The Sandbox Tears

A seven year old Mimi Tachikawa sat it the sandbox crying. Her brown hair was falling into her eyes and her cheeks and nose were turning pink. All the other kids, annoyed by her wails and screeches, started to leave the playground. Mothers shook their heads in disgust as they led their children away from the crying girl.

You see, some boys around Mimi's age had come up to her and told her that she was the ugliest girl they had ever seen. Nobody had ever called Mimi ugly before! Especially not any boys! Boys loved Mimi! They thought she was adorable! It bothered her that these boys didn't.

So she did what she knew best. She sat and cried for as long as she wanted. She didn't care if she was chasing all the other children away! She was sad!

She inhaled deeply before crying again. Her brown eyes were flooded with tears. She was not ugly!!!

"Excuse me."

Mimi looked up. A short boy with orange hair was looking down at her. He was wearing little red shorts and a white t-shirt. Mimi hiccupped.

"What?" she snapped back.

"Do you need help or something?" The boy asked, sitting down next to her.

"No!" Mimi said, brushing her tears away. "Leave me alone!"

"But you're crying. People that are crying in the middle of the playground don't want to be left alone. They would go to a secluded area."

Mimi huffed. "I don't even know what secluded means! Now just go away!"

"Please tell me what's wrong."

"Why do you care, anyway?"

"Because it's sad to see girls cry. Especially really pretty ones." The boy said, smiling.

Mimi's eyes widened.

"You…you think I'm pretty?" she asked, hopefully.

The boy looked away, blushing. "Yes…"

"But…those boys told me I was ugly."

"N-no! You're not ugly at all!" he said.

"They told me I was going to end up alone and that no boy would ever want to marry me."

"That's not true." The boy said, "I would marry you."

"You…you would?" Mimi asked, eyes widening again.

"Yeah! In fact, I am going to marry you! When we get older of course!"

Mimi blushed. "Yeah right. You won't remember to marry me."

The boy dug his hand into his pocket and pulled out a pen. Mimi watched as he wrote the words "Marry the pretty girl in the sandbox" on his hand.

He smiled. "See? And it's in permanent ink so it won't come off!"

Mimi laughed. For the rest of the day she sat in the sandbox with the boy and she didn't even remember what she had been crying about.

16 years later…

Mimi laughed as she adjusted Koushiro's tie.

"You were so forward back then." She said, "What happened? Now you're just a blushing, stumbling fool."

Koushiro groaned. "Mimi, please! It's bad luck for me to see you before the wedding!"

"I'm not even in my dress yet so it doesn't matter. Besides, if I don't help you with your tie who will? You know the other boys are as bad as you are."

Koushiro chuckled and pulled Mimi close to him, catching her off guard.

"I fulfilled my promise to myself, you know." He said, his face in her hair. "I get to marry that pretty girl that was in the sandbox."

Mimi smiled and gave him a peck on the lips. "Ugh. I can't believe I'm marrying such a nerd."

"And I can't believe I'm marrying such a little princess."

Mimi laughed. "I love you."

"I love you, too. Now go get into your dress so you're not late for your own wedding." Koushiro said, giving her one last kiss.

Mimi smiled at him as she slid out the room, leaving Koushiro to reminisce on how lucky he was to have someone like Mimi.

He should really thank Yamato and Taichi for being such immature bullies when they were younger. Well, he'd thank them after smacking them for calling such a pretty little girl ugly.


Haha it was an idea that came to my while drying me hair. :D Digimon isn't mine!