1I'm back, and really really sorry about the wait for those of you who are following along with this story. Thanks to all of you for following!! Now, we go to Science and English!!! In JR HIGH! Sorry, begining to babble, anyways (God, I got to stop saying that) on with the chapter!!!
Chapter 2
Rose rushed into the science room and into her seat, Aang, Azula and Toph following in hot pursuit. Just as they slipped into their seats the bell rang.
"Alright, today we are going to be doing some stuff with windmills as an end of the year treat," said Mr. Cecconi, marching into the room with Mr. Lener, the other science teacher who looks a bit like Bill Nye the Science Guy. Anyways(GAAAAHHHH, stop saying that word, you sayit too much!), Mr. Cecconi looked around and spotted Rose with Aang, Azula and Toph. "Well, if it's not half the cause of our little disruption at lunch," he said, making all eyes find them. "So these are the exchange students. What are their names?"
"Uhh," Rose hurried to remember just as I am, "This is Adam, Ashley and Tessa."
"Well, anyway, everyone look at the board and read all of the parts you'll need to make your own windmill." Top started to speak, but Rose stopped her. "Put your hand up and wait to be called on," She whispered. Toph did that.
"Yes, ahhh, Tessa?" Mr. Lener asked.
"Uh, I can't read that." Toph stated.
"Shouldn't you know how to read English?"
"It's not that, uh, I'm blind."
"What?" Mr. Cecconi asked, walking over to her.
"I. Am. Blind. Does that clear it up." Rose did a facepalm, and you could almost see steam coming out of Mr. Cecconi's ears.
"Well, I think that it's just an excuse not to do this, since you probably figured that the whole exchange student thing wouldn't work on me."
Aang thrust his fist into the air. "It's true, sir, she really is blind."
" A Quick announcement, since fifth period was cut off, sixth period will now be extended by a few minutes." Came across the speakers in the room.
"Well, that's oddly convieniant, why don't we use that time to check if Miss Tessa really is blind," Mr. Lener said.
"That's easy, I can tell, I went to college." Mr. Cecconi walked in front of Toph and looked into her face. "She's not blind, her eyes would be all Wonko if she was."
"No, no, she is really, have her see if she can tell where Mr. Lener is right now." Rose said quickly.
"All right, where is he, 'Oh Blind One?'" Mr Cecconi asked.
"Right over there."
Mr.Cecconi smirked. "Oh-ho, you got it right, how would a true blind person have done that?"
Toph began to explain. "Well, you see, I 'see' with ear- OW!" Rose kicked her.
"She heard him move over there," She exclaimed.
"Let me see of she's blind," Mr. Lener said. He walked over with Mr. Cecconi's complaints behind him. "Uh, you made a mistake, this girl really is blind."
Toph huffed. "Told you so," she said, crossing her arms.
"Ah, right, anyways(must stop), like we were saying, you are going to get into groups and make a working small scale model of a windmill." Everyone groaned. Mr. Lener frowned. "Come on, this will be fun." The Avatar peoples looked at Rose in shock.
Meanwhile, I rushed up to my locker, grabbed my stuff and met with Kelly. She looked from me, to Katara to Sokka to Zuko. "Woah, that's weird. Are they like, really here."
"Of course we are, you peasant," Zuko half-yelled at her. "For the love of Agni, you people don't know anything."
"Hey," Katara water whipped him. "Don't be so mean."
"Yeah, and why don't we just hurry and get to class before the friggin' bell rings. We can't be late," I stared off into space. "Not again." Everyone looked at me questionably. "Sorry, random moment there. Had to say it. Anyways," I facepalmed.
"HEY, that's my thing," Sokka exclaimed.
"What was that for?" Katara asked.
"Sorry, I just say anways too much." I looked around. "So anyways, Aarrgggg!" (After several more attempts resulting in me hurting myself even more, I decided to give up on that)
"Anyways, let's get to class, the bell will ring soon." We rushed in and sat in some vacant seats. The bell rang, and we sat there for several moments.
"Is the teacher invisible, I don't see him?" asked Sokka. Just then Mr. Bernacki walked in. He glanced around, did a double take, and looked over at Kelly, Sokka, Katara, Zuko, and I (Happy Rose, I used correct grammar, I think).
"Well, who are these people?" he asked us.
"Uhh, exchange students, uh... from Korea. And they're gonna be here for a while, so..."
