School is temporarily out and so is Thesis. I apologize for the serious lack of update ever since school started. I just feel bad if I try to update this and then I won't have time to do our Thesis, so… I'll make it up to you guys through this update. This has been my most reviewed story and I hope that reviews will still come. Thanks…
"Previously on the Amazing Race," JR said. "10 teams raced to Panama City, Panama where Kane and The Undertaker came in first for the third time in a row. The heirs to the WWE, Shane and Stephanie McMahon arrived last and were eliminated. Now, 9 teams remain, who will be eliminated next?" A video package showing the Superstars and Divas participating in the show was played and after that, JR was shown at the latest Pit Stop. "This is Mira Flores Locks. This Pacific entrance to the Panama Canal is the third Pit Stop in the race around the world."
"Kane and the Undertaker, who were the first to arrive at 1:04 PM, will depart at 1:04 AM," the Undertaker eagerly opened the clue, revealing that they would be in Africa hours later.
"Fly to Dar Es Salaam, the largest city in the African region of Tanzania," the Undertaker read. "Once you land, you must then travel ten miles by taxi to a ferry terminal where you would pull a number for one of five traditional boats, called dhows, to sail to the island of Zanzibar."
They both sprinted. "Airport, here we come." Kane laughed at Undertaker's comment.
Edge and Lita were the next to open their clue. "Tanzania? Isn't it hot there? It's Africa."
"Lita and I pretty much don't care who gets eliminated," Edge said in a previous interview. "It's all about who's in front of us. And I don't really like the fact that the Brothers of Destruction keeps getting in first."
"We made some alliance and just see what happens to them," Lita smirked.
Mickie James and Maria, who were pretty much happy with their standing in the race, opened their clue with much excitement. "Africa… I think we're going from one continent to another slowly… I wanna go to Paris!" Maria said.
Kane and the Undertaker arrived at the airport and found out that the counter they need won't be selling tickets until 5 in the morning. They just sat at a nearby chair and waited for the other teams.
The Hardys were the next to leave the Pit Stop. They were immediately followed by Paul London and Brian Kendrick.
"Hey guys!" Brian called out as the Hardys were not far from them. "Are you with Edge and Lita when it comes to the Brothers of Destruction?"
"If it's for the good of our team then we have an alliance with them," Jeff replied.
"During the mandatory rest period, Edge approached us," Matt said in a previous interview. "And I pretty much think he approached everyone except Kane and the Undertaker. He was saying something about keeping them on the back of the pack."
"I personally think that they are a big threat so…" Jeff said, "We'll agree to it anytime."
"Look who's here!" Edge commented, seeing Kane and the Undertaker. "Seems like we caught up to the all-time winners."
They asked around and found out that the counter won't open till 5 in the morning. "This could be our chance to put them in the back of the line," Lita said. "Mickie and Maria are behind us and we could simply tell Kane and the Undertaker that we're going to some hotel to rest until 5 in the morning. Maybe they'll follow. But we won't really go to a hotel."
"Are they that stupid?" Edge asked.
"I hope so," Lita said.
Sure enough, Edge and Lita waited for Mickie and Maria to arrive and shared to them their little plan. The Divas agreed to it sensing that it would be really easy for the Brothers of Destruction to come in first again.
John Cena and Randy Orton left the Pit Stop next. They were followed by Trish and Lilian and then Triple H and Shawn Michaels. Torrie and Stacy were the last to depart.
"For the first time in my life I actually like what's going on in Edge's mind," John said as they were on their way to the airport. "All of us against Kane and the Undertaker, brilliant idea… Those guys won enough legs for the whole race."
"Are you guys planning to stay here for the night?" Lita asked Kane and the Undertaker. "We're going to some nearby hotel… I was just curious if you guys would like to come."
"Gosh, we also need to go to a hotel," Maria said. "It's hard to sleep here."
