Hello everybody!!! I'm back. Sorry it has taken so long. I had something what needed to take care of. But I have new story!!! Anyway at least a beginning to a new one. But there is small problem… Oh what, you'll see.

Disclaimer: Yu Yu Hakusho doesn't belong to me. I don't own any of the characters.

Warnings: Yaoi, Boy x Boy – Hiei x Kurama.

So here it goes.


Hiei was sitting on Kuramas windowsill looking at his working fox. His fox? Well, this was how Hiei felt about Kurama. He knew he feel something more for the fox but Kurama sure didn't want to be more just like friends. He made it clear, didn't he? That time after the Makai Tournament.

I value our friendship and all we went through, but… I'm not interested in you that way.

For Hiei that sentence was clear enough. But even so he couldn't help and admired the fox personality, his beauty, his eyes, smile, lips… He wanted to kiss those lips but instead of that he just sighed.

When Kurama heard that he lifted his head. "Hiei???"


"Is something wrong?"

"No." The Koorime looked out of the window. "You have to learn so do so."

Kurama smiled. "Well actually Hiei I'm done." He stood up and stretched before he went to the fire demons side.


Kurama looked at the dark sky. "It'll be raining."

Hiei was silent.

"You'll stay, right? I mean if out there is raining-"

"I don't have to." Hiei interrupted.

"I know I was just… I want you to stay. I like being in your presence." Kurama said smiling.

Hiei was now looking at his fox. His face didn't show any emotions but he was shocked. "Hn… Why?"

Kurama shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with you being a demon. Maybe with that that you understand me. Maybe because you'll listen to me if I need it. And maybe just because you're my friend Hiei."

"Hn." He knew it, didn't he? Friend… It's all.

"I'm going to shower and to change. It won't take too long." Kurama said.


Kurama nodded and went to bathroom.

Hiei I'm going to shower and to change… That brought to fire demons mind ideas… Some ideas…

He shook his head. Why did that stupid fox have to say it?! He growled and went to sit on Kuramas bed.

After a while Kurama came out of bathroom and smiled at Hiei. "So you're staying." Silence... "Oh, you wouldn't believe me how tired I am."

"Hn. I do. But you're tired only because that stupid ningen school of yours. Why are you doing it anyway? It's not something important in Makai." Hiei asked when they were lying comfortable in bed.

"Yeah I know Hiei. But I'm doing it because of my mother." Kurama sighed. They were silent for some time. Then... "Good night Hiei." The fox said and immediately fell asleep.

Hiei stroked Kuramas hair. "Good night Fox." Kurama turned subconsciously into touch. He snuggled to Hiei and sighed. Fire demon smiled and put a hand around his fox. "Kurama, why are you doing this to me?" Kurama only snuggled closer. Hiei smiled again and closed his eyes. He felt a sleep coming to him.


When he woke up Kurama was still asleep. A small smile crossed his lips and he stood up. He couldn't let his fox wake up in his arms – Kurama wouldn't be happy with it, he was sure.

Hiei was opening a window when he heard a tired voice. "Where are you going?"

He turned around and saw Kurama sitting on the bed with tired eyes. Hiei mentally chuckled. You wouldn't see the fox like this every day. "Have to do something."

Kurama nodded. "Will you be back?"

"Hn. Maybe."

Kurama sighed. "Okay Hiei. Have a nice day." He said and lay back down.

"Hn." Hiei said but the soft breathing of Kurama said him that the fox didn't hear him and then he flitted away.


He hated it but even so kept doing it. He sighed and opened the door.

"What are you doing here Hiei?" A woman that was sitting at the table asked.

"Hn. I had to come. You know it Mukuro."

Mukuro looked at him. "You're my heir Hiei. You don't have to do anything you don't want to." She said calmly.

"Hn." The fire demon went to sit into another chair.

Mukuros eyes didn't leave him. "Were you in Ningenkai?"


"Is something with that sister of yours?"


Mukuro blinked. "Then why have you come back?"

The fire demon stayed silent. "You wouldn't come… only if… Is something with Kurama?"

"… No."

Mukuro growled. "Then why aren't you with your fox?"

It was Hieis time to blink. "Wh- What?"

Mukuro laughed. "Do you think I don't know what you feel for him, Hiei? Well I do."

Hiei couldn't say a word. He knew Mukuro knew much about him, but never thought that…

"Oh, Hiei, don't look at me like that." Hiei frowned. "So why are you back?"

Hiei looked away. "Simple. I didn't want to stay there anymore."

"Sure. You didn't say it to him, did you?"

Again the fire demon was silent. How did she know?

Mukuro stood up. "I never thought my heir is such a coward."

"I'm not a coward!" Hiei shouted frowning at his boss.

"Oh are you not?" Mukuro calmly asked. The fire demon growled to this. "Then prove it."

"Hn. And you think it's so simple? Well it's not. What do you think I should do?" Hiei said growling.

Mukuro shrugged. "I don't care. Just don't come back till you have solved the problem with that fox of yours." With that one of Makais lords left. Hiei just closed his eyes.


So… done. But I have a little problem what should Hiei do??? Have anyone any idea???

Anyway please say me what you think about it so far. I'll try to update soon. ) See ya!!!