The boat to Pallet Town cut through the water like a hot knife through butter. On board were Pokémon Trainer Extraordinaire Ash Ketchum, his girl friend May Maple, May's kid brother Max and Pokémon Breeder to be, Brock. The four friends couldn't wait to get to Pallet Town; each one had their own reason: Ash couldn't wait to see his mother, Prof. Oak, Tracey and even Prof Oak's homosexual grandson Gary again. May couldn't to go back and see the Kanto Region again. Brock's reason was that he was getting the next boat to Valencia Island so he could go visit Prof. Ivy. And Max, well he couldn't wait to eat!!

On the boat Ash and May were watching the sunset… "It's so beautiful!" exclaimed May. "I know, but not as beautiful as you!" replied Ash "Oh Ash you're making me blush!" Suddenly Ash kissed May (it wasn't a peck for that matter!!!!). May was surprised but went with it anyway because she enjoyed it whenever he kissed her.
Meanwhile, Brock and Max were playing Poké Wars 3 on the onboard PS3: (Poké Station 3) and Max was winning! "Eat my Onix Tank Rock Cannon!!" roared Brock, "Hahahahaha! You missed Brock! Now witness the power of my Pikachu Infantry Units!!" "Damn! You killed me you Assface!!" Brock complained. "Le duh! That's the whole point of VS. Battles, Brock!!" "That's it I'm going seeing what Ash and May are up to! Come On Pikachu!" (By the way did I mention that Pikachu was with them?)

So, Brock went up onto the deck and what did he see? You guessed it!! Ash and May were still smooching when Brock got up there! "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON??" shouted Brock. May was so startled that she accidentally bit Ash's tongue! "ARGH! Whad wad dad fow?" asked Ash who was unable to talk properly because of what May did. "Yeah Brock? What was that for?" asked May. "Well, I was saying that you shouldn't be kissing and stuff like that around me!" said Brock. "Why? Is it because you can't find a girl who loves you back? Or is it because even Max has a better love life than you?" teased Ash whose tongue was after healing. Ash, May and Pikachu started to laugh as Brock suddenly realised what Ash just said. "Hey!! What do you mean Max has a better love life than me?" "He was goin' with Liza until she broke it off." replied May. "He did? Hey! There's still no reason to mock me!!" "But it's true!" "I don't give a crap!" Suddenly Max walked in. "We're almost there. Oh by the way, Liza called me to tell me that she's sorry for dumping me and wants to go with me again after I get back to Hoenn." he said. "Damnit!" Brock muttered under his breath.

A few minutes later they made land in Pallet Town. Ash spotted his mom and Mr. Mime waiting on the pier. Mr. Mime was the first to see them, "Mime!" he told Delia but she had already seen them. "Mom!" cried Ash. "Oh Ash you're back! How was the Jhoto Super League?" "It was great. I came third!" he showed Delia his Bronze Super Badge as May, Max and Brock got off the boat. "Guys I better go because the boat to Valencia will be leaving soon" "Ok, Brock we'll see you some other time." "Call me!" Brock left and the others headed back to Prof. Oak's Lab. Suddenly Ash saw a big building in the distance which he had never seen before. "Hey Mom, whats that building over there? I've never seen it before." "I hear its a new Battle Facility for the Battle Frontier. Don't ask me who the Frontier Brain is though cos I dont know." "Wow, it's huge!!!" exclaimed Max. "You can say that again!!" said May. "Nice isn't it" Ash?" came a familiar voice. "Huh? Oh hey TJ! Yeah it's cool!" TJ was an old friend/rival of Ash's from Four Island. ""May, Max you remember TJ right?" "Yeah. He's the guy you kept losing to in battles!!!" chirped May. "You Assface! You didn't have to say that!!" shouted Ash as May and Max started giggling. "It is true though ," said TJ "by the way May did I forget to mention that you look prettier than ever?" "Don't try it Tege she's mine!" snapped Ash. "Sheesh! I was only complementing her no need to eat my head off!!!!" "Sorry. So what have you been up to?" "I'll explain at dinner. You see I was talking to your mom and she has a banquet fit for a king, queen and Snorlax put together! And she invited me over too!" "!Come on kids the party is on at Prof Oaks lab." explained Delia.