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Hola! This is pendragoness and leonessthefirebenderJK in our first ever Clique fic! YAY!

Summary: What happens when 5 new scholarship students enter the realm of the Pretty Committee? Complete chaos. Mayhem. It's Massie vs. Teddy. APOCALYPSE!

Rating: T

NOTE: The Clique is in 8th grade when this story takes place. THIS ENTIRE THING HAS BEEN REWRITTEN…AGAIN!!!!

The second they stepped through the door at OCD, it was clear that they did not belong. Not at OCD, not even in public school….they just plain didn't fit in anywhere. There were five girls in all, and even just from looking at them, you could draw a whole string of true conclusions about who they were and why they were misfits, the first being that they didn't even try to blend in with the crowd. Teddy eyed the black polish on her nails critically, comparing it to the shade of black that her shirt was dyed and sighed wearily when she realized that the shirt was faded. She would have to buy a new one. This task accomplished, she glanced around. Someone remind me why we chose to come to a school full of rich snobs…she thought, trying to hide the fact that she was nervous from her friends. She could count on one hand the times they had seen her show anxiety in a given situation and she didn't plan to increase the count. Feeling the heat of someone's stare on the back of her head, she turned to survey a group of overdressed girls who seemed to be discussing her and her friends.

"What do you think?" Anessa asked her, glancing around. She too was nervous.

Anessa had always been easygoing and, due to the fact that she really didn't care what most people thought of her, she could make herself comfortable in almost any situation.

"Did I die?" Teddy replied sarcastically, "I'm seeing way too many bright colors. Especially on those girls," she pointed at the Pretty Committee.

Indeed, the girls she gestured were dressed in…some interesting combinations of fluorescent colors. Do they really think that looks good? She wondered, watching as they smiled and waved at people who seemed to admire them.

"You just like black too much!" Annie said, jumping at the chance to rag on Teddy about her clothing choices.

Annie was Teddy's polar opposite. Where Teddy almost always dressed in black, Annie adored colors like yellow and pink, although not in the brighter hues that the Pretty Committee had chosen. She was an eternal optimist, always looking on the bright side. Sometimes, Teddy wondered why she tolerated Annie's presence, but other times her optimism was the only thing that kept them from complete despair.


"Scholarship students?" Claire asked, tugging nervously at the edge of her borrowed jacket. The jacket was Massie's and she was terrified. What if she accidently spilled something on it and ruined it? After all, she had no way to pay for it and if she ruined this article of clothing as well, Massie would probably kill her.

"Given," Alicia muttered, not even acknowledging the new girls. As usual, she was dressed as the epitome of fashion, only outdone by Massie herself. She smoothed her hair, smiling at a few girls who were watching her as if she were a model.

"Who would show up for their first day of school dressed like that?" Massie sniffed in disdain. She really had no interest in discussing the new girls. They were clearly LBR's and therefore, she wanted nothing to do with them-

Massie froze. She could have sworn that the Goth girl in the new group had just pointed at her and she didn't like it. She didn't like it at all.

"Did she just point at me?"

"Course she did," Alicia said, "She was realizing that you were the alpha."

Beneath her soothing tone, though, Alicia had her own doubts about what she had said. Hadn't someone had explained to the new girls that the Pretty Committee was in charge?

"Yeah," Claire chimed in, eager to please Massie.

She herself watched the new girls from the corner of her eye as her friends changed the subject. They were clearly misfits, just as she had been and she almost winced in sympathy. Thank God, those days are over…


Teddy and Anessa finally paused to check their schedules, once they realized that they were wandering around aimlessly because they had no idea as to where they were supposed to actually be going.

"Honestly," Joelle complained.

Her two friends were always forgetting things like where they were going, or what they were supposed to be doing. She was the responsible one in their group and having to remind her friends of things as simple as that made her irritable. Her determination to keep a straight A average kept her busy enough that she usually avoided the trouble that her companions got into.

"They're just making sure they know where to go so they don't walk in on the space aliens," Rifka told her, cheerfully.

Annie, who was also surreptitiously checking her schedule, rolled her eyes. Rifka had obviously watched waaaay too much sci-fi as a child. The only words that could really describe her were 'out there'. Of course, she was perfectly sane, but her imagination hatched impossible things.

"It's the safe way to be," Rifka assured her forgetful friends, with a smile.


Massie gestured for her girls to follow as she 'oh-so-casually' drifted toward the new girls. She couldn't put her finger on it, but there was something about them that she really didn't like. They looked too confident, too self assured… I don't know… they just seem way too cocky to be the newest school misfits. Almost like they might consider challenging me…

"Hey," she greeted, walking up confidently, picture perfect smile glued to her lips.

"Hola," Alicia said, also grinning.

Obviously the Pretty Committee had picked up on her body language and followed her. Good. If this didn't turn out as she expected it to, she might end up needing them.

