Author's Note: Yet another little 100 word drabble, hope you enjoy! Its full of goody goody goodness! Review!


Sixty seconds and counting, after that, no more waiting, he sighed in anticipation. A lazy grin spread across his face, he was starting to get anxious. More than anxious actually, he turned to Hermione, "now?" he asked impatiently.

She shook her head, she was amused, "not yet, just wait thirty more seconds!"

He groaned, he was starting to feel the yearning. He wanted it so bad, he could hardly contain himself. He stared at Hermione, with disbelief and annoyance, his brow wrinkled.

She smiled, "ok, wait… 3… 2… 1…" DING, he grinned excitedly, "your pop tarts are done Ron."

A/N: Hope you enjoyed, now just press the pretty little button and review :)