A/N-And the saga continues! We are actually getting to the halfway point, believe it or not. Much more interaction in this chapter, and because I love you all and am horribly, horribly sorry for not updating as regularly as I should, it's also rather long. Also, (and this will make sense later, I promise) the Japanese word for rain is ame. Thank you to all anonymous/no –email reviewers, and especially Anonia.

"We're here!" Naoki called out as he pushed the door open. He grinned as he walked into laughter, the sight that greeted him a pleasant one. Ami and Usagi looked like kittens on the couch, tangled up with each other and giggling, with Rei collapsed on the floor laughing at Mina, who stood near the kitchen losing the fight to look indignant to the allure of the merriment. He assumed Mako was in aforementioned kitchen, since she wasn't out here in the fun. He set the bag of videogames by the door as the other guys filed in after him, shrugged out of his wet jacket, hurriedly tossed it on a hanger in the closet, and immediately started out to greet his sweetheart.

Just as he passed Rei there was a chorus of "NO!" from the girls, and a hand snagged his ankle, sending him sprawling into Mina as she rushed forward to stop him, her momentum tumbling them backwards into Rei. When the dust cleared and the whose-limbs-are-whose was sorted out Naoki sat up with a glower.

He rubbed his head; somewhere in that mess he'd knocked it against something hard. From the way Rei was scowling and rubbing at her knee, probably that. Mina seemed mostly unharmed though rumpled. He glared around at them all, the guys standing in the doorway staring as Usa and Ami gaped at the three on the floor. "Okay, anyone want to tell me why the hell tackling me suddenly became popular?"

Usa raised her hand timidly. Naoki couldn't help the incredulous grin. "Um, yes, Usa?"

She lowered her hand and looked at him earnestly as words poured out of her in a flood of sincere explanation. "Well, see, Ami and I were sitting here and wondering if we'd have to move anything around since you guys were coming but I decided that we didn't really have to, I mean, I only decided because Ami asked, you know, but anyway, it was decided that everything is fine where it is and doesn't Ami have a lovely place here, not that you haven't seen it before, I mean, you've been here, but anyway, so Rei came out of the kitchen, but she'd sneaked a bite of something that Mako was making and you KNOW how Mako gets when she's in the kitchen, I mean, she kicked me out earlier when I just wanted to help because I wanted to make something special for my Mamo, but she was that mean that she didn't want me in there, and Rei made her mad with the snatching and then Mina didn't know, so she came out and was munching on something TOO, and Mako flew off the handle and it's really not safe to go in there right now and that's why they tackled you." Her explanation out, she sucked air in and gazed at him pleadingly, blue eyes imploring him to please not be mad.

Slightly dazed by the sheer amount of verbosity that had just come out of the petite blonde, Naoki looked over at the rest of the guys, all of whom appeared to be just as stunned as he. Except for Mamoru. He just looked slightly bemused. Then again, he probably dealt with the massive outpouring of words on a daily basis. Poor man. Naoki returned his attention to Usa, who was still making puppy-dog eyes at him. A glance flicked over at Ami showed her barely holding onto composure, while similar peeks at Rei and Mina revealed both of them looking like they were going to burst. "Ah… Oh," was about all he could manage without losing his tentative grasp on his own laughter.

He turned to Mamoru, and hoped that the desperation in his eyes was enough to get the man to do something. Luckily, Mamoru was already on the move towards his fiancée, who had transferred her gaze to him. The brilliant man held out a hand to help her to her feet, and snugged her against his side, smiling. "Thank you, love, for explaining that to us." He dropped a kiss on her nose as she beamed up at him, pleased. "Now that that's all cleared up, though, you want to help us sort out which games we want to play first?"

Effectively distracted, Usagi bounced over to the bags with more enthusiasm than grace, Mamoru following her with a grin at Naoki. Naoki tossed a grin back and then plopped down in Usagi's vacated spot on the couch with such force that Ami squeaked and half fell against him. He cheerily ignored Zane's glare and wrapped an arm around the small woman beside him. "Well, I suppose since the love of my life is unavailable, I shall have to avail myself of this slightly inferior female." Naoki smirked as he watched Zane slowly turning purple out of the corner of his eye.

