Author's note: hey guys this fics coming to an end now I'm afraid, as I've run out of ideas at the mo. I may do a sequel if people want one but at the moment I've got another fic started so I'll concentrate on that. Hope you all enjoyed my first NCIS fic and please reply to this last chapter!!

At NCIS headquarters McGee and Kate were finishing up their paperwork for the day, both debating whether they should go and see Tony.

"Hey Kate, do you think we should go and see Tony?" McGee asked, walking towards her desk.

"I'm not sure, I want to but…" Kate trailed off.

"But what?"

"I've never seen Tony the way we did after we found him, I mean the Tony I know is strong, funny and isn't afraid of anything. It scares me."

"I know what you mean, when we were at the hospital and he had that nightmare I didn't know what to do. I don't want to go and see him, and then find that I don't know what to say!"

"Exactly, and we don't want to upset him."

"But won't not going upset him more?" a voice asked from the direction of the elevator.

"How do you mean Ducky," McGee replied, glad that the ME was there to help them decide.

"His father got it in to Anthony's head that we didn't care, that we'd called off the search and that we were pleased that he wasn't around anymore."

"Bastard, but Tony can't believe that!" McGee exclaimed.

"When someone says something to you enough times, you start to believe it, even though deep down you know it isn't true."

"So if we don't go and see him, then he'll think his father was right, that we don't care," Kate said, hating the man even more than she had done. "God, I'm glad he's dead!"

"He would have suffered more in jail," McGee added.

"I'm not so sure of that Timothy, it seems Mr Carlos Dinozzo had as high connections in prison as out. And you have to remember that he's been in prison before, but he came out and took Anthony, what would stop him from doing the same thing," Ducky replied, seething on the inside over Anthony's father.

"Does Tony know his father's dead?" Kate asked, and after a nod from Ducky she continued. "How did he take it?"

"Jethro told me that Anthony was a little upset, but mostly relieved that the man wouldn't hurt him anymore."

They all stood for a minute, thinking about the effect a father could have on a son, and praying that Tony got through his ordeal.

"Are we going then?" McGee asked, wanting to see Tony as soon as possible.

"Definitely!" Kate replied. "Although, won't he be asleep, it's late."

"Jethro told me that he was awake and in need of visitors, so, shall we go."

"So, when do I get out of here?" Tony asked innocently an hour after McGee, Kate and Ducky arrived.

"You're still hurt Tony, you'll probably be here for a while yet I'm afraid," Gibbs replied, knowing that his agent was lagging and trying to ware him out enough so he'd go to sleep.

"I hate hospitals!" Tony exclaimed, glad that all his friends were with him.

When Kate, McGee and Ducky had failed to show up for a while, Tony started to have his doubts about people caring about him. He tried hard not to believe them but he found himself wondering, so when they had arrived it was like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. They had asked how he was and he had lied, telling them he was sore but ok, which was far from the truth and everyone knew it. They'd then talked about random things, trying to steer the subject away from Tony and his father. Abby had fallen asleep curled next to Tony, and it was nice to feel her warm body next to his. He wasn't meaning that in a sexy way, it was just that he'd been alone and cold for so long that he'd forgotten what warmth was. Tony loved Abby to bits, but it wasn't that type of love, it was more like overprotective big brother/best friend love, he'd do anything for her, or any of his team. Just like they would for him, like they had done for him, now and in the past. They were a family, a little dysfunctional, but a family none the less.