As if destiny was on their side, the four of them fooled the Brothers of Destruction in going to a hotel. Minutes later, the other teams arrived, wondering where the leading team was.
"They're gone…" Edge said. "They went to a hotel because they thought everyone was going too."
All the teams waited until 5 in the morning. About 5 minutes before 5:00 AM, Kane and the Undertaker arrived, surprised that all the teams were already in line.
"Remember, we were all at the hotel," Edge whispered.
"How did you guys arrive here so fast?" Undertaker asked.
"We woke up really early and so we left the hotel early," Stacy lied.
The teams comfortably got their tickets up until Torrie and Stacy who were unfortunate enough to discover that the plane was already full.
"It can't be!" Torrie said.
"Bad karma," Stacy said to herself.
"There is a flight leaving two hours after this flight," the woman behind the counter said. "Would you like to book that flight?"
Torrie just rolled her eyes. "We don't have a choice."
But Kane and the Undertaker were more pissed off. They just lost their lead big time. "We'll take the same flight."
"Teams are now making their way to Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania," JR said. "The first flight contains Edge and Lita, Mickie James and Maria, the Hardys, Paul London and Brian Kendrick, John Cena and Randy Orton, Trish and Lilian, and Triple H and Shawn Michaels. The second flight contains Torrie and Stacy, and Kane and the Undertaker."
Teams who were in the first flight arrived at Dar Es Salaam and race to get a taxi. When they arrived at the ferry terminal, it became a foot race as to what dhow they would get in. Edge and Lita were the first to be on the first dhow along with John and Randy. The Hardys and DX would be on the second dhow that would leave ten minutes later. Paul London, Brian Kendrick, Mickie James and Maria would be on the third dhow and Trish and Lilian on the fourth.
"Don't worry two other teams are still behind us," Lilian said.
"And it's just a ten minute interval, they won't catch up," Trish added.
Arriving in Zanzibar together, Edge and Lita and John and Randy opened their clue to find a detour.
"Detour… Solve it or Schlep it," Lita read.
"A Detour is a choice between two tasks, each with its own pros and cons." JR explained. "In this Detour, teams have to choose between Solve it or Schlep it. In Solve it, teams have to make their way to the hotel known as Beyt al Chai where they will put together a 62-piece puzzle that recreates an image from a style of local artwork known as Tinga Tinga. In Schlep It, teams have to make their way to the Kijangwani Lumber Yard. Once there, they have to choose a local handcart and load two 50-pound logs into their cart. The uniquely shaped logs are highly sought after for use in the construction of the native dhow. Once loaded, teams have to travel to deliver the logs to a shipyard."
"Babe, lets do Solve it," Lita suggested.
"Fine with me," Edge agreed.
"What do you want to do?" John asked Randy.
"Well, we had enough work out last Detour so…" Randy thought for a while. "It wouldn't hurt if our minds would undergo some work out too."
"Solve it…" John said.
The Hardys and DX were the next to open the clue that revealed a Detour.
"Let's just do the Solve it," Matt said to his brother.
"Seems easier," Jeff added.
Knowing that they somewhat have a lead, DX thought long and hard on what Detour to do. "Schlep it sounds more appealing," Shawn said.
"Schlep it requires a real man," Triple H added.
"So, let's do it?" Shawn asked.
"But it requires a lot of work," Triple H commented.
"Solve it would require a lot of thinking," Shawn said. "I remember buying a 1000 piece puzzle for myself and it was so hard to build that I had it framed when I finished it so that no one can ever ruin it again."
"Solve it or Schlep it?" Triple H asked one more time.
"S… S… Solve it," Shawn said.
"Let's go then!" Triple H said.
Next to arrive were Paul London, Brian Kendrick, Mickie James and Maria. Both teams chose to do Solve it as it appears to be easier to do to the other teams.
Trish and Lilian enjoyed their moment alone in the dhow. "This mode of transportation seems really old," Trish said.