Fortunately for the blond's blood pressure, Ami just chuckled, extracted herself, stood and tsked at Naoki; her mock-severe manner placated the man behind her, though she couldn't see him, and he turned his attention back to Rei, who poked him for his inattention. "Now, now, stargazer, you know better. Even if I am an inferior female specimen compared to your idolized Makoto, you know quite well that she would be rather less than pleased by you availing yourself of me." Her smile was sweet and teasing, and Naoki beamed at her for the playful mockery. "And with that said, I need some water," she glanced over her shoulder at where Usagi, Mamoru, Jad, and Mina were going through the games with Rei and Zane standing by looking bemused, "and to not be near the mess they're making of my living room," she added in an undertone for his ears only. The almost pained look she shot at him amused him. "Not that I'm a neat freak, obviously, but I know that the three blonds' at least are going to apply more zest than sense."

Naoki chuckled. "That's putting it nicely. And mildly. But, maybe Mamoru will be able to temper their, ahem, gusto."

At precisely that moment Usagi and Jad started arguing about whether or not Twilight Princess was fun or not, and how it stood up to the other Zelda games. Ami just clapped a hand over her mouth to muffle the giggle he could hear anyway, and raced for the kitchen. Naoki, however, watched merrily as Mamoru lifted Usagi off her feet and dangled her upside down, with the desired result of sidetracking and annoying her, and Mina jumped on Jad, effectively diverting him. When Zane and Rei got involved somehow or other, though, Naoki decided to make tracks too, before he got sucked into the launching brawl.

By the time he pushed his way through the kitchen door, Ami stood at the sink with a half full water glass and Mako was engaged in pulling something that smelled delicious out of the oven. He grinned and sauntered over to sniff deeply over her shoulder as she set the pan down. At her coy glance over her shoulder he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed behind her ear. "How are you, my Kitchen Dragon? Still terrorizing all those who dare enter your territory?"

She smiled and sighed in contentment as she leaned back against him, a warm and familiar presence in his arms; she smelled of honeysuckle and baking. "No," she negated, "Not all those who dare enter; just those who steal from my hoard."

Ami chuckled from the sink, and set down the now empty water glass. "But the hoard is now done and ready to be shared, isn't it?" She came over and looked down at the casserole in the dish, the golden brown surface wafting its heavenly scent upwards. "Mm, it smells divine, Mako, and I'm quite hungry." She smiled up at the brunette and offered, "If you want some help serving, I'm willing."

Mako smiled back at her and shook her head. "No, I figured we'd just do everything buffet-style, since there's so much food and so many of us. Easier that way. Though I won't object if you'd get out the dishes and silverware and set them over there," she indicated the end of the counter with a dip of her head, hands full with a dish of hash potatoes.

Ami nodded and proceeded to set out ten plates and the corresponding silverware, all arranged neatly at the beginning of the food, with napkins as well. She cast a glance at the full counter and table, and mentally calculated just how much room there was in her living room for everyone, wondering if her coffee table and side tables were up to this. At the somewhat dismal numbers (though if she and one other person stood it might work…), she silently sighed and resigned herself to scouring the room later for any dropped food.

Mako finished the last of her preparations and pulled Naoki in for a quick kiss before she headed out to tell everyone they were now invited to eat. Ami suppressed another sigh at their easy intimacy and instead smiled slightly at Naoki as he turned his silly grin to her. Pleased with himself, he came over and ruffled her hair. "Don't worry too much about the abuse your living room might take, shutterbug, I took into consideration just how much food my Mako would make, and came prepared." He grinned at her some more and she felt her smile turn up more, genuine now.

"Oh?" she asked, curious despite herself. "How do you figure, and how did you know what I was thinking?"

He swept her through the door into the living room, and she saw what he meant by "came prepared". Her coffee table had been pushed against the wall to get it out of the way for the huge picnic blanket now spread on her floor. The colourful fabric looked sturdy, and she stopped worrying about stains on her carpet. She gave Naoki a grateful glance. "You're fantastic, Naoki. Thank you."

