Wow... This took me forever. In between all of my work, the crazy antics with my MP3 Player, My Pops 50th birthday, and just a strange summer, this must be the longest it's ever taken me to actually write a chapter. This laptop has been on constant for two months, no turn offs (ever), waiting for me to finish this chapter. I mean, the last couple for HUNTERS REWARD took me some time, and there was the long pause inbetween ten and 11, but this chapter littlerally took me like2 months to write... ok, 1.5 months, since put the previous one on July 2.

So here it is. I was planning on having another chapter just before this one, but I scrapped it. Hardcore. But its not here, this chapter is.

So enjoy the FINALE!!!

I smelt the wondrous smell once more, as if the sea had lodged itself into my nostrils while I slept in bed. My mind imagined the crashing ocean waves of the first beach I had ever laid eyes on, back on Velia one. Strange, I never took in the detail while I was there.

The soft touch of skin on my arm, warm flesh slowly breathing against me. It was good to feel another person again. Opening my eyes, I half expected the sun to be beating down on me with the fury of the ancient Egyptian gods of old Earth. However, the dim light seeping through my shut blinds highlighted the edge of face before me. I smiled to myself, the calm, tan cheeks resting before me, the dark brown hair tangled in a pleasant mess on my chest.

It's been ages since we've been together in the same room, lifetimes since I've actually bedded a woman, the lust of generation that I've kept bottled up finally released in a moment of brilliant passion. How good it felt to finally be with a woman again. She was special, I could tell… She was the person from that night ages ago, back before she left to work with the guild.

Elly was amazing. Her body, fabulous. Her humor, teasing. Her personality, intriguing. To describe her… It seems beyond words… Well, I'm certainly capable to describe her, but I'm not a lawyer anymore, so I don't feel the need to reach for a dictionary… I'll leave my thoughts of her at "lovely".

Remembering our schedule for the day, I took a glance at the clock, past El' on the nightstand. Five fifteen. Still time to meet our seven o'clock flight time. With the inkling to depart from the bed and shower, change, and handle all other essentials, I needed to awake El'. I ran my hand up the side of her bare legs, over her hips, onto her stomach. She moaned, stirring pleasantly from her dream state. And then, while she began to stretch and wiggle against me, I continued my hand navigation northward and took a firm grasp of her breast, giving seductive squeezes.

"Hmmm, good morning," she said.

"Great morning, El'."

"Hmm, what time is it?" she asked after I had moved my hands back to her waist.

"Five… Seventeen. We need to start getting up, or well never get there on time."

"We're going to get there a day early, Alex. It can wait another ten minuets."

"Of course. But then we won't have an entire day to just walk around and enjoy ourselves."

She grumbled something under her breath. Unfortunately, I never was good at hearing grumbles, even at this distance. I suppose she wanted to sleep more. Funny, with the same amount of sleep, she felt terrible while I seemed to have the strength of a well raised ox.

I seemed to nearly hop out of bed, my legs taking off of the sheets with ease. I headed to the bathroom, nude from last nights sexual events, and quickly began to fiddle with the instruments to start up the shower. Soon enough, I was taking a warm, steamy shower, my mind away from the problems of the world and my task ahead. I quickly soaped up and shampooed, ready to get into the fray that was the space port and head to my ship, where Cassandra would greet El' and I as we boarded, perhaps bringing some witty remark about our relationship into the conversation.

Our trek through space would take the whole of one day, as estimated by Cassandra. Afterwards, we'd have the day to relax, party… whatever. A day for us to enjoy the exotic, jungle-covered lands of Shev'Del. It would be hot, certainly, but we would enjoy ourselves, at least until the next day, when we have to get to work.

But first, our departure. I'd have to talk with the port authority and ensure that all of our fees were paid, and then we'd be off to the darkness of space. The black silence would be terrible at first, but good company, such as El' and Cassandra, make things much easier to bear, and allow time to flow much quicker. I can imagine Michael continually talking to Cassandra on his numerous missions, killing time until he arrived at the job site.

To my surprise, El' soon stepped into the shower. I was partly tempted to cover up my morning wood, but I still faced away from her. I felt her hands wrap around my waist, her gazongas press against my back, her head on my shoulder. As if I wasn't hard enough. I heard her moan, and her grip on me tightened ever so slightly.

"You're so firm," she said.

"Are we talking about my muscles or a particular muscle?"