"Yes, seems like we're in a movie," Lilian said. "With pirates and stuff… And we're looking for a treasure."
"The only treasure for me right now is the clue," Trish said.
When they opened the clue, the easily made a decision that they would do Solve it. When they arrived at Beyt al Chai, all of the teams were there and John and Randy were almost done with their puzzle.
"This piece goes here," John said, placing a piece in its right position.
"Yeah, you just work on that," Randy said. "That's not my forte."
"Hey Randy, can you find the piece that would fit he – " John grabbed a piece. "Got it."
They showed the puzzle and got their next clue.
"Shit," Edge said, seeing that John and Randy already got their clue. "If they win this leg, they would be the next target."
Randy opened the clue. "Make your way to the village of Kikungwi, home to the members of the Massai tribe on the island of Zanzibar."
"That's definitely a Roadblock going on there," John said.
The teams who were on the second flight finally arrived at Dar Es Salaam.
Torrie said in a latter interview, "By the time we were on the dhow, we realized that Edge's plan on keeping the Brothers of Destruction on the back of the pack backfired on us. It was down between our teams and it would be a miracle to actually be ahead of them."
Edge and Lita managed to complete the puzzle and they got their next clue. Not long after they were gone, Jeff and Matt were already done with their puzzle. Although debating as to where each piece goes, Triple H and Shawn were finally able to finish their puzzle.
"See, I told you that piece of crap belonged there," Shawn said.
"It might've expanded when I tried to fit it," Triple H joked.
Paul London and Brian Kendrick weren't really talking to each other at all. As if they both knew exactly where to put each piece that they pick up and there was no need for a debate. Mickie and Maria were also doing pretty good themselves. But it was Trish and Lilian who prevailed as they finished after Paul and Brian.
"Puzzles are a piece of cake," Trish commented. "But I have to admit that that certain puzzle was a bit complicated."
"So complicated means finishing before Mickie and Maria?" Lilian said.
Trish laughed. "What can I do? I'm just good in puzzles."
Kane, the Undertaker, Torrie and Stacy finally read the clue that revealed a Detour. Both teams chose to do Solve it but it was pretty obvious in the Brothers' actions that they want the blondes to be far behind them. They would always run, but one way or another, they would catch up.
"I knew it… Roadblock," John said.
"A Roadblock is a task that only one person may perform," JR explained. "In this Roadblock, that team member has to learn how to use a traditional wooden weapon, called Rungu, used by members of Massai tribe by throwing it 65 feet to destroy a clay target in order to retrieve their next clue from inside."
"I'll do it," Randy said cockily. "If you can hit the baseball with one serve, I can hit that target in one throw."
"Oohh…" Edge mocked. "I smell something really fishy around here. Show me what you can do Randy."
Randy wasn't able to hit the target with his first throw and so did Edge. "You're better than him, baby!" Lita called out
They kept on throwing around the Rungu but it was when the Hardys arrived that Randy was able to hit the target and crack it open. "That's what I'm talking about!" John said.
They opened the clue and they were happy to find the Pit Stop. "Make your way to Old Fort…"
JR was shown walking at Old Fort. "This is Old Fort, an 18-century fortress built by Omani tradesmen and is the Pit Stop for this leg of the race."
When DX arrived, Edge got more pumped up in throwing the Rungu. "Second place again! Damnit!"
Edge finally got it but so did Shawn. After reading the clue, it was a matter of who's getting a taxi first.
Paul and Brian arrived along with Trish and Lilian. By that time, Matt was getting tired of throwing the Rungu. "This is getting me nowhere…"
"Come on Bro! You can do it!" Jeff gave words of encouragement.
Paul London was also having a hard time hitting the target but it was nowhere near Trish's struggle. "Is it even possible that I hit that thing?"
"Yes, Trish," Lilian said. "You can do it!"
After sometime, Matt was finally able to hit the target and they grabbed their clue. Paul London also has luck by his side by being able to hit the target.