His expression softened from smug into pleased. He slung an arm around her shoulders and squeezed fondly. "You're welcome, Ami. And to answer your other question, I knew because you always get a little crease here" he tapped a finger between her eyes gently, "when you're calculating something." She batted at his hand half-heartedly, but her eyes shone gently at him.

Usa spotted her then, and bounced over, extracting her from Naoki with a skill that was surprisingly deft and done so sweetly that it was impossible for him to be offended. "Ami! Look, we're gonna have a breakfast picnic, isn't this great? I think it's awesome! We're going to watch a movie while we eat, too, wanna help us pick? Jad says rainy days are for watching horror movies, but I don't think I want to watch a horror movie, what if I get scared and drop my plate? That would waste Mako's yummy food! I don't want to do that. So, I thought we could pick a comedy or maybe even a romantic comedy! What do you think? Something with Meg Ryan in it? I know you like her, and I do, too! Nothing too sad, though, like City of Angels…I like that movie, but I always cry, and I don't feel like crying today, do you? No? Good! Then let's look what else we have…"

Ami happily accompanied Usagi over to where the movies spread across the floor, and picked through them with all the girls until they came across "You've Got Mail," and carted that to the DVD player over Jad's protests that he didn't want to watch a "chick flick."

"Too bad!" Mina chuckled at him, "We get first decision; you can pick the next movie."

Rei held up a finger as he brightened at that, and warned him, "So long as it isn't a horror movie." When he deflated she snickered, but slid up to him and kissed his cheek. "But action movies are okay."

Mako nodded vigorously at that, and added, "We have a lot of kung fu flicks, too. I brought all my Jet Li movies." She grinned and trotted off to the kitchen again, happy to leave them all to make a final decision.

Rei smiled and leaned up to murmur in his ear, "Kung fu or action flicks for now, but maybe we can watch a horror movie later tonight." Her eyes darkened with subtle promises, and he grinned down at her and bent forward to kiss her fleetingly on the lips.

"I think we can manage that, so long as we," he indicated the guys with a tilt of his head, "don't have to watch chick flicks all day."

There was hearty agreement from where Kenta and Zane were setting up the Wii. "Toss in the occasional kung fu flick and we'll be fine," Zane put in. "I actually like 'You've Got Mail,' though. It's a pretty good movie."

Kenta barely concealed a snort of amusement as Jad piped in with, "Of course you think so, Zane, you're almost a chick yourself!" When Zane abandoned helping Kenta to tackle Jad, Naoki wandered over to lend a hand, not bothering to hide his laughter.

"If it helps," he offered, "we brought all three Indiana Jones movies, too. We can probably get them to watch it if we remind them how much they like Harrison Ford." The chuckle from Kenta indicated assent, and as he plugged in the last wire he rocked back on his heels with a look of satisfaction.

"There," he rumbled, "All set." He tossed a warm glance back at Mina and crew, and rose fluidly. "If you want to play now, love, you can," he held up a hand at the rush towards him and the system started and warned them, "but if anything happens to this thing, the one who broke it will pay for it, understood?"

The flat threat stopped Jad, Rei, Zane and Usagi dead, and all four looked at him warily, but Mina simply laughed and danced up to him. She held her hand up and looked at him solemnly, though it was slightly spoiled by the wicked gleam in her eyes. "I vow," she intoned, "that if I so break your Wii I will…" she leaned in and murmured into his ear.

Ami was entirely amused as whatever Mina said turned Kenta an interesting shade of red, but stepped in to salvage some of his dignity. "Are you guys going to play, then? Shall we save the movies for after you've all worn yourselves out on video games?" Kenta shot her a brief grateful glance before he turned to the rest of them to see their answer.

The four blonds and lone brunette looked at each other, shrugged, and all grinned and nodded. "Yes," Jad asserted, "we want to play before we settle down to watch movies. We'll still eat, though!" he added as he caught a glimpse of Mamoru exiting the kitchen with a fully laden plate.