I didn't waste any time in turning around. With the water beating own on us from the shower head, I held her tightly, pressing her body to my own. And we kissed. Passionately. I could have restrained myself, I'm sure, but I certainly didn't want to. Soon enough, I had her against the wall, our lust driving us for sex. Her legs wrapped themselves around my waist as I held her to the wall, thrusting her hard at the hip. Her ears perked and pointed as we went at it, and her tail soon joined her legs around my waist, only to spike toward the ground at the moment of our 'gasm.

My hair matted down in the water, as did her ears, yet we huffed into the steam, resting against each other, smiling. Our lips locked once more before I let her down onto her own two feet, and I enjoyed the sensation of her tail slowly brushing up against my waist once more.

I bathed, properly, once more while El' started her first go at soap today. We soon exited, joking, laughing, and with joyful smiles, we changed into good, clean clothing, nothing drenched with the sweat of soon-to-be love-making. And soon, still joking to each other, I lifted our bags and together El' and I headed for the door.

The trip to the space port was quick, and soon we were passing security and heading to the dock to step on board my ship. We were mostly undeterred from heading to Cassandra, and it was with plenty of time to spare when I dropped the bags into the cargo bay.

"Good morning, you two," Cassandra started as we entered the cargo bay. "Sleep well?"

I looked over to El' and, after positive glance, smiled.

"Most certainly," I said.

"You're rather cheerful," Cassandra said. "Just make sure to keep the sex to a minimum, please."

"Only if Alex can keep his sex drive in check," El' remarked. There was a quiet, but happy giggle from the speakers. Michael had certainly programmed her well.

"Excuse me, Alex Spencer?" said a familiar voice from cargo bay door.

I turned around and found Jazz there. Strange, she was smiling, glad to see me. I remember our… moment back on Jaska, but had I left that much of an impression on her? I hoped not. She seemed to glow with joy, certainly happy to see me. She seemed to just dive into me, embracing me happily.

"H-hi, Jazz," I said, surprise clear in my voice. "When did you get here?"

"Yesterday, actually."

"Ahem," El' said, raising her tone substantially to ensure I heard her. Jazz and I instantly pulled away.

"Right, right. Uh, El', this is Jazz Kel. We met when I went to find Samus Aran. Jazz, this is my fiancée, Elly Ha'Rel."

"Pleased to meet you," Jazz said, extending her hand to El'.


They shook hands, and then stepped away from each other, as is normal. I noticed El' seemed to drift a little closer to my arm then before, probably in a defensive mode.

"So, Jazz, how have things been on the Fame?" I asked.

"Oh, everything's been fine. We haven't had any more run-ins with Space Pirates or the Federation, and with Hunter and Hannah on board, we'd always be safe if someone tried to board."

"That's good to hear," I said. "Dandridge still flying people around space?"

"Always. We're pretty much just a delivery service and taxi, flying people and cargo. Course, he makes sure not to take anything illegal. Gotta make sure we don't end up in trouble like before. But enough about me, what about… I mean, you two are getting married, congratulations."

"Thanks," El' and I practically said in time.

"That's so great. I'm so happy for you two. So, have you two set a date yet?"

"Not yet," El' replied. "We're still deciding when to have it."

"We never can seem to agree on a date," I said "What about you? Are you in a relationship?"

"Actually, me and Hunter… Well, he's so sweet."

"Hunter?" I said, confused. "Sweet? I don't quite remember him being sweet."

"You might not think so, but he's really nice. And he's so romantic. When we first went out, he made sure to take me to a very nice restaurant, and after dinner, we went on a beautiful, moon-lit stroll and we talked for hours."

"Dinner, moon-lit stroll… Sounds romantic."

"Yeah, and he-"

Jazz paused suddenly, only to thrust her hand into her pocket and withdraw a small PDA from her pants. She winced lightly, then stowed the PDA.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I've gotta get to the Fame. We're going to be leaving soon."

"Well, you'd better hurry," I said. "You don't need to be getting left behind."

"I won't!"

She began to run for her ship, sifting through the numerous amounts of people walking by. I called out to her as she left, saying goodbye and waving. Jazz returned the motion with a wave of her own, her arm sticking out from the top of the passing crowd.

"She was interesting," El' said.

"Oh, yes," I said. "Very interesting."

"You're not thinking about that time she kissed you, are you?" Cassandra said. At the mere phrase, El' shot me an angry glance.

"It was a long time ago, El'," I said. My arms seemed to shoot up and began to wave before me, as if trying to ward off some evil between myself and El'. "I've only got eyes for you, honest."

"You two kissed?"

"Well, she kissed me… But I didn't kiss back, I swear."


"It's the truth, really. A-ask Cassandra, she saw it."

