HmmmI think this is going to be the last chapter

Edit 9/27/11:
Hi guys, I'm surprised people are still reading this (oh god middle school school years haha), but my stupid note on the bottom is stupid and I don't know why it's there. The title to the sequel is called "Together Forever"; four years later and I'm still getting reviews asking about it. Yes it has been up for a long time, yes it is completed, etc. I don't know why I had to be so stupidly cryptic about it at the bottom. :/


Three days had passed since the so-thought death of Mikan. Every class was dark and gloomy, like a cloud of rain that hovered over the whole school and wouldn't go away.

Even Narumi, the happiest off all the teachers, couldn't seem to lift their spirits. Not even the tiniest little bit.

Anna and Nonoko, who were usually two very happy people, were dark and gloomy. They didn't really talk—not even when called upon by the teacher.

Hotaru became the Ice Queen. She was cold to everyone besides Ruka. One glare and you've got to make way. Otherwise, well…I won't go into that.

Natsume…he was like a ghost. He moved without a sound and didn't talk to anyone. Not even Ruka and especially not Yumiko. Like Hell he would ever even give her one glance again.

Even Sumire, who hated Mikan, looked out the window with her green eyes, like she was expecting for her to come back.

Aoi and Youichi…you never saw them apart. The sat together, ate together, and did almost everything together. They became the elementary branch's coldest couple. They only ever talked to Hotaru.


The delicate, white flakes.

They floated down gently…

Natsume looked out the window.

And he remembered everything about her.

It just made his heart crack every time he thought about her. Yet, he just couldn't forget her. How could he? After all her had done to her and all the things she had done for him...

Hotaru, Ruka, Natsume, Aoi, Youichi, Anna and Nonoko and Koko went to Mikan's room to find their letters. They had totally forgotten about them with all the sadness of her 'death'. Hotaru fished out the keys, and stuck it into the lock. The door slowly creaked open.

"Oh, hey guys!"

Mikan's image came into their minds, of what she would say when they entered. She would turn around, and give them a smile…

And now…

No smile…

No Welcome…



Everyone had found their letters yesterday. The read them carefully, crying.

She had left each of them something of hers. A necklace, a bracelet, a book…and so on.


She had left them...just like that…

In a blink of an eye…

She was gone.


The snow had already started melting. Spring was coming.


The Sakura tree…

Would it bloom again?

The whole class went outside during break. The dug a hole next to the Sakura tree, and put in a small sapling.

A Tangerine tree.

To symbolize Mikan Sakura.


As everyone turned to leave, Natsume looked at the tree.

And maybe…

He would one day…

Meet her again…






He paused.

And then whispered so quietly that his voice was barely audible:

Sayonara and Oyasumi…


I feel terrible! Last chapter! I know you guys like hate me for making Mikan ahem- 'dead'

-cough cough- 'dead'


This is the last chapter! But


I'm TOTALLY making a sequel!

Sooyeah. Thank you for reading Forever Alone!

And make sure you look for the sequel if you wanna find out what happens after!