Mamoru grinned at them all and gestured with his fork. "Mako's made us a feast; she's even made those crepes you love so much, Usako." He took a teasing bite of his as he watched his fiancée's eyes go huge and pleading. "Mm, delicious, I may have to go back for more."

"Maaamooo, don't, you'll eat them all and then there won't be any left for mee!" Usagi raced to the kitchen to claim her crepes before anyone else could even move. Mako snickered as she exited the kitchen with her own plate and made her way to claim a spot on the blanket.

"Usa," she called through the door, "It's okay, I made plenty!" She shook her head in amusement, grinned. "I think if anyone else wants any, they'd better go get some now before she ravages the whole kitchen." With those words she stepped aside; a wise move, considering the rush past her.

Ami grinned back at Mako. "I think I'll wait until the squabbling is over before I get my plate." Mako laughed and settled on the blanket with her back to the couch, and Ami claimed the corner of it, curling up with her favorite throw pillow.

"I don't blame you, Ami," Mamoru chuckled as he stepped over Mako, dropping a fond kiss on top of her head as he passed to sit on the other end of the couch, keeping his plate meticulously level to Ami's gratitude. "And thank you, Mako, for the wonderful food."

"Mako always makes wonderful food!" Usagi beamed as she exited the kitchen with a plate that threatened to spill its contents everywhere with as much as she'd piled on it. Still, even the klutz had her graceful moments, and she managed to seat herself without incident in front of the Wii, her claim staked on both food and controller. Utterly pleased with herself, Usagi set about creating a Mii so she could play games with it while simultaneously (and amazingly) shoveling food into her maw at an incredible rate.

Mako and Ami eyed each other, and both also stuffed morsels of food into their own mouths to keep from laughing. Mamoru, on the other hand, just gave Usagi a fond, if exasperated look. "Usako, perhaps you should wait until you're done eating before trying to play the game?"

A full-cheeked Usa looked back at him and vigorously shook her head; Ami was amazed she didn't choke as she gulped in order to clear her mouth for talking. "Nope! Gotta set up my character first so I can pick the game!"

Jad, who heard the tail end of that statement as he came over, yelped and rushed over, nearly overturning Mako in the process. "Hey! No fair starting without me!" He winced at the inarticulate growl behind him and amended quickly, "Us!" Rei stalked over with Zane right behind her, both angling for controllers, and Ami settled back to enjoy the show and complimentary fireworks; she'd get breakfast in a minute.


Ami popped her last bite of melon into her mouth as she watched Usagi, Jad, Mina, and Rei squabble over who got to be what in Rock Band. Amused, she chuckled under her breath as they finally got it sorted out; Usagi on guitar, Jad on drums, Mina on bass, and Rei on vocals. There was still grumbling from Mina about being stuck on bass when she should be the one singing and from Zane for being odd man out, but all in all they were set. Now they just had to pick a song… As the battle began, Ami unfolded herself from the couch and took her plate into the kitchen to put it in the dishwasher.

She rinsed the plate absently, gazing out the window at the falling rain. Dish safely tucked into the dishwasher, she hesitated. Surely they wouldn't miss her right now? They were all busy with the game system, and probably wouldn't even miss her while she was out there. Decided now, she slipped into the study to snag her iPod and pop it into the inside pocket of her grey jacket as she pulled it on. Her chest filled with anticipation as she slid out the kitchen door and into the cool air outside. She paused in the doorway, and took a deep breath; it tasted of water, heavy with the sweetness of the rain. Earphones inserted, she dug the iPod out just enough to use the pad, opened the appropriate playlist and stepped out just as the first strains of piano sang into her ears.

Lifted on the music and the storm, she danced. Soft, slow movements, smooth and graceful as the rain caressed her skin. Her eyes drifted closed as she danced, body flowing, swaying, gentle peace in motion. The music of the piano was emphasized by the music of the storm, and the sounds wrapped around each other until they seemed as if they were meant to be listened to exactly like this; the fluid notes on the piano, the tender patter of the downpour. This, she thought before thought floated away, this is ecstasy. Then she merely was; a woman dancing in the rain.


