Jesse had been acting odd for almost a month now, and Shalamar was starting to get more than a little worried about the blond molecular she saw as her baby brother. It was nothing serious so far, he had missed a few meeting, disappeared for hours on end, and had once turned up back at sanctuary with a few nasty scrapes, but that had all been explained away at the time; something about breaking up a fight at a bar. Shalamar had noted the rise in his heart rate as he told the lie but decided not to push it, at the time it had not seemed important.

Nothing in his character had really changed, he was still good old Jesse, but sometimes, it seemed like he was holding something back. He had never been a particularly expressive person – hell even Emma struggled to read him a lot of the time - but Shal prided her self on knowing her lil' bro like no one else did, and, though she was reasonably sure the rest of the team had not noticed his strange behaviour, she was determined to get to the bottom of it.

She watched him in the dojo, fighting off the holographic GS Agents, and could see nothing wrong. He was as strong and fit as usual, perhaps even more so then normal, and the bad guys stood no chance. A glance at the computer monitor told her Jesse had almost finished his regular evening work out so she decided to try and spend some quality time with her best friend – something they had not had a lot of time for during the recent onslaught on GSA activity, which, combined with Jesse's disappearing acts had pretty much put paid to all the young mutant's down time.

'Hey, ' Shal called out to Jesse, not wanting to startle her friend into falling from the dojo, as she had once done, back when it was just her and Jesse living in Sanctuary with Adam – they had had such fun, still did, there were just more people to share the good times with now.

'Hey Shal,' Jesse answered, deactivating the training program and walking down the steps to meet her, 'what are you up to?'

'Nothing, I was kinda thinkin' we could catch a movie together, Emma and Brennan are at that new club in town, Adam will be in Miami for another few days yet, and I happen to know that Brennan picked up a couple of new DVDs from the mall the other week'

'Sounds great,' Jesse smiled at her happily, 'just let me grab a quick shower and change, I'll be about 10 minutes'

'Sure thing Jess, but know this; if you're too late I'll will eat your pizza' Shalamar called after her friend's retreating back as he headed to his room. Smirking to herself, Shalamar headed down the hall, toward the large kitchen to grab a bag of microwave popcorn, chocolate shakes and their fresh- from-the-oven pizzas – extra cheese for Jess, meat feast for her – before heading back out into the common area to start the movies. Shal knew for a fact that her team mate had been over seas on a mission when 'Hackers' was shown at the movies and the fact he had forgotten the DVD release date just showed how much he had on his mind at the moment…

Still, tonight was going to be a chance for both of them to relax, unwind and enjoy each other's company. She had been looking forward to some quality time with her little bro' for a while, and as she settled next to him on the large couch in the common area, in front of the huge TV, Shalamar could think of nowhere better to be in all of sanctuary.

A loud noise woke her at around 1.30 am, by her watch, and she glanced around to find herself curled up with Jesse, bathed in the blue 'not in use' light from the TV screen, Adams voice rousing them both from slumber.

'Shalamar, Jesse, the arsonist has struck again, down at the dock's warehouses, I need you two to grab the helix and get down there, quick as you can and see if you can grab him before he escapes.'

'We're on it Adam,' Jesse's voice gave away no trace of the fact he had only woken a few seconds ago, and the young molecular was on his feet on the way to the hanger, before Shal could even process the long sentence Adam had just subjected her sleep addled brain too. 'Come on Shal, ' Jesse called over his shoulder.

I know it's kinda short and boring, but it's my first fan fic. Any comments are welcome, and if you think it's any good, i'll try to update soon.

coda KAZ2Y5