Disclaimer: All WWE content is owned by Vincent Kennedy McMahon and any use here is purely for entertainment value only. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Jeff Hardy had made a successful comeback after years away from the WWE, and he should be on cloud nine but he finds himself lost with no direction. Can a person from his past come back and change him for the better or will he be lost forever?
Distribution: Due to the amount of theft lately with fictions, I am putting a direct list of who can host this fiction. It may be changed in the future but until that time, I am only allowing my own personal site, the Open Archive, and Fan fiction dot net to have access to these works. If you would like to host any of my work please email me with a request.
Series: Mended Hearts Series
Authors Notes: With the conclusion of two of my stories, I have decided to now start a new one with a new direction. Any and all reviews are appreciated as I love to know what my readers think of the work that I do, but they are not mandatory.
I'm staring out into the night,
Trying to hide the pain.
No one knew that he liked to do this. To come outside the arena when all of the fans were inside watching the matches and take in the night around him. He had been doing it since his first go around with World Wrestling Entertainment and he found that it soothed him. The way the stars twinkled and the moon shined gave him comfort on nights like these where he was starting to feel worn and alone.
Feeling lonely didn't usually hit him this way often, but when he did, the sounds of the passing motorists, all needing to get to their destinations, and the sound of the roaring crowd from inside the building gave him pause and made him think. He used to use these moments to write, but for lack of not having a notebook, or any painting supplies around, he chose to stare into the night and just take it all in.
He had always been this way, introspective, looking at the world in a different way then most of his friends and family. He knew they all looked at him and said to themselves what a quirky and strange guy he was. He was well aware that he didn't quite fit in, and at times like these he didn't even care.
He had made the decision last summer to come back to the ring, in a different way then with TNA, but again with the company that still employed his brother Matt. It was a huge step for him, given that when he had left the last time, he had been accused of being a drug addict that wouldn't admit he had a problem. Little did the people in the company and the people close to him know that they had no clue why he really left and why he felt the need to spread his wings in another place other then the ring.
As he stared out into the night, he remembered the way his brother had been when he had finally dropped the bomb on him that he would no longer be wrestling with him or with the company that had given them their first real famous start. Matt had been angry, more angry then Jeff had ever seen him and just thinking about it now gave him shivers.
"Why would you walk away from all of this Jeff? What is going through your mind? Is what they say in the locker room right? Are you taking pills again?"
"No I am not taking pills again Matt, and since when you do listen to the other wrestlers and not to your own brother? Since when did you become more about this damn company then about your own family?"
"When my brother decided to bite the hand that feeds him and walk away from everything he could become."
Shaking his head of the vision of Matt's angry face before him, he thought about what had happened that day after they had yelled at each other. Matt had no clue at all what was really going through his own brothers head and at times it seemed like he didn't even care to know. He had been in a slump for a long time before he had finally left, and everyone around him knew it. He just finally did something about it and took charge of his life and his brother had not understood it. Not for one second.
Jeff couldn't fault his brother, it was that whole mentality of believing deep inside that they would be tagging again and be on the top of their game all over again. He was blinded by the fact that they could be something and really run the company and had let his relationship with his brother fall by the way side. Jeff knew they would never tag again, not if he had stayed and was thankful when he got out because it was before Matt's ex girlfriend had decided to do a number on his heart.
Amy Dumas, the girlfriend to his brother, and the best friend to him through all of the mess with the pills and afterwards. If there was one person that he hadn't seen changing, it was her and thinking back on it all now, watching Matt change into the man that he now was, and knowing a lot of it had to do with what she had done to him, well it made him proud to have known her.
So much had changed in the past four years since he had been with the company. Everyone had finally grown up and were now a little smarter and wiser then they had once been. Himself included. He had learned the most in the shortest amount of time because he hadn't shut himself off from it.
He took one last look at the darkened sky above him, taking in the breath of fresh air that being outside brought out in him and made a beeline back to the arena door. As soon as he opened the door he came face to face with the one person he hadn't wanted to see.
"Hey Jeff, can I steal a minute of your time?" she asked him with a small smile. She was just as sick as he was about having to work together despite the path their lives had taken.
It wasn't that he didn't like her. Because he did indeed like her, she was a wonderful woman to know and to talk to. But she reminded him of his past, of a woman long forgotten. The one woman he was trusted more then anything. The woman that had helped him get over Beth.
"Yeah I don't have to tag with Matt for another half hour or so. What's on your mind?"
He could see what Matt had seen in her over a year ago. She was indeed a beautiful woman. She had really grown into her beauty in the past year and she had a killer taste in music once you got to really know her. That was part of the appeal of them getting close when she was dating Matt. Ashley had always liked his music and it gave them hours of conversational tools.
"Trish is on my mind Jeff. I thought you should know that the WWE has been in contact with her and she is thinking about coming out of retirement."
There it was, the reason they couldn't be close as friends. Because although most people didn't know it, Ashley and Trish were best friends, having hailed from the same town and literally grown up just down the street from each other as kids. She was also the girl that had stolen his heart, and hadn't bothered to give it back to him when she had run off and gotten married to an old school sweetheart.
"I thought she was happy being the married housewife now, so why the change?"
Ashley looked at him, as if looking through him and for once, he felt very uncomfortable. What was it with him and blonde's? Did they have some sort of mystical power where they thought they could get into his head if they looked at him a certain way?
"They broke up Jeff, I thought you knew that."
"The day I walked out of the WWE the last time was the day she stopped informing me of her life decisions Ashley. What does any of this matter anyway?"
She took a step back from him and then looking away for a second, gathered what Jeff made out to be her thoughts and then turned back to face him. She put her hands on his shoulder gently, in the way she had when she had dated his brother, when she was being a friend and spoke again.
"It matters because whether you want to admit it or not, you still care about her. She didn't want me to tell you that she was considering a comeback, but as your friend, I knew I had to do it."
As she walked away from him then, his shoulder still burning from the touch she had just initiated his heart stung. He was feeling down and more alone then he ever had and now he had to worry about the girl that got away coming back into his life with a vengeance.
Could his night or his life for that matter get any worse?
When she saw his brother, exiting from the locker room, a stern look written on his young features, he knew it definitely could get worse. Matt saw him then and made a beeline for him and Jeff felt at that moment like he was going to be sick. There was no way he could handle a match now, not when Ashley had just dropped her proverbial bomb.
Was it really possible she would be coming back?