He didn't notice she was gone at first. She'd gotten up while Jad and Mina argued about what song they would play, and he'd assumed that she was putting the plate she had in her hands away in the kitchen. It seemed like her; very neat and tidy, though there were hints that she wasn't always that way around the house. The book left on the table, the pillow beside the couch rather than on it, just little things that showed she wasn't a perfectionist. Which, by the by, he was perfectly fine with, as a not-perfectionist himself...mostly.

When she hadn't reappeared by the time Kenta bopped Mina on the head and mildly told her to behave while Rei smacked Jad and told him the same though with the proviso that they should do the song she wanted, he started to wonder. It shouldn't take that long to rinse a dish and put it in the washer, right? Zane casually rose to make his way to the kitchen by way of stepping over Makoto and Naoki, and sliding past Mamoru. Mamoru raised a single brow as he went past, but smiled slightly, too, and Zane smiled somewhat ruefully back and gave a little shrug, mildly embarrassed, though he wasn't sure why.

Finally in the kitchen, he glanced around, confused; no Ami in sight. He peeked through the open door to the study; desk, computer, more bookshelves (he swore the woman had more bookshelves than a college; she even had her own library and she still had bookcases everywhere!), iPod port, two cameras, and several picture frames. Also, still no Ami. Going back into the kitchen he checked the dishwasher; sure enough, there was a newly rinsed plate in it. He started to get frustrated; after all, it's not like there were many more places she could be. She hadn't come back into the living room, she wasn't in the study, where else could she be?

He pondered the last exit from the kitchen thoughtfully. Outside? His brow furrowed; she wouldn't have gone out into the storm, would she? Were they that bad as company? The thought hurt him that she would rather be cold and wet rather than stay in the room with him, and he hated that feeling. Determined now he pulled the door open and stepped outside…and there she was.

His breath caught in his throat in an utter cliché, but he couldn't help it; she was beautiful. No, more than beautiful; she was incandescent. This wasn't like the dancing from the other night; this was an elegant, graceful song she created with her body. Not dance so much as an expression of pure, unadulterated joy. Look, his mind whispered to him, at this woman, this lovely, delicate, and far too fragile woman. Look at her, and know what you want. Breath no longer caught, his throat filled instead with wordless emotion as he finally gave in and admitted to himself what he wanted. I want her. Not just her body, either. All of her; her faults, her frailty, her strengths and triumphs, I want to be a part of her life and I want her to be a part of mine. His heart contracted around the idea and swallowed it whole, made it an intrinsic element of his being even as he rebelled against the suddenness of it. He couldn't say the rest of it, not even to himself, wouldn't after only weeks of knowing her, but it was there. And because it was there, he stepped forward into the rain.

She didn't seem to hear him approach, and he studied her as he came. Big blue eyes closed, lips curved in a serene smile, skin luminous with rain, hair dark with it. He stopped just shy of her, not wanting to scare her, and spoke softly. "Ami." To his bemusement, she kept dancing, still oblivious to his presence. Obviously, her headphones were very effective; either that or she was too lost in her own world to even notice him. A grin flirted with his mouth as he mentally shrugged and said to hell with not startling her; next time he had an opening he slipped his arms around her and joined her dance.


As she danced, she dreamed. With her eyes closed and her mind filled with music she could almost feel him there as she flowed with the falling rain, his presence a blossom of warmth in her chest. Ami's throat hummed with contentment; the cool touch of rain against her skin and the soft embrace of the breeze imbued her with happiness.

When she heard the murmur of her name she thought it was simply her imagination voicing itself; when she felt real arms around her, however, she realized it wasn't all in her head after all. She opened her eyes slowly, almost afraid that if she looked he wouldn't be there even though the heat of his hands at her waist seared her through her wet clothes. Emerald eyes gazed down at her, and she felt a smile burgeoning on her lips. She settled her hands on his shoulders for balance, and they swayed together easily. This isn't so bad, no reason to be nervous, really, she told herself as she was swept up in his green gaze. "Hi," she said simply as she blinked up at him mildly.

