much!" Mana exclaimed.

"The deal was none," Spades stated.

"You killed him, didn't you?" Mana demanded.

"It was an accident," Spades replied.

"Was it a pet?" the doctor asked.

"Sea monkeys," Spades replied. "We wanted them moving around when Mana got out so we started them a few days ago. There was a little accident."

"Ah," the doctor replied. "Well, all the paper work is done. Aside from the screaming matches with my nurses and punching out my orderly, she was an ideal patient."

"Orderly, eh?" Spades asked as they doors slid open and they stepped out into the oppressive heat of the LA early morning. "Hadn't heard about that one."

"He was being a dick," Mana shot back defensively. Spades pushed her up to his Charger and carefully settled her in the backseat before folding up the wheelchair and sticking it in the trunk. He walked around and climbed in. "What's this?" Spades glanced down and saw her gesturing to the large pack sitting beside her.

"We're going on a trip," Amber stated.

"Where to?" Mana asked.

"Europe," Shinji replied as he peeled out of the parking space and onto the road. "We have some business to settle there."

"SEELE?" Mana asked in shock. "You're actually going after SEELE? Are you insane?"

"I think I'm perfectly sane," Spades stated. "Everyone else however. . ."

"We think you're nuts," Amber cut in. "Are you objecting?"

"Hell no!" Mana exclaimed. "Shit. I have to get my stuff from my apartment."

"It's in the trunk," Spades stated.

"Well alright than," Mana stated happily. "To war with the most powerful men in the world we go!" She paused for a moment. "Is someone really a physical therapist?"

"With all the times my guys have broken something, they could all probably get licenses," Mana stated. "Who was the last guy to get shot in the legs?"

"Freddie," Spades replied after a moment's pause. "But I think Tim's been shot in the legs on five different occasions."

"Sounds good," Mana replied. "Say, Spades, you want to go out an get dinner some time?"

"No," Amber cut in. Mana sighed.

"Company policy on workplace relationships?" she guessed.

"Nope," Spades replied. He jerked his thumb at Amber. "Meet the Missus." Mana's jaw dropped as Amber held up her hand to show a rather pretty engagement ring.

"Sorry. I called dibs first."

"Next time call it loud enough for everyone to here," Mana grumbled.

"If you get lonely just buy her a few drinks and ask," Spades suggested. Mana and Amber glanced at each other and than at Spades.

"Plotting a threesome already?" Mana asked.

"I don't believe the word threesome left my mouth," Spades replied. "Although I doubt Amber would argue much."

"I'm not gay!" Amber shrieked.

"No," Spades agreed, "but you do swing both ways pretty wide." Mana winced, waiting for the inevitable bickering to begin. To her surprise it didn't.

"Fine. I'll own up to that," Amber stated.

(:Ten Years Later:)

"You're getting old."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"I'm not getting into such a childish argument with you." Amber glared at her detectives as the door opened. Spades caught her eye and sighed. "What now?"

"Mickey Lewis is filing a lawsuit against you," Amber stated.

"About what?" Spades asked.

"He's still saying that he wasn't threatening you with a knife," Amber stated. "He's trying to get money to pay his medical bill."

"I see," Spades replied. He ducked into one of the tall cabinets and came out with a long, scoped rifle. "I'll be back in an hour or two." Amber watched him walk out.

"Is he really going to. . ."

"Don't ask," Amber ordered, glancing at her new secretary. The girl was nice, but she just didn't get it yet. Amber couldn't wait until Helen finally popped that damn parasite out of her body and got off maternity leave. The door opened again and Spades stuck his head back in the office.

"I'm not getting old." He slipped out and closed the door. Mana sprinted to the door and tried the door knob. It was locked of course and by the time she got it unlocked he was gone.

"That asshole."

"What happened?" Amber asked.

"I'm pretty sure Spades broke his hand talking to his new stooley."

"What happened to the last one?"

"We never found him," Mana stated. "Anyway, he just says that the guy had a tough jaw."

"Must've been real tough," Amber commented. "You coming over for dinner tonight?"

"Sure." The office door opened and Spades walked back in. "What's up old guy?"

"The Charger won't start," Spades stated. He put the rifle back and came up with an old toolbox.

"Maybe it's getting old," Mana suggested. "Like you."

"Maybe it's finally time to put that car out of its misery," Amber added. Spades stared at her for a few minutes in silence. "Or not."

"Not." Spades disappeared out the door again. Amber just sighed and sat on her desk.

"Things are never going to change," she stated. "I married a workaholic."

"You're a workaholic too," Mana commented. "You both spend more time here than your apartment. I'm fairly sure that's the reason why Tim pointedly ignores that couch."

"We need a new pull out anyway," Amber stated.

"No kidding," Mana agreed. "There's this spring in there that always manages to jab me in the ass." The couch's currently occupant sighed and stood up.

"If you'll excuse me," Mark stated. "I'm going to go burn this suit. God, why am I still working here?"

"Because you have to listen to the other old guys complain about how much retirement sucks at the weekly card game," Mana stated. "They whine worse than ten year olds." The door opened and Spades stepped in. His button down shirt and coat were slung over his shoulder and there was a smear of oil under his right eye. "And I'm just glad I haven't had to put up with you."

"He's not that bad," Mana argued. She turned on Spades. "Well? Defend yourself!"

"Some arguments just aren't worth getting into," Spades stated sagely.



-Author's notes. Now before you freak out, I know I cut out the whole hunting down SEELE thing. Look between you and me, you didn't miss anything you haven't seen before. There was shooting, cursing, quite a bit of punching things, a little bit of torture, a bunch of dead old guys, and Spades dropped a bunch of Ash-quality, deadpan one liners. Oh, and Mana started walking and helped out towards the end along with dropping a bunch of one liners or her own.

I've done the hunting down of SEELE before and just didn't feel like going back over it. You all know how it would have turned out, so I decided to go with an epilogue. Yes I know I didn't explicitly state what happened to every character. Everyone survived SEELE and got old and quite a few retired, oh and Tim got Helen knocked up.

I just figured everybody would pretty much use their imagination. Spades, Amber, and Mana for example. The lines could be taken that they're all sleeping together or they're not. You decide, though knowing you all, everybody probably just yelled threesome and set about cheering Spades on.

So, if everyone freaks out and does nothing but flame, I promise I won't do it again.

I have to admit, Spades was a really fun character and ya'll took to him pretty well. I think by the end, I liked Spades Ikari more than Shinji Fenrir.

Hm, that'd be an interesting poll. Pick your favorite Shinji:

Spades Ikari – Detective Ikari series

Shinji Fenrir – Lycanthrope series

Shinji Ikari – Competition Can Be Murder

Sergeant Major Shinji Ikari – Intelligence

Captain Shinji Nagisa – While You Were Sleeping

Warrant Officer Shinji Ikari – SC Evangelion

Since I don't think I'm allowed to run poles in the reviews, send your answers to talon4228-at-comcast-dot-net and I'll give you guys the results in whatever I update next.

Oh, and thanks to everyone who e-mailed me about what was wrong with the computer.