Bottle Wars
(And pillow fights too)
This is my first story so go easy, ok people?
Disclaimer-I own nothing (cries because I mean it)
What would happen if all the characters from Avatar, Hyper Force, Oban-Star Racers, FMA, and Kingdom Hearts got together for my B-day? And what would happen afterward if we just happened to have many bottles left? One thing I know for sure…Nova's gonna beat them all up!
In a universe far, far away-wait it's just in my bedroom! Whatever here's the story!
It was a great day! People were partying up a storm in honor of moi, when suddenly Otto of the Hyper Force slipped on plastic bottle and sent it straight into Edward Elric's face!(ouch-winces-).
Always the hothead Ed just had to retaliate and threw one at Otto –Otto ducks- and oops! It hit Sprx!
Sora screams," Bottle Wars", and suddenly all the boys are going at it.
Now you may have been wondering WHERE THE HECK DID ALL THE GIRLS GET TO!
They had snuck off a while back to gossip. But you see Kairi said Sprx was cute and Winry agreed and Nova started to take a pillow to them (told'ya she'd beat'em up) and pretty soon there was a pillow fight going.
It was one for the ages.
Kairi actually had a keyblade and a pillow keychain, Namine had one too (for some reason hers was black?), Nova was using her pillows as nun chucks (how do you spell that?), Winry had a mechanical pillow (don't ask me what it does or how she got it! I don't know!), and Molly had…nothing. She was crying in the corner.
You see once upon a time Eva's mom was a Champion Pillow Fighter. Eva was 3. Her mom wanted to teach her the sport early. It took 2 bowls of ice cream and 507 I'm sorry's to get Eva to stop crying 2 more bowls of ice cream to get her to forgive Mya.
So, after hearing Sora's shout, she ran off to go join the boys (it hadn't been much fun anyway with all the girls teasing her about Aikka).
She came out just in time to see Aang do a matrix jump.
I'm stopping because it's 2 in the morning! If you want a sequel then R'R.
And no flames because I'm a waterbender and a wizard and as Gandalf said do not mess in the affairs of wizards for they are subtle and quick to anger.
That means no flames!!
Auras-seriously don't mess with her! She's sugar high most of the time! I know, I 've watched her sugar intake!
Me-yay! I fit you in my authors note! Now bye everyone!
Everyone waves as I do a weird walk into the sunset thing.
Everyone-let's party!
Their conga line lasted for 5 hours.