He looked amused as he replied. "Hi." A tendril of strawberry blond hair plastered itself to his cheek as the rain soaked him through and when he impatiently brushed it back behind his ear she found herself chuckling. His nonplussed look just made it turn into a full blown laugh, and she tipped her head back merrily, her throat exposed to him. She felt giddy with the combination of his nearness and the storm, as if she was fizzing all over with bubbles.

Face to the sky and eyes closed, she missed the expression on his face as he gazed at her then; a blazing hunger tempered by awed tenderness. Softly, she began to speak, countenance still turned upwards to savour the caress of rain. "You probably think it's weird that I love to come out here and dance in the pouring rain, don't you? It's okay, I know it's odd. Even I don't really know why I do, but it doesn't really matter. There's something about rain…" She sighed, not sure she could explain. "There's peace in it, and music." She lowered her chin again, opened her eyes to see if he understood, fearing he wouldn't.

He looked back at her with an unreadable expression, and she wished she knew what he was thinking. "You know," he murmured, "it makes a certain kind of sense. They sound the same." Confused, she gave him a questioning glance. Zane smiled at her, eyes shining with delight. "Your name. It's so close, don't you see? Rain, Ami, rain, Ami." He rolled the syllables on his tongue as if they were a delicacy, tasting each sound; the full roundness of the a's, the hum of the m's, the bare difference between the lilt of the e and the bright note of the i. Her cheeks flushed as she listened to him; she'd never heard her name said like that before. In his mouth, her name sounded like something precious. How does he do that? she wondered weakly as she tried to regain her composure. How is it that this man can so completely disarm me with the mere utterance of my name?


Zane noticed how flustered she looked, and he gave over his rumination of her name in the interest of keeping her comfortable, and changed the subject. "So, what are you listening to?"

"Yiruma," she told him as she offered him an earphone. When he slipped it into his ear it was a revelation of hauntingly lovely melody. Whoever or whatever Yiruma was, he/she/they/it played the piano in a way that would make angels weep. He turned wondering eyes on her, and by the pleased look on her face she knew she had a convert.

She smiled brilliantly at him. "He's one of my favourite pianists. Korean, and incredibly talented." Her eyes were distant as she continued, "His music is so evocative; only a few others have ever touched me like he has."

He pulled her a little closer, fascinated by the light in her far-away eyes. "What's this song called?"

"'When The Love Falls'," she replied, and he noted the aptness wryly.

As they continued to move gently, the song came to a close, and a new one began. This one shimmered with delicate notes that fell just as the raindrops around them. "And this one?" he asked as she stopped moving, eyes closed again, and the sheer peace on her face making his heart ache with yearning. In her stillness was a poignant thanks thrown to the heavens from her grateful heart.

"This is my song," she murmured, in a voice that made him wonder if she was speaking to him anymore. "This is the one I listen to when I need…anything. It makes everything better; just like dancing in the rain." He waited, and she went on, opening her eyes and smiling at him again; it made his knees weak, and he wondered just how many damned clichés she was going to cause. "It's called 'Kiss the Rain,'" she said even as she turned her face up again as if she would.

His own smile lit every corner of his soul as he took her chin in his hand and brought her attention back to him. He gazed at her, and threw every caution to the wind as he spoke, "I like that idea. May I?" and then waited for the answer.


God, his eyes… She was caught in that deep, dark gaze. His eyes were a profound green that nearly hurt with intensity, his calmly asked question burning in them. If I say no… He would walk away. He would walk away and she would never know. But if I say yes… That was almost as bad; it would take things somewhere she couldn't predict, couldn't know. But…it was what she wanted. And was that so bad? Really?

The edges of his smile frayed as she hesitated, and she knew she needed to answer him. And honestly, there was only one way she could. She closed the distance between them, and gave him her response whispered nearly against his lips. "Yes." I will not be afraid anymore…

This time when he kissed her and she kissed him back she didn't run, didn't want to run, didn't want to do anything but stay in this single moment for as long as they could.


A/N-Told you it would make sense. And here, my friends, is one of the turning points in this story. Please, please review and let me know what you thought of this, and I truly hope you enjoyed it. Thank you all again.
