Man. Studying really sucks. Stupid medical scrolls. Why do they have to be so complicated? Aargh, darn it, Sakura, you're supposed to be SMART remember? Exactly. Now come on, brain, do your magic...

One hour later...


Ok, you know what? I think I'll take a well-deserved break to ease the stress from my overworked self.

Oh yea! Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. Hi! My name is Haruno Sakura...and I am an alcoholic.

Haha! Just kidding! I'm not really an alcoholic unlike my insane sensei who's supposedly the leader of this village. Yes, you heard right. So that makes me the Godaime's apprentice. I'm pretty much known for that. Not what I'd like to be known for but I can live with it.

Right now, I'm 18 years old and am currently a Jounin. I'm also a medic so I work at the hospital when I'm not on missions or helping out at the Academy. My friends-


Oh no. It's HIM again.


Don't pick up the phone, Sakura. Just stare and walk away slowly.


Why did I give him my number, anyway? Oh yea. I didn't. He found it...that stalker.


Doesn't he ever give up?


I guess not. Sigh. I used to admire his persistence, but now, it's annoying.


And I'm not talking about Naruto.

Hi there! Sakura here! Actually-err-the machine. I'm not here right now. Sorry!

Finally. The answering machine. I thought it would never come. I seriously need to fix that thing.

I'm probably eating ramen with Naruto or training or...something.

And if you're still wondering, I'm not talking about Lee either.

Please leave a name, number and a message so I can call you back!! Beeeeep.

Believe it or not, I'm talking about...

Hn. It's Sasuke. Why don't you ever answer this thing? Call back. Click.

Uchiha Sasuke. A.K.A. the most annoying person I've come to know. Suuure he may SEEM quiet. Actually, he is. And he may SEEM unable to annoy ANYBODY. But don't let the silent look fool you. He is so just...BE with. Looks can be deceiving, you know. I learned that the hard way.

Sigh. I guess I should call him back...LATER.

Anyway, so I guess you noticed by the message. Yes, we FINALLY brought Sasuke back. It only took seven missions. Aah, seven. The lucky number. But yea. Seven. It took three different teams that consisted of four people each. Not all seven times, though. Just the last two. Tsunade-shishou was getting impatient. We all spread out and searched for Orochimaru's hideout. I was in the second team with Naruto, Kakashi, and Neji. It took a few weeks to find it. Two and a half weeks to be exact but we finally found them thanks to Kiba, Shino, and Hinata. They're like the perfect search team, those three. Now that the hard part was over, all we had to do was get Sasuke and the rest would be a piece of ricecake. Or so I thought. Sasuke was stubborn and hard-headed. But thankfully, so was some people in our teams (cough Naruto cough).We literally had to drag his sorry butt back to Konoha. I knocked him out (hahaha. REVENGE!). But to makes matters worse, Orochimaru sent his Sound ninja to get Sasuke back. So it was pretty much like twelve against twenty. But thanks to Shikamaru and his brains and also thanks to me and my healing abilities, we were able to make it out ok. But we couldn't have done it without everyone's help.

So that's how it happened. Well, not ALL of it but the basic format. Some people almost died and some people were captured but lets not get into that right now. Everybody's ok so no need to worry. This was all about two years ago. And after that, Sasuke tried to escape many times but failed on all of his attempts. The look on his face was hilarious. After a year, he was trusted enough not to escape for some casualties to be let off. Tsunade-shishou thinks he's changing his mind about revenge but we all think that he just gave up on escaping to save some of his dignity and pride.

Itachi's still alive and Sasuke's still obsessed on revenge but not as much as he used to be which is good. He was eventually able to enter the exams and is now a Jounin. It was funny seeing Sasuke realizing he was a 16 year old Genin. It was even more funny seeing him do D-ranked missions. Poor Sasuke had to deal with Naruto about that for a year. And Naruto still jokes about it. But whenever he does, the results are always the same. One day, I'm eating ramen with him and the next, I'm his nurse for the week.

So you're probably wondering how Sasuke became the annoying person in my life. He even beat Naruto. Ok, maybe not Naruto. But it's a pretty close tie. If Sasuke starts yelling and obsessing over ramen and being Hokage then I don't know what I'm gonna do. But like I was saying, it all pretty much started when I had agreed to be his girlfriend. We were 17 at the time and by that time I had gotten over him. Actually, I got over him at 14. But I decided to give him a chance despite the fact that I was still kinda mad at him. Heck, I even gave Naruto a chance but we can talk about that later.

So things were doing good and everything was going smoothly between us. That is, until he got insanely jealous with me being alone with Shikamaru. First of all, we are just friends. Secondly, we were waiting for Ino to get off work. I apologized to Shikamaru and scolded Sasuke after that. Sasuke glared him down like a hawk. I thought Shikamaru was gonna die just from his stare. Whenever I'm with a guy, Sasuke just goes crazy, confronts me AND the guy, and denies it later. One time, I almost mistook his arm for a constrictor because his grip on my waist was so tight I could barely breathe. I had to end it. Our relationship lasted for almost a month. He didn't take it very well. He avoided me for 3 weeks. He avoided everyone altogether. I guess he's not used to being rejected...what a baby.

But he eventually stopped avoiding everyone including me. He actually pays attention to me the most. He calls me like ten times a day and I always notice him watching me train. It's kinda creepy. Ok. Scratch that. It's REALLY creepy. He asks me to train with him almost everyday. But whenever I accept, he never takes me seriously and instead of fighting, he stands there like an idiot and stares at my chest. I never knew Sasuke could be such a pervert. So I politely decline his offers. If by politely, you mean I sock him in the jaw whenever the drool comes out, then yes. Politely.

Just in case you're wondering, everyone else is doing great. The old rookie nine and plus Gai's team, I mean. Me, Hinata, Tenten, and Ino hang out all the time. Sometimes we get with Temari when she's around the village or we're around her village. Oh yea! Did I mention that me and Ino are best friends again? We've been that way ever since Shikamaru finally found enough guts and effort into confessing his absolute love for her. Ok, maybe not absolute love. More like asking her out on a date. And they've been together ever since. And you know who hooked them up? That's right. Yours truly. So she owed me big time. Once, Sasuke tried to make me jealous by going after Ino. That is, until Ino got rescued by Shikamaru and Sasuke got strategized and shadowed on. Shikamaru made him look so stupid. Ino watched and recorded the whole thing on video so I could watch too. Sasuke never tried that move again.

Wow, there was a lot more I had to tell you than I thought there was. Oh well, as long as I don't have to go back to studying, it's all good. So ever since Sasuke got off his punishment, Team 7 was back again and that includes Kakashi. Sure, technically, we're of the same rank and are equals, but I still think of him as my sensei other than Tsunade-shishou. He still hasn't had any new passing Genin teams since us so whenever me, Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi aren't busy with missions or me with Tsunade, we all meet at the bridge in the morning and five hours later, Kakashi would train us. Then we would all go out for ramen. Just like old times.

Oh crap! I need to know this stuff tomorrow! Tsunade-shishou is gonna murder me! Ok, calm down, Sakura. Don't even think about her massive strength and pounding voice. You have nothing to be afraid of. Besides...she wouldn't hurt me...right?

Oh no. I better get started! Ok, I'm gonna need complete and absolute silence...



Darn you, Sasuke.

A/N: Hey peoples I'm back! Uhh...yea if you're reading you think you could give me some ideas?

I'm kinda stumped on this one. I want it to be a Neji/Saku and possibly a Naru/Saku but I have no idea how this is gonna turn out.

I'm not so sure on the genre either. Drama, humor, action, romance? I have no clue. So if you could Thanks so much!!