DISCLAIMER: 'Sonic Team' owns them :)...not me :(

Two weeks have passed since Iblis and Mephilis were destroyed.

Life has returned to normal.

Elise returned to her Royal duties, but she felt like something, no... SOMEONE was missing from her life.
She found herself sneaking out to the gardens, trying to figure out what was missing.

Today would tell her WHO was missing and change her life forever.

Elise's memories returned.

Tears filled her eyes, thinking about Sonic.

"Sonic..." She said, quietly.

She wanted to see him again, but knew she never would.

Elise was walking in the garden when a gust of wind kicked up.

She knew this wind somehow, it was so familiar...

'Sonic!' Elise thought, almost not daring to hope.

The gust passed by Elise again and about 10-15 feet away, a blue hedgehog appeared from it.

"It is him..." Elise said, quietly.

"SONIC!!!" Amy yelled, running up to Sonic.

Sonic tensed, slightly.

'That's...Amy...' Elise thought, a little surprised.

She watched them, hiding behind a tree.

"Did you forget about our date?!" Amy asked, clearly furious with him.

"I, uh, no of course not!" Sonic said, nervously.

"Really? You didn't forget?" Amy asked, still skeptical.

"I was, uh...trying to find the perfect roses for you. That's why I was late." Sonic said, hoping Amy'd believe him.

Amy sighed.

"Sonic, you don't have to lie to me. If you don't wanna go out with me, then say it." Amy said, calmly.

Sonic looked surprised.

'Are' Elise wondered.

"Don't make excuses! Tell me, right now! Do you care about me? You'll said you'd meet me at a certain time and place, then never show up! If you don't care about me, then I'll leave you alone. Don't give me false hope anymore!" Amy said, loudly.

Amy got teary eyed, but she tried to hide it.

"Amy...I..." Sonic said, unsure of what to say.

'Don't tell me...Is Sonic...' Elise thought, a little worried.

"Amy..." Sonic said, almost nervously.

"Just say it!" Amy said, loudly.

Sonic walked over to Amy.

"You think this is easy? Do you think its easy for me to tell you I love you?! If it was I would've told you a long time ago!" Sonic said, a little irritated.

Elise gasped, quietly.

Amy gasped, loudly.

" me?" Amy asked, almost afraid to ask.

Sonic blushed dark red.

"Did I...say that out loud?" He asked, nervously.

Amy smiled at him.

"Yeah, you did." Amy said.

Sonic blushed darker.

"Well...uh...gotta run!" Sonic said, and took off.

"Hey, SONIC! Get back here!" Amy yelled.

"Catch me if you can, Amy!" Sonic said, over his shoulder.

"No fair! Is this how you treat your girlfriend?" Amy said, running after him.

"Nope. This is." Sonic said.

He ran back over to Amy and kissed her on the cheek.

Amy blushed.

Sonic ran off again, much slower this time.

Amy followed him.

Elise watched as Sonic and Amy run off together.

A tear ran down her face.

'I should've known...' Elise thought.

"Princess Elise!" An attendant called to her.

"You shouldn't be outside alone!" The attendant said.

"I'm coming." Elise said, wiping her eyes.

Elise walked back inside.

She walked upstairs to her room, tears running down her face again.


Elise wasn't the only one who's memories had returned.

Eggman had been spying on Sonic for a while and saw the whole thing unfold.

"Well, well, well...So the princess has her memories as well. Hmmm, she seems to have fallen for Sonic.

She might be a useful ally." Eggman said, watching the monitor.


Elise was in her room, laying on her bed, sobbing.

She knew Sonic loved Amy, she knew she didn't stand a chance against her.

Sonic would be fine without her.

But, she wouldn't be fine without him.

Still sobbing, she thought:

'Amy should be the one grieving her lost love, not me.' Elise thought.

She shook her head, forcing the thoughts from her mind.

'Don't be like that Elise. Sonic wouldn't want you to think like that...' Elise thought.

She walked over to the balcony and smiled slightly.

