Author's note: sorry about the shortness of the last chapter. my idea well was just run dry writing that whole conversation between her and mark idea came to me. lol! you guys are the best for putting up with my dry spells on this story. thanks so much for your patience!

Casey awoke slowly, her vision fuzzy at first. All she could see were indistinct forms. Two of them... one was a person, she guessed. The other was green.

Donatello! It had to be! The colour of green was right, she was sure!

"D-Don...Donatello." she managed to croak out. Casey was surprised to find that her voice sounded distant at first, then closer.

The green form seemed to start at the sound of her voice. It rushed over to her and as it did it became clearer. Ah, she had been right! It was Donatello!

"Casey? Casey! I thought-" She watched tears form in his eyes.

"I was...lost to you, but only for a moment. It is not my time."

The next thing she knew Donatello had buried his beak in her neck, nuzzling her, his body shaking with emotion.

Casey wrapped her arms around him, reveling in having him close, feeling him again. And most importantly, knowing she had returned to him.

She felt wetness on her shoulder and immediately knew it was tears, his tears. Hers soon joined them. It had been years since she'd cried over anything. Now it seemed was a rightful time to do it. But not in sadness, in happiness.

Through the emotion a question arose in her mind. What had become of the Shredder? What had transpired after he had nearly killed her?

"Donatello...what happened? What became of your enemy?"

Donatello reluctantly drew back from her embrace. "The tigers." He whispered softly. "Since they were free of his control, they turned on him..."

He didn't want to tell her that they'd ripped him apart along with any foot soldier that had the misfortune to be in the same room with them.

All he wanted her to know was that they were all safe and had made it out alive.

"An appropriate fate." Casey whispered back. Silently, she thanked the big cats.

Donatello agreed. "Mikey wanted to take them home with us..."

This made Casey smile. "I assume you said no?"

"We all did. He's still sulking." He gave her a wobbly grin.

This time she chuckled.

Donatello's face grew serious, but still soft somehow...

"I love you, Casey. I was afraid I'd never get the chance to tell you that. I'm telling you now...I love you."

Her heart soared at his words. "I love you too." She kissed him deeply. "I love you too!" He kissed her this time, drawing her right up against him. His hand was moving to wonderful places when they heard a voice.

"Oy, save that fer after dinner would ya? some of us wanna be able ta eat!"

They broke apart, both blushing profusely.

"Raph..." Donatello grumbled, annoyed. He'd just got the love of his life back! He deserved to forget about dinner and enjoy that fact. without interference from his brothers.

The red-masked turtle only chuckled. "Good ta see ya awake, Casey. How're you feelin'?"

"Wonderful." her eyes never left Donatello's.

"She's awake?" Another voice. This was Chris. "Oh, Casey we were so worried! Thank goodness you're okay!"

Casey was then pummeled into a hug, but she didn't mind. This was what being the member of a family was like. They cared about you and worried for you...but most of all, they loved you.

Raph called to the other girls, telling them the good news. Soon, everyone was in the room.

"Amazing." Liz commented as she gaped at the tear in Casey's clothing where the wound had been. "It's completely gone!"

"We can heal very well." Casey said, by way of explaining.

Jerry appeared, snuggled against Leonardo. "You're a damned lucky woman." she commented, relief clear in her voice at seeing Casey alive and well.

Casey smiled at that. "Yes, indeed I am." Then Jerry took that moment to hug her aswell. Liz hugged her too, as did Chris for the second time. She hugged each of the girls back.

"Alright," Jerry said making a shooing motion to everyone, "let's leave the lovebirds alone."

Everyone mumbled agreements and left Casey and Donatello by themselves.

"You really are something...otherwordly." Donatello said softly. There was no way he could deny this. He'd watched her come back from what he knew as a warrior was a deadly wound. From what he could see, there wasn't even a scar. Amazing.

Casey gently touched his cheek. "Yes."

"Does this mean you're..." Donatello couldn't even believe he was thinking of the word, let alone associating it with someone who was very real.

"Yes, it means my life is eternal."

Donatello looked down. He, on the other hand, was very mortal. The purple-masked turtle hadn't considered that before. Which was understandable since he hadn't believed in immortality before let alone met someone who was.

Casey tilted his face up to meet hers. His brown eyes were sad. "I want the years you can bring me, Donatello. Though we know one day they will end, I would rather have that time than face those years alone. For without you, I do not live. I simply exist."

Her words truly touched his heart. She wanted him...even though... despite it all. A peace he'd never known settled over him and he drew her into his arms.

The Psychic was just about to kiss Donatello and initiate more when she heard what sounded like a chuff. Blinking, she turned and saw a fully grown female Siberian Tigress sitting and watching them.

"Mikey!" Donatello called out and went off to find his brother who had clearly defied their orders.

Casey couldn't help herself, she laughed. The Tigress regarded her with curiosity.

"Family..." She said to the big cat. The word warmed her heart. She had one...finally. And a wonderful man to love.