"Maybe I will," El' said before sulking off, making her way to the second floor. I was sure I was going to hear of this later… This might make things a little awkward, especially if Cassandra doesn't tell her the whole truth.

"Cassandra," I said.

"Yes, Alex?"

"Are we all set to leave?"

"We're ready to leave anytime. You just need to pay the last of your fees and well get out of here."

"Good, good. And Cassandra…"


"Please don't tell her any lies please. I don't want her calling off the marriage and leaving me."

"I won't."

"You promise?"

"I'll show her the recording I made at the time."

"Okay. I'll be back in a minute."

"Take your time."

And so I hurried over to the financial office. The secretary there made it easy for me to transfer funds to the port, thus paying all of my debts. The transfer did, however, take some time, and I was forced to stay in the office for a few minutes while the secretary handled everything. I stared down the length of the port, my eyes skimming over the metal colors of at least a dozen ships, all the way to the launch pad off in the distance, floating on the edge of the water. Three ships launched quickly into the sky, one of which I recognized to be the Fame.

When the transfer was complete, I started for the door. And I froze. The door opened, and in stepped the blue jump suit I had remembered viewing numerous times months again. The brilliant blue hair. The elegant, beautiful, and strong figure.



The secretary wasted no time handling yet another transfer, leaving Samus with a few minutes of spare time before she could leave the office. And we struck up a conversation. We passed the news of my soon to be marriage and my impromptu invitation to her to come, whenever we set the date. Our conversation continued quickly, until we reached the matter of the Federation.

"So," I started, "How did the mission on Talon IV go?"

"Well enough, I suppose. Though having to report to a CO wasn't what I expected."

"Wait a CO? I thought you were just going to work alone then report to the Federation later."

"I thought so too. But after the higher ups learned that you're boss, Germane, had been leaking information to the Space Pirates, he was canned and the Federation attaches me to a CO whenever I take a mission from them."

"Really? I didn't know. After Germane was arrested, Admiral Lars debriefed me personally, but he never told me about you getting a CO. Of course, that was also when I resigned, so I'm sure he didn't feel the need to tell me something that sensitive."

"Wait, you resigned?" asked Samus.

"I did."

"Then what do you do now? How do you make a living?"

"I'm a bounty hunter."

"A bounty hunter?"

"Funny, isn't it? I leave the federation to become a bounty hunter like you. Of course, I don't take on the kind of work you do. I try to stay a little safer, taking transport type of work. Non-illegal work, of course."

"I see."

"Yup. It's been three months now since I left the Federation, and I really don't regret it."

"I guess everything worked out then," Samus said, staring out toward the launch pad, just as I had.


"Yes?" she said, returning her attention to me once more. Her air whipped about a bit as she turned her head, her golden hair flashing in the light.

"You're commanding officer. What's his name?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Curiosity. Perhaps I've worked with him before."

"Adam Malkovich."

"Malkovich… Nope, I don't recall the name."

"Oh well."

We fell silent once more. I glanced over to Cassandra, inspecting the shut cargo hold, perhaps a precautionary measurement that Cassandra took on her own.

"I have a question, Alex."


"Adam insists on calling me "Lady." Do you know why?"

""Lady?"… I've got no idea. I would have expected him to say Ma'am, seeing as he is Federation."

"I know. It's really strange… Though he says it with such respect, it's better then being addressed formally"

And we fell silent again. The silence didn't last long though, as the secretary soon announced that Samus docking fees were officially paid, and that she could walk planet side. On that note, Samus and I walked out of the room, and together we headed down toward my ship, which was on the way to the exit which Samus would have leave through.

Samus refused to step aboard the ship so that I could let her meet El'. Cassandra did, however, make it a point to greet Samus through the speakers, and she did reply.

And then she hugged me. It wasn't expecting it. I was sure that she was still just a little angry at me for the loss of Michael, but I guess she's had time to think everything through. I returned the hug, and then we soon parted from each other.

"Thank you, Alex."

"Um… No problem?"

"I guess this is goodbye."

"For now at least."

And so she left. I waved to her as she walked away. Once she was out of sight, I entered the ship and headed upstairs as Cassandra shut the cargo bay. It would be only a matter of minutes until we were ready to leave for space.

ITS OVER!!! (9000!)

IF you enjoyed this... Good. if not... Sorry for wasting your time.

I'm sure there were plenty of grammer errors. Word isn't the best... STILL.

So... Yeah. It's done. I'll see what I can pull out of my bungolo later, but for now, TAKE IT EASY.

Reviews please, thanks all for reading!