"Good-bie, Sonic. Be happy...with Amy. ' Elise thought, tears streaming down her face.

Elise hated Amy, she knew she did.

But, there was nothing she could do about Amy and Sonic.


Elise was still thinking about Sonic and Amy.

"If only SHE wasn't around..." Elise said, quietly, leaning on the balcony railing.

Again, she forced the thoughts from her mind.

"My sentiments exactly." Eggman said, appearing in his hover-craft.

"EGGMAN!" Elise yelled, backing away.

"I see your memory is completely intact, as well." Eggman said.

"Y-you remember, too?" Elise asked, afraid Eggman might try to kidnap her.

"Yes, and I've been watching Sonic for a while. I saw what happened earlier, with Sonic." Eggman said.

Elise gasped.

"I believe I might be able to help you." Eggman said.

"Help me? How?" Elise asked, a little curious

"Glad you asked. You want Sonic for yourself don't you? If Amy wasn't around, he'd love you correct?" Eggman said.

Elise hesitated, unsure if she should answer.

"Well, I can make sure Amy never comes between you and Sonic again." Eggman said.

Elise gasped, loudly.

"You don't mean kill her, do you?!" She asked loudly.

"Yes, its the only way. As long as Amy's alive, Sonic will always choose her." Eggman said.

"I would never do something like that to Sonic! He loves Amy! He'd be heart-broken if something happened to her!"Elise yelled.

"Perhaps, but Sonic would be much better off with you. Amy's a whinny, stalker, fangirl. You are Princess of Solianna, a much better match for Sonic then Amy." Eggman said.

"I can't do that to him." Elise said, seeming to actually consider it.

"Really? Well, if you want Sonic to end up miserable with Amy, that's fine with me. However..." Eggman said.

He tossed Elise a card.

"If you change your mind, come see me." Eggman said.

"I won't." Elise said, tossing the card away.

"Either way, I'll leave you with this thought: If Amy marries Sonic, she'll want him to settle down. She wants Sonic to stop his adventuring. He'd be miserable with Amy because of that. If Amy was out of the way, even if it caused him some temporary heart-ache, it would be better for him in the long term. Think it over." Eggman said, flying away.

'I can't...I can't...Sonic would never...but, if Eggman's right...NO! He's lying!! Amy's not like that! I can't do that to Sonic!' Elise thought.


'Sonic would never forgive me if he found out I was even THINKING about it! But, Amy does seem...a little demanding, maybe stalker-ish...I Won't do it! I can't!!!' Elise thought, getting mad at herself.

Elise didn't sleep at all that night.

She was determined to put the thought to rest before morning.


"Your Highness? Is something wrong?" An attendant asked.

"I'm fine. I...have some paperwork to look over and don't want to be disturbed until tonight." Elise said, standing at the top of the staircase.

"Yes, your Highness." The attendant said.

Elise headed back to her room.

'Sonic...forgive me...but, its for your own good...' Elise thought.

She put on a hooded jacket, jeans and a light blue shirt.

She climbed down the tree near the balcony and got on a motorcycle she'd put near the tree.

Elise headed for Eggman's hideout.


Elise arrived at Eggman's hideout.

A robot (A/N:Think Omega) greeted her.

"The Doctor is expecting you. Follow me." It said in an electronic voice.

Elise followed it, feeling a little nervous.


Eggman was sitting at a computer.

"Well, well...Come so soon?" Eggman said, in an almost joking tone.

He turned to face Elise.

"I take you up on your proposal...but only if you guarantee Sonic won't be harmed in any way." Elise said.

"You have my word, Sonic will come to no harm." Eggman said, extending his hand to her.

"Then, where do we start?" Elise asked, taking his hand.

"I'm still working out the minor details. It shouldn't take much longer." Eggman said, letting go of Elise's hand and turning back to the computer.

'HEHEHEHE!!! I can't believe she fell for it!! She's so gullable!! But, I will keep my promise that no harm will come to Sonic...He won't survive long enough to be 'harmed'!!' Eggman thought, with a grin.