A/N ok I'm new to this so go easy on me… but you can help through reviews k?
The last day of school finally came, which meant two things that I have been waiting for were here at last… graduation and I was going to be changed! I couldn't wait until tonight after graduation when Alice, Edward, Jasper, and I went out to Seattle to celebrate… and then got into a bad wreck, and well you can piece it together.
I looked in the mirror before I went to the school. I figured I looked fine. Alice had done my make-up, by far the longest three hours of my life.
Charlie had called from down stairs, "Bells? Are you almost ready? It's 4:50 you have 15 minuets." I sighed, "Coming Cha-dad." I knew I should have been really excited, but I wasn't.
I wasn't too excited about today, seeing as how I've graduated before but that wasn't the main reason. Bella was going to be changed soon. My beautiful angel would soon be immortal. I just can't see her going through all the pain.
"Edward!" Alice screamed from her room. I walked down the hall and the door swung open. "Edward, I think there's something you should know."
"Well tell him in the car, we have to go." Rose said as she walked past us.
This was going to be a long, hard summer for us. Edward? He looked at me, I think that maybe I should tell Carlisle first, sorry. "Why don't you just tell me now? It cant be that bad." But it was that bad, well I might make Edward happy depending on what Carlisle said.
A/N well hope you like it
Chapter two soon to come.