A/N: FIRST FANFIC. So don't keel meee!!!! cowers

Disclaimer: I do not own Cats. But I can dream can't I?




I will not set Tugger's mane on fire and claim that I'm just suffering from Pyromania.

I will not attempt to talk to the cat clock on the wall.

The fact that I was a kitten has nothing to do with it.

I will not help Mongojerrie and Rumpleteazer with their plots.

No matter how fun it is.

I will not send Macavity love letters claiming to be from Munkustrap.

Putting things in Munkustrap's milk is bad.


Scratch that, EXTREMELY BAD.

I will not have dreams of myself continuously stabbing Tugger and laughing insanely.

I will not change my name to "The Great Mistofelees"

Or "Mistofelees, The Godly One"

I will not buy Coricopat or Tantomile a 20 Questions ball.


Which is very creepy.

I cannot dub myself "King of Awsomeness"

I will not run around screaming "MACAVITY"

No matter how much fun it is.

I will not create plans to rule the world.

Even if it was Rumpleteazer's idea.

I will not change the sand in Tugger's litter box into quick sand.

I will not randomly attack babies.

Getting your head stuck in something doesn't mean you can get it out.

Creating a bike and making it invisible and riding it does make me look cool…

…but people might question my sanity.

I will not sit in puzzle boxes.

This for sure will not make a puzzle of myself.

I will not convince Plato that Persian cats are evil.

And plan to rule the world.

Because Rumpleteazer and I have that down already.

I am aware that all that moves is not deadly.

I will not switch the Jellicle Ball music to High School Musical songs.

Even if it does work.

And the reactions are hilarious

I will not sit in a box and shoot grapes at the kittens.

I may not afterwards tell them that eating grapes will make a grape vine grow in your stomach.

I will not tell Tugger that it's the end of the world when his hair brush goes missing.

And secretly crack every mirror in the Junkyard to prove the point.

A/N: Yosh, thats my first fanfic, if it's horrible, tell me calmly and don't "pounceth" me plz. 'Cause claws + Face Pain. Which is not fun. Next up: Well.. haven't thought bout that yet! Suggestions?