"Oh okay, well then, I'll introduce myself. I'm Mr. Bernaki and I'm the English teacher, though you probably know that already. Anyways (Kim does facepalm) as you also may know, the school year is also almost over, so you won't be in this school long. So let's begin class. Everyone get out your blah blah blah blah blah..." At least, that's what it sounds like to me. What is ironic is that I love to write and read, yet my English grade sucks. Probably because I don't pay attention because I find most of the stuff my teachers teach me as boring. Huh. I think I'm starting to babble. I do that a lot. Anyways(Facepalm) Damn! Anyways(argh) we had to take notes, I was reading, writing or doodleling and paying no attention at all. They A:tla peoples sat there with they're mouths hanging open. And so the rest of our class continued...
Back with Rose and Azula, Aang, and Toph, They were attempting to creat a windmill. Key word: ATTEMPTING. Azula was getting increasinly annoyed, sparks flying from his fingertips.
"Alright, time to test them!" Mr. Lener said. "Crap," Rose whispered. "Ah well, here goes nothing." They carried it over to where the fans and other testing materials were, and set their windmill up.
"Hey, guys," Aang whispered. "I've got an idea. I can airbend, so it seems as though it moves faster with less effort." Their mouths fell open.
"Wow Aang," Toph said. "That plan actually makes sense. Good Job." She thumped him on the back. He made a small noise of pain. Mr. Cecconi came over.
" So, let's see how the trouble-making-gum-chewer ( Mr. Lener called Rose gumchewer
because she was always caught with gum) and her exchange students have done on their project." He went over to the fan. Aang stood a bit in front of the windmill, but not enough for his body to block the air from hitting the windmill. "Let's see on low."
The giant fan turned on, and Aang began his inconspicuous airbending. Thewindmill was spinning extremely fast. "Someone hold it down!" Mr. Cecconi yelled. Rose and Toph went over to ensure that the windmill survived. "Read how much energy is being produced." It read 59.9. Then the windmills wooden wing things caught fire, a strange bluish fire.
Aang stopped airbending as the fan turned off and people tried to douse the flames. Rose and Aang looked at Azula. "Why the hell did you do that?" Rose whispered furiously. She looked at the windmill. The wings were completely destroyed.
"Do what?" Azula asked innocently. "They simply spun at such a high velocity, and according to the scientific laws of Firenze Flammond, anything moving above the speed of 667mph should catch fire." Mr. Lener and Mr. Cecconi stared at her in amazement.
"You know the laws of Firenze Flammond?" Mr. Lener asked in awe. "We never even learned that in college. I just remembered hearing that before when you mentioned it just now. Would you like to be a science honers student, if , of course, you're not already?"
"I'm good." Azula told them. Just then the bell rang, and everyone got their stuff and filed from the room. Rose and the others were headed towards English when the announcements came on.
"Excuse us for the interruption..."
"You're excused." Rose said and they all began laughing.
"...But because of a new circumstance, scholl will be ending early, and so students must go home, there are no after school programs. Happy Summer."
Rose looked at the Aang, Toph, and Azula. "Okay, let's go to my locker then." They walked off.
Back in English, I was doodling, frequently looking over at the clock, because it was almost time for the bell to ring.
"Well, it seems class is about to come to a close. So if you could..." The bell rang.
"Finally," I said, grabbing my stuff and meeting with Kelly, Katara, Zuko, and Sokka. Just as we left the room the announcements came on.
"Excuse us for the interruption..."
"You're excused." I said, and we all began laughing.
"...But because of a new circumstance, scholl will be ending early, and so students must go home, there are no after school programs. Happy Summer."
"Okay, let's get ready to go then." I went to my locker, Katara, Sokka, and Zuko following me, and Kelly went to mett Rose at her locker. I grabbed what was left in there, and met them. We all went to the stairs, walked out the doors, and yelled out...
"Good Bye Jr. High!"
"Hey, that rhymes!" I said. I was promptly hit by Rose and Kelly.
AN: Finally this chapter is done with! I kept getting writers block and was way too busy. Next will be the first day of High School, which in a way sucks because I have no idea what goes on in Rose's classes, and might not be able to type them, and I have no idea if I can get her to write it! Whaaaaa! Yay, I can babble here. I'll try to get the next one up sooner, but I make no promises. Plus, I just got in to reading Fruits Basket. Bye!! Please RR!!!! PLEASE! IM BEGGING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!