Disclaimer: I do not own DNAngel or any of its characters.

Thank you to all who supported me and the first story arc, "Arranged Marriage" I hope to do just as good with the second story arc, "One Week till Marriage". If this story works out well, I may create a third story arc for after they have gotten married.

Arranged Marriage Recap

"Um, Mrs. Mousy? When is the wedding?" Riku asked.

"Next week. Therefore, you have a week to prepare yourselves. Don't worry about family invitations and whatnot though, your parents have already taken care of that." Dark's mother said.

"A week?!" Riku shouted.

"Yes, a week. We can't wait for next year, it has to be on Dark's 18th birthday."

Riku groaned, it was going to be a very strange week indeed. Wedding preparations, Dark's perverted antics, and… after the wedding…

One Week till Marriage

Chapter 1: Monday Madness Part One

"Wake up!" Riku shouted, pushing Dark off the bed with such force it seemed as if he would have collided with the wall if it were not so far from the bed.

Dark, the handsome prince of the Western lands had fallen in love with Riku one day, and sent an invitation to her, requesting her presence.

Riku, a common girl with a tomboyish attitude had absolutely refused the invitation, but she ended up going to meet Dark anyways.

Riku ended up staying with Dark's family, Risa fell in love with Daisuke, and of course, they did not just fall in love. The relationship between Dark and Riku was a very strange one, but still just as sweet as any other romance, perhaps sweeter.

"Why did you push me off the bed? It is only seven o'clock in the morning! Are you schizophrenic or something?" Dark shouted, sitting up from his crumpled position on the floor.

"I pushed you off the bed, because you are in my bed! You have your own bed, so why are you always climbing into mine?" Riku questioned, sitting up in bed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"…" Silence filled the room, and both Riku's and Dark's expression began to fade. However, Dark tried to lighten the mood and as always, failed.

Dark put on the happiest face he could, looking like a chibi, "I climb in your bed because I love you!" He said, tilting his left to right like a metronome, keeping his happy face on.

"You…!" Riku muttered angrily, uncrossing her arms and clenching her right fist so tightly that her knuckles turned white and her hand was shaking.

Dark sweat dropped, moving away slowly as he began to laugh nervously and put his hands up in defense, "Now, now… Riku dear?"

"I told you not to give me stupid nicknames!" Riku yelled, stomping over towards Dark, and taking a deep breath, exhaling slowly, "Die you pervert!" Riku shouted, kicking him over.

A comical bandage appeared on his forehead, "Ow… Now you have to kiss it better!" Dark shouted, pointing to his head.

Riku growled, "I'm sick of your stupidity! Let's just go downstairs already!" Riku huffed, heading to the door.

"I don't think that's such a good idea..." Dark mumbled nervously.

"Why not?" Riku asked, turning to look at Dark with the door half open.

"Well, you seem to be wearing your night clothes for one. On the other hand, it does make you look pretty cute." Dark said, looking Riku up and down.

"Ugh, you pervert." Riku said, slamming the door shut as she stomped off to the bathroom, grabbing her bag on the way and making sure to lock the door.

"I can't believe you don't trust me!" Dark whined, hearing the 'click' of the lock.

"Well it isn't my fault that you have tried to open the bathroom door while I'm in about fifteen times!" Riku retorted from the bathroom, her voice sounding slightly muffled through the door.

Dark sighed heavily and groaned, getting up from the floor to change into his day clothes.

Dark removed his sleeping clothes and replaced it with a pair of loose fitted jeans and a simple, black, button-up dress shirt.

Riku walked back into the room while Dark was putting on his shirt, and Riku screamed, "Pervert, don't change in front of me! Why don't you just use the bathroom or a changing room like normal people do!" Riku screamed, stomping towards the door once again.

"I'm not normal, remember? I'm a pervert!" Dark mocked, as Riku stepped out.

About an hour later, Riku, Dark, and Dark's mother had met in a room full of lights and mirrors, connected to other rooms that were the same, except had different things in them, like make-up, clothes, dresses, and many other miscellaneous things.

"What are we going to do with all of this?" Riku asked, looking around at everything she could see.

"Today we're going to find wedding apparel for you two." Mrs. Mousy explained, "We're also going to find out how we're going to do make-up too."

"Whoah, whoah, whoah! Wedding apparel, as in a wedding dress?" Riku questioned.

"Of course, what else?" Mrs. Mousy said.

"I can't wear dresses, I just can't!" Riku said.

"Come on Riku, I promise it will look good." Dark said, winking.

"No, I just don't like dresses period." Riku replied.

"Well, we can't have you wearing anything else but a wedding dress, so I guess we can just find something simple for you?" Mrs. Mousy suggested.

Riku groaned, "Fine…"

"Okay then, that's just fine and all, but, I already have things ready for myself." Dark said.

"Oh, yes. I remember now, I prepared your clothes right after you told me you won the game." Mrs. Mousy said.

Dark nodded, "Well, have fun Riku!" Dark said, attempting to walk out.

"I don't think so, dear." Riku said evilly, "If I have to suffer, so do you!" Riku said, pulling Dark next to her.

The time seemed to go by slowly, as Riku tried one dress after another. Dark had just sat on the side and watched as Riku emerged from the dressing room each time.

"Um, Mrs. Mousy?" Riku said from behind the dressing room curtains.

"She went out for lunch!" Dark replied.

"What, are you kidding me?" Riku moaned.

"What do you need her for anyways?" Dark asked, getting up and nearing the dressing room.

"I—I needed help with this dress. I cannot tie the ribbons of the back." Riku complained.

"I can help you," Dark said, pushing the curtains apart with a 'swoosh'.

"What, no!" Riku shouted turning away from Dark.

"Here, just let me tie it." Dark said, motioning for Riku to calm down.

Riku's face burnt bright red as she let Dark tie the first and second ribbons. Dark paused at the third one, "What are you doing?" Riku asked.

"Oh, nothing," Dark said, bringing the end of one of the ribbons to his mouth, kissing it, "Just marveling at how lovely you look…" Dark said, tying the last ribbon and kissing Riku on the cheek quickly, walking out of the dressing room.

"What a stupid line…" Riku muttered, her face still red as she changed back into her usual tan, baggy pants, and blue tank top.

End of Chapter 1

Thank you for reading, please review! I hope you like the first chapter, tell me whether it's better or worse than "Arranged Marriage" please!