OK, this is my first fic on this site so I hope you like it :D

I opened my eyes to see the bright pink ceiling of mileys room. I am staying there for a couple of weeks while my parents are away on some buisness trip.

"Get up sleepy head" I hear Miley say while shaking me

"Im up, Im up" I say not very convincingly

"Lilly Tresscott, if you dont get up now I will throw a bucket of water on your..."

"Fine, Im up" I say standing out of bed " grumpy pot"

"Now hurry up on and dressed" She said rather desperetly

"Calm down, whats the hurry?"

"because me, you and Oliver are going to go and met Jake at the beach" She said blushing now

I sighed "Miley, that means you will just go off with Jake and leave me with Oliver"

"Come on, dont petend you dont like it" She teased making stupid kissy noises

"Out" I said "Ill be down in 15"

"Fine, but you do like it" She laughed

I picked up my pillow and threw it at her "Ok, Ok, Im going"

When she closed the door I sighed and jumped back onto my bed. Miley has recently started teasing me about "liking Oliver" which I do not. Ill admit we are closer than friends but not in a romantic kind of way. I have known Oliver since the day I was born and we are friends and will always be nothing more.

I grabbed my cobat shorts and my army green top and went downstairs to find Miley.

"Have you seen my hat?" I asked no one in particular

"Well, you have about 30 so I find it hard to believe you could have lost all of them" Miley said rolling her eyes

"Yeah but I want my green one"

"Under the sofa" Robbie Ray, Mileys dad told me walking in the room

"Thanks" I said grabbing my hat from the sofa and taking off with a very impatient Miley.

"So when are we meeting Oliver?" I asked trying not to set her teasing off again.

"Well, Im guessing now" She said as if not sure how I would react.

I looked over and sitting at Ricos was Oliver but he was not alone, beside him was a beautiful brunette girl, her eyes were a bright and noticible blue and her hair gleamed in the sun. She giggled at something Olly had said and leaned in and kissed him on the lips.

I couldnt move, it felt like someone had taken out my heart and ripped it into tiny pieces. I fely like everything happy was suddenly gone. Wait, why am I feeling like this? I dont even like Oliver. Do I?

If you want an update later tonight please comment!