"Here goes Mickie and Maria…" Trish sighed.
Maria did the Roadblock. "Here goes nothing," she said as she threw the Rungu. There really was nothing. But she tried and tried and surprisingly, she got it first than Trish.
Trish sighed. "I can't believe she beat me." But that gave her the determination and finally hit the target.
Lilian assisted Trish to the taxi. "That was pretty tough."
Back at the Beyt al Chai, both teams are trying hard to finish ahead of the other. But both willing to win, they finished at almost the same time.
"Do you think this is going to be a mad foot race at the end?" Torrie asked Stacy while on their way to Kikungwi.
"I hope not," Stacy replied. "It would be difficult to beat them by that. And it would be really frustrating."
"JR!" John and Randy yelled when they can already see JR and the mat. "We're coming JR!"
They stepped at the mat with smiles on their faces.
"John Cena, Randy Orton," JR looked at them for a while. "You're team number 1!"
They gave each other a high five. "I understand that everyone made an alliance against Kane and the Undertaker."
"Yeah," John said. "It was Edge's idea. Maybe he thought that if they're gone, they would be team number 1 but hey, we're in first."
Next to arrive were none other than Edge and Lita. "Edge and Lita, you're team number 2!"
"Damnit," Edge can't help but be disappointed.
"You seem pretty upset, why?" JR asked.
"Because by taking out Kane and the Undertaker, we thought we'd rule the race but, we didn't," Lita answered for Edge.
"I swear, the next leg, Cena and Orton is going down," Edge said in a latter interview.
Next to arrive were Triple H and Shawn Michaels. "DX, you're team number 3!"
They just had smirks on their faces and nothing to say. Just right behind them were the Hardys. "Matt and Jeff, you're team number 4!"
The brothers hugged each other.
Next to arrive were Paul London and Brian Kendrick. "London and Kendrick, you're team number 5!"
After some minute, Mickie and Maria arrived. "Mickie James and Maria, you're team number 6!"
Maria kept on jumping up and down. "I'm just so proud of myself right now."
"May I know why?" JR asked.
Maria smiled. "I got pass Trish on the Roadblock."
JR didn't have to wait long enough for Trish and Lilian to arrive. "Trish and Lilian, you're team number 7!"
Trish doesn't seem happy at all, she just nodded.
Now, two teams remain. At the Roadblock, Torrie was clearly having a hard time throwing the Rungu while Kane was just looking for the Rungu's right trajectory.
"Torrie, I know it's kinda impossible to beat Kane but I still believe that you can do it," Stacy said.
Sure enough, Kane got it before Torrie did. Even though, when the Brothers of Destruction arrived at the Pit Stop, they weren't happy at all. "Kane and the Undertaker, you're team number 8! So I understand that all the teams formed an alliance against your team. How do you feel about that?"
"They're not keeping us down," Undertaker said. "And they're going to pay for it."
When Torrie and Stacy arrived at the Pit Stop, they still managed to plaster a smile on their beautiful faces. "Just say it, JR."
"Torrie and Stacy, you're the last team to arrive," JR said softly. "I'm sorry to tell you that you have been eliminated from the race."
They didn't cry, instead they just smiled. "This race with Stacy has been awesome. And through this race, I think we were able to prove that we're just more than just a pretty face," Torrie said.
"You win some, you lose some," Stacy said. "I guess Amazing Race isn't my type of reality TV show."
Was that long? I hope not. Anyway, I just thought I'd give you guys a little background as to how I come up with the placing… Simple, Random Method… You know, JavaScript, LOL. I have a web page made especially for this, pretty easy to do actually. Please review…
8 teams remain… Who will be eliminated next?
a. Trish and Lilian
b. Edge and Lita
c. DX
d. The Hardys
e. Paul London and Brian Kendrick
f. John Cena and Randy Orton
g. Maria and Mickie James
h. Kane and The Undertaker