Okay this is probably the most important chapter in this fan fiction. So, this chapter is going to start off with a flashback. Okay the first flashback is another characters flashback, not Karu's. Oh yeah, Karu's nickname for Tahashi is Hashi.

I walked toward Obito, Rin, and Kakashi. They were waiting for me to go to the Ramen Shop together.

"Hey Saori, we've been waiting." Obito said playfully. I blushed trying not to make it so obvious that I had secret feelings about him. Rin was my best friend and it was obvious that she had the biggest crush on Kakashi.

"Hey you guys!" a voice came from behind us. We all knew who it was, it was Haru's voice. Haru was 10 years old and I guess you can say he was Yondaime's apprentice. Yondaime is the fourth hokage. He is also Rin, Obito, and Kakashi's former sensei. But, Haru is actually a skilled ninja.

"Haru, don't you have anything to do?" Rin asked annoyed. Rin and Haru didn't get along to well.

"I was wondering if I can come with you guys. Can I come? Please!!" He whined.

"No! Since you're a mere child you cannot come!" Rin said.

"Well at least I am not an old hag like you!" Haru said. This wasn't the first time he called someone a hag. He has also call Tsunade, a great kunoichi, that too.

Saori ran to the head council, she opened the great doors. Everyone looked surprised.

"He is coming! Haru is coming back!" she said out of breath. No one has seen Haru ever since he ran away after Yondaime's death. That really hit him, and he never acted his same outgoing self after that. I guess you can say that Yondaime was like a father to him, the one he had never had since he was adopted. The Ninja council headed outside to see all the commotion. Saori walked outside to see Haru's mother waiting outside. The old woman was around 50 and her hair was in a braid and pushed to the side.

"Is it true Saori? Is it true that my son is coming home?" the old woman said.

"This is going to take forever!" Tahashi said. We were waiting in line to get a cup of flavored ice.

"Well, it is pretty hot today maybe that is why everyone is getting some." I reassured him. I looked at Riku who was looking around.

"What is wrong Riku-chan? Are you looking for someone?" I asked him.

"No, I am just trying to figure out what is all the commotion about." I look around and I saw what he was talking about. There was a big circle of people chatting around, some worried and some happy. When we got our flavored ice we decided to go in the forest for some peace and quiet. While we were eating, we heard a noise.

"What was that?" I said worried. Than all of a sudden a man was hanging off a tree in front of us. He had black hair with some light blue to it.

"Hey, what you kids doing here?" he asked curiously. Without even thinking, I summoned Majiki. When Majiki came, he didn't look scared but alarmed.

"Majiki… I haven't seen you since you're with Obito Uchiha." He said to Majiki.

"Well, at least you're not that same annoying kid Haru." Majiki said. Majiki turned to me and said "Karu, he has no intention of hurting you." I could tell that both Riku and Hashi were confused.

"Okay am I the only one confused here?" Tahashi asked annoyed.

"I am sorry to be so rude, my name is Haru Hadai." The man said. I looked over at Haru to find him looking at me curiously.

"How old are you girl?" Haru asked.

"My name is Karu and I am 10 years old." I told him. He looked at me surprised.

"A young girl like you summoning such a powerful creature must be skilled. You must be an Uchiha!" Haru said.

Haru must be crazy! Right now, I am on the steepest building and tallest in Konoha Village. I don't know what brought me up here, but I had the feeling to prove to him that I am a great ninja.

"Okay I want you to jump offs the roof and land on your feet. The trick is that it has to be faster than a blink of the eye." Haru said like it was basic training.

I started to walk down the roof, but then I started to slide off. I caught myself before I fell. I could people yelling for help under me. Haru started to walk toward the edge of the roof. He started to pull me up and then he stopped.

"I want you to save yourself." Haru said.

"From what…?" I asked.

"From this!" Haru let go of my hand and I was falling faster and faster. I didn't know if I heard my self scream or someone else scream. But then, Taku-sensei landed and caught me in his arms.

"Are you crazy Haru? That sure was a great reunion to see!" A woman in an ANBU Black OP said angrily. I was in the room hearing this all.

"Saori, I would've have caught her if Taku didn't get in the way." Haru said.

"Haru-kun, what was your purpose for this?" Saori asked curiously.

"I was seeing if Karu was good enough to be my apprentice."

Wow! The next chapter will be coming soon. Thank you so much for reading! The next Chapter will be coming soon!