"Hello," Annie smirked.

Even before many words were exchanged, she could see exactly where this was going. Heh…This should be interesting… The overdressed OCD girl obviously expected she and her friends to show some kind of submission. Ah, well…

"What the hell do you want glowgirl?" Teddy snapped, glaring up from her schedule.

The fact that this girl had the nerve to walk up to her with ill intent and still act as if it was a casual introduction pissed her off.

"Glowgirl?" Massie stopped, thrown off guard. "What kind of insult is that?"

What the hell? Glowgirl? What's that supposed to mean? Please tell me she can come up with a better insult than that!

"Dunno," Teddy answered. "I made it up on the spot."

"So…do you and your pathetic lackeys have any business here or are you frying my poor friend's eyes out for nothing?" Anessa asked.

"Huh?" Massie was confused. "Sorry to ruin the moment for GOTHgirl"

She smirked, turning the girl's insult around. Take that!

"Look," Joelle put in irritably, "Take off the make-up and dress like a real person, then I'll consider giving you the time of day."

Anessa had to smile; Joelle had never liked over-embellishment.

"Jealous?" Massie said smugly, twirling for the effect. Ha! I'll bet they are! After all, by the looks of it they wouldn't have enough money to buy anything close to this.

"No," Teddy shot back, we're just anti-SLUT."

The bell rang before Massie could reply. Clamping her mouth shut and turning on her heel, she stormed down the hall to History. No one had ever been brave enough to call her a slut to her face before and the fact that her offender had been a new girl -and a GOTH girl no less- infuriated her. People were practically leaping out of her way as she swept past and she was almost to History when a ridiculous amount of noise erupted behind her.

"Hey!" Alicia shouted over the ruckus.

She watched two of the new girls, almost amused. If they weren't misfits already, this would destroy any chance they had of acceptance. As the two girls came closer though, both Massie and Alicia couldn't help themselves and burst into hysterical laughter.


Anessa and Teddy shouted/sang the lyrics as they skipped down the hall. Both of them were smiling, obviously enjoying the incredulous attention they received.

"Speaking of LBR's," Alicia said, through giggles.

"They are so dead to me," Massie replied. God, are these girls insane? This could possible go down in the history of OCD as the stupidest thing EVER.

"Point," Alicia said.

Before they could continue their conversation, the tardy bell rang. Alicia slowly began to walk down the hall as Massie turned into the History classroom. She sighed in annoyance. The two seats behind her, previously vacant, were being occupied by the singers from the hallway. She breezed to her seat and sat down, pulling out a tube of lip gloss, applying a coat. As Mr. Myner walked to the front of the room to take roll, a note landed on her desk. Slightly apprehensive, she unfolded it and her previous fury began to awaken. It read:

Even that expensive gloss won't be enough to fix your face.

She wanted to turn around and put the girls behind her in their respective places but realized that it wouldn't be the greatest idea at the moment.

"Massie Block?" Mr. Myner began to take attendance.


"Theodora Boancardi?"

"Yeah," the answer came from behind Massie, "And I go by Teddy."

Massie clapped a hand over her mouth to contain her laughter. Theodora???!!Omg

"Thnak you for the correction but, here at OCD we say 'present' Ms. Boancardi. Let's try that again. Teddy Boancardi?"

"Well here in Teddy's mind we say whatever we want."

She smiled at him. Teddy could already tell that this teacher would be fun to annoy. Mr. Myner gritted his teeth and went on, hoping that he wasn't going to have another problematic student. Massie waited, wondering if the other girl had an easy-to-pick-on name…

"Anessa Gregorio?"

"Present," she whispered, barely audible.

"Anessa Gregorio?"

"Present," she said, not much louder.

"Ms. Gregorio must be absent…"

"I'm here!" she shouted, standing up.

"Excuse me," he replied patiently, "Here at OCD, we say 'present' loud enough for the teacher to hear."

"Well in the normal world, any type of noise is considered a sign of presence. Really, I think all this time with these slutty girls has screwed with your brain."

She choked back laughter at the look on his face. It was priceless…Anessa sincerely wished that she had a camera so that she could commemorate this moment forever.

"Ms. Gregorio, you will say present and take your seat," the teacher said stiffly, smoothing his ruffled feathers.

"You don't know I'm here yet?" Anessa asked innocently, "Oh, I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted. Now Anessa, would you please say 'present' and take your seat?"

"Don't worry, sir, I'm here," she said, seating herself on the top of the desk, "And now I'm seated too!"

"Go to the principal," he ground out.

"KAY!" Anessa shouted, standing up on the desk, "I'M FUCKING PRESENT! WOO!"

With that, she jumped off the desk and ran out of the room.

Thank you's go out to:

Yellowfur and OMG it's WickedJelly for the constructive criticism they gave to help improve this story.

Lilly Green…We hope you still like the story after the changes have been made!



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