The next day, the palace was in a rush as everyone got the last minute details done before Gabriella's proclamation that evening. The girls were in Gabriella's chambers preparing for the ceremony. Kate was trying to keep Gabriella calm and relaxed. A hairdresser was busy putting Gabriella's hair up into an elegant bun.

Three hours later, Kate led Taylor, Kelsi and Sharpay back to their suites for them to start getting ready themselves. They had left Gabriella just as she began to put on her make-up. Kate came back into the room once again. She smiled at her best friend. This was the first of the four most important days in her life. Her wedding day, coronation, and the day she gave birth to her heir would follow soon after.

"Which dress are you wearing to the ball?" Kate asked.

"The white lace Vera Wang." Gabriella answered.

"The one you got right off the run way?"

"Yes." Gabriella agreed. "Kate, what if I make a fool of myself?"

"You won't." Kate comforted as she hugged her friend. "But it looks like your people have taken a great liking to their possible future king."

"Yeah, I'm happy that he's grown onto them."

"Well all they want is for you to be happy." Kate told her. "And they can tell that Troy is the one who can do that."

At seven o'clock that evening, all the guests were led into the throne room. All of Genovia was watching on large screens outside. Gabriella was back in her chambers shaking nervously. She was wrapped up in her royal cape. Kate walked over to her and hugged her tightly trying to reassure her that everything was going to be fine. As there was a knock on the door, Gabriella's heart stopped.

"Princess, we're ready." a security guard announced.

"Coming." Gabriella called.

Gabriella opened the door and stepped out into the hall. The security guards led her down to the throne room. With each step she took, Gabriella's heart rate increased. Her palms were sweating. If she was this nervous for her proclamation, how was she going to handle her coronation?

"Songbird is flying." the head of security announced into his communicator.

"Eagle is soaring." someone replied back of Gerard.

Clarisse met them at the stairs. She smiled kindly at her granddaughter to give her support. Before they began to descend the stairs, Gabriella stopped. Her grandmother and friend looked at her. Gabriella was panting as if she had been running a marathon. Gabriella looked up at them.

"I can't do this." she gasped panicky. "I'm not ready."

"You are ready." Clarisse assured her.

"I am supposed to have another two years to prep for this moment." Gabriella choked.

"But you don't." Kate told her. "And you can do this, everyone believes you."

Gabriella nodded and they began to head downstairs. Kate took her hand and held it tightly for encouragement. Kate smiled as they walked down the steps. The three approached the large double doors leading into the throne room. Gerard met them there as Clarisse entered the room. Gerard kissed his granddaughter's cheek gently.

"Are you ready, Gabby?" he asked.

"No." Gabriella answered honestly.

"I felt the same on my proclamation." her grandfather told her. "So did your father. In fact he actually threw up before his."

"I had a panic attack." Gabriella told him.

"Still doesn't top his."

"I miss Papa. I wish he were here."

"He is, I can feel it. He would have been so proud of you, Gabby. Not just of today, but of who you grew up being. You have fantastic friends, a boyfriend even he would have do doubt would have loved for you to be with."

"Troy and he would have gotten along so well."

"That they would have."

The doors opened and Gabriella could see everyone stand up. She and her grandfather began to walk to the throne. Kate was off to the side waiting to help Gabriella throughout the ceremony. Ms. Montez and Clarisse were standing slightly behind the throne. Gerard stepped up to his throne while Gabriella stood at the base. Genovia's Archbishop motioned for her to kneel to receive communion. Once he was finished, he led everyone in a prayer about protecting Gabriella as she was preparing to lead her country. Gerard then stepped forward. Gabriella and everyone stood up and bowed to him in respect.

"Gabriella Chantel Elizabeth, please kneel." Gerard instructed.

Gabriella nervously kneeled down again. Her grandfather gave her a reassuring smile. Gerard picked up Gabriella's ceremonial crown and held it up.

"Gabriella Chantel Elizabeth, do you solemnly swear to uphold the laws and traditions set by the Genovian Constitution set up by the kings before you? Do you swear to protect your country and its loyal subjects? Do you swear to do right by them, by yourself and your faith?" Gerard questioned.

"I do so, solemnly swear." Gabriella declared.

Gerard placed the crown on top of Gabriella's head. Ms. Montez smiled tearfully wishing that her husband could have been alive to witness this. Clarisse looked over at her son's widow and smiled. Gabriella stood back up with help from Kate before turning around to the witnesses.

"Presenting, Her Royal Highness, Gabriella Chantel Elizabeth Montez, Princess of Genovia." Gerard announced for the first time.

Gabriella gave a sigh of relief as she began her walk back up the aisle. Each person she passed bowed in respect to her. Kate smiled at her best friend happily. She and Gabriella were then quickly led to another room so that Gabriella could change out of her heavy robes. Her new tiara was waiting for her. After she changed, Kate placed the tiara in Gabriella's hair.

"I feel like I'm the new Miss America." Gabriella joked at the two future queens laughed quietly.

"Well, you're more beautiful than any Miss America." Kate told her. "Ready to go?"

"As I'll ever be."

Gabriella took one final look at herself in the mirror making sure everything was alright. The two young women walked into the hall. Gabriella was wearing a white form fitting lace dress with spaghetti straps. She and Kate were led to where the receiving line would take place. The sixteen year old princess nodded her head signaling she was ready. Guests began to file in to greet her. Among them were rulers from other countries, member of Genovia's parliament, friends and family. Her friends greeted her with a bow before smiling and whispering their congratulations. Troy bowed and gently kissed her hand before winking at her. Gabriella smiled knowing that her future was set for her. With Troy, her friends, her mother and grandparents by her side, Gabriella would lead her country fit as any Queen would.

AN: Well that's the end of Part 2. I hope you all enjoyed it. Please review. Next part should be up soon. Thanks for reading. And a very special thank you again to HSMandChelseaFCfan who helped me post this.