Walking away
One of the scouts is leaving, a brighter future facing them somewhere other than Tokyo. How will the other scouts react? Will they be able to accept this? One shot story with a cliffy.
Hi everyone. This is my second one shot story. I'd really like to know what you all think because I received no feedback from my first one.
Please review! It will be very much appreciated!
I've told them all to meet me at the park on this gloomy day. None of them know what they are gathering for but they should care, they should defiantly care. I've been standing here for hours, thinking through the ways that I can tell them what I need to say. Should I say it in a calm tone or in a rational tone? Either way I don't think it really matters because the message is loud and clear no matter which way I say it.
The first one appears and smiles at me, greeting me with a warm heart as usual. But today that warmth does not cheer me up. Today is a cold and stern day. I doubt I will ever be forgiven for this but it is what I must do. This is how I want to lead my life from now on.
Soon another appears, and then another, and another and so on until they are all there. They just stand there, looking at me seriously, wondering what it is that I have to say. Should I tell them now?
Yes of course I should. I'll have to eventually today. It's why I gathered them here after all.
"I'm leaving you all" I say bleakly. There is the tiniest hint of sadness in my voice but I try to cover it up. I don't want their sympathy. This is my choice after all.
They nod their heads in response and don't ask why. Words don't need to be spoken in a moment like this, all that is needed is understanding.
Tears are falling all around me, but they mustn't cry for me, this is supposed to be a happy time for me. Why are goodbyes so hard? I take the closest girl in my arms and hug her tightly. Her hair smells of wild flowers. How I will miss such simple things when I am gone from Tokyo.
I let go of here and reach out to my other friends, embracing them all in everlasting warm hugs. I know in my heart that I will never forget them.
And so with the end of the last hug and turn to walk away and wave to my friends, smiles and tears a mass of all of our visions. Are they happy for me? Yes, I know they are. But within that happiness they are sad that I am leaving them.
I doubt I will ever return but their faces are clear in my mind along with the memories that we all share. For we are Sailor Scouts after all and we will be bound together until the end of time by our very souls.