A/N: Hello, again DP phans! You have made my dreams come true! I have written a few DP stories over the past year, but I was disheartened, because I was nervous about showing them to anyone. And I didn't think I could ever find anyone to appreciate or enjoy them. Until I found you and this website! Thank you for all your support! Now, for your reading pleasure, a trip away from all the angst, here is my new story. I hope you like it as much as my first, "Bewerewulfed". But remember, they are short because they were originally teleplays. I did my best to extend them, but I didn't want to lose the original dynamics. So sit back and enjoy this light-hearted ride! Spoiler: If you haven't read "Be-werewulfed", some of this might not make any sense. Danny has acquired a new power—wulf claws—in that story. If you want to know how, please feel free to take a look at it!! But if you aren't able to read that story, then just accepted the referred "fact" as true!! BTW: I do not own any characters and hats-off to 'crazyvi". She's got another twist of this story with her very own, "Bad Braces". Check it out, and no, I did not read hers before I wrote this story.

Brace Yourself

(A shock you can smile about!)

Chapter 1

Danny Fenton wakes from a restless night. His raven hair in disarray, and his blue-eyes not quite bright, he stumbles out of bed. He can't shake how awful he feels right now and heads toward the mirror hanging over his bureau. What he sees there makes him scream in terror.

Suddenly, his two friends, Sam Manson and Tucker Foley, who are meeting up with him to walk to school, barge into his room, take one look at him and scream in terror, too. Then Sam and Tucker look at each other, scream, and laugh hysterically.

"It's not funny, guys!" says Danny, clearly annoyed.

His voice taking an exaggerated haunting tone, Tucker comments, "Geez, man, you're scaring us to death with those, eewwww, b-b-b-r-r-a-c-e-s!!" He doesn't admit that he is relishing this rare opportunity to mercilessly tease his friend.

Danny fires a small green ray bolt at Tucker, zapping his oppressor in a place that makes it clear to Tucker that Danny does not appreciate his point. The impact of the jolt not only rearranges Tucker's priorities, but also skews his glasses and beret.

Tucker, adjusting himself and yelling in pain, utters, "C'mon, Danny, it's not our fault! How come you didn't tell us you were getting braces?"

Danny, still irritated, retorts, "'Cause I didn't know I was getting them, either! Maybe my teeth are a little crooked, but I think I look OK. At least, I thought I looked OK. But, then, out of the blue, this kooky new dentist came into town and showed up at our house, drumming up business. He convinced my parents that I needed the braces, and, well, here I am!"

Sam pipes in, indignant, "And you didn't object? I refuse to wear those crummy dresses my mother is always buying me and so far—ta-da--..." She pauses to 'model' her goth outfit, and with her violet eyes gleaming with triumph, adds, "…I'm winning!"

Danny, who continues to inspect his braces in the mirror, frowns, and the look that makes is even more frightening with his unwanted new feature. Now fretful instead of angry, he strains to remember how he got these, these things on him. He blurts out, "That's the really weird part. I was going to protest and then I really got worried because my 'ghost sense' went off right before I went into the dentist room, but it's all kind of a blur now. In fact, it all kinda went dark after I went in."

Struck by an idea, Tucker interrupts, "You mean, you fainted?"

"No!" Danny emphasizes, reverting back at being peeved. "I mean, well, I don't remember what happened." And then pointing to the braces, he continues, "But there they are!" He turns back to look in the mirror and adds, "And, worse yet, why did they have to be green?"

"To match your ectoplasmic energy?" Tucker offers.

Danny glares threateningly at Tucker, and Tucker ducks behind Sam for cover.

Sam, lost in thought after hearing Danny's story, becomes concern and replies, "I don't like the look of that!"

Danny, looking at his reflection again, agrees, "Yeah, I don't like the way they look, either."

Exasperated, Sam says, "I don't mean the braces! I mean how they got there! I think we should go see that dentist…What's his name?"

Danny, still struggling to recall the events at the dentist's office, offers, "I think his name was…Geez! Why is it so hard to remember?...What a minute! Now I remember! I think his name was…Dr. Elvis Gould, or something like that."

Tucker laughs, "You let a dentist named 'Elvis' touch your teeth?

Danny answers him with a small green stinging ectoplasmic zap.