Your Guardian Angel.

Disclaimer - Sighs I wish I did but I don't own Hinata or Lee-kun or any of Naruto. However I do own the right to DANCE DANCE DANCE!! Haha.

This is my first fic so I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter One - I Never Knew.

"I will never let you fall, I'll stand up with you forever, I'll be there for you through it all, Even if savin you sends me to heaven." - Your Gaurdian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Hinata walked in her room and fell onto her bed. It was another long day of training with Neji. Her hair was a mess and she was sweaty. "I think I'll clean myself up and go out for a while" she said to herself. She walked into the bathroom and peeled her clothes off. She turned the water on and adjusted it before stepping into the shower. "Ah, this feels nice." Hinata thought to herself. She always liked showers. They relaxed her. She washed her hair out and scrubbed her body before finally turning the shower off and stepping out. She wrapped herself in a towel and walked to her room. She went through her clothes before finally deciding what to wear. She chose a fishnet shirt to go under a black short sleved top and some long black pants with her normal shoes. She brushed her hair and let it hang loosely. As she was about to get up there was a knock at her bedroom door. "Hinata-chan it's Neji, may I enter?" he asked. Hinata said he could and he walked over to her window. "Hinata, I have some news for you from your father." he said emotionlessly. "What is it Neji-kun?" she replied. "Your father and I are going on a mission. We won't be back for about three months. Your father has left Hanabi in charge of the clan instead of you. He feels you are not yet trained enough to be incharge in his stead. That is all." he replied. "I see. Thank you Neji-kun." she replied disapiontedly as he left the room. Hinata sat on her bed. Tears slowly rolling down her cheek. "Nothing I do will ever make him accept me." she thought outloud. She walked out of her house and ran toward where her team uesd to train. If she wanted to die now was the time. She ran and ran toward a clearing. She sat down and began crying as she never had before.

Lee was walking through the training grounds when he heard sobbing noises. "I wonder who could be crying?" he thought. He walked slowly toward the figure when he realized it was the young Hyuuga heiress. He slowly walked up to her and kneeled next to her. "What is making you cry Hinata-chan?" He said causing Hinata to jump quickly. "L-Lee-san. I-I'm sorry. I d-didn't notice you were h-here. I-I will go e-else where." she stuttered out still crying. "No, I cannot allow someone to feel pain without helping." he stated flashing a smile which caused Hinata to smile slightly. "Now tell me Hinata-chan, what is troubling you?" he asked. Hinata suddenly fell into his chest and wept. She didn't know why really. She just needed someone to be there. She felt so worthless and pathetic. She wanted someone to atleast pretend to care about her. "Hinata..." Lee said quietly. "Everything is okay. I'm here." he said. He wrapped his arms around her. He may not have known her well but no one deserves to feel pain. He never noticed untill now but she was quite tiny. I mean everyone knew she was small but she was really tiny. He thought it was cute. He also never noticed how nice she smelled. "Lavender.." he thought to himself. He felt wierd standing there with the sobbing girl in his arms. He barely knew her yet he got this wierd feeling. He pretended to not feel it. It was probably just some silly teenage hormone thing. "Besides..." he thought. "My heart belongs to my Sakura-chan." But for now he just wanted to make sure Hinata was okay.

Hinata felt so safe for once. She felt bad for bothering Lee-san. But he was letting her so she assumed it was just okay. She let herself melt into him. It felt nice having someone holding her for once. Ever since Naruto left to train she's felt so alone. Atleast Naruto would talk to her. Atleast she had a friend in Naruto. "Naruto..." she thought. She looked up and Lee. "I'm s-sorry I bothered you Lee-san." she said. "No, It's no trouble. Tell me what's wrong Hinata-chan." he said. "It's just..." Hinata began. "I-I feel as though I-I'll never b-be good e-enough for a-anyone. My f-father thinks I-I'm a failure. The w-whole village j-just looks down on m-me." she said with tears rolling down her eyes. Lee ran a hand through her hair. "You aren't a failure. You'll do great things. If you want I could train you if you'd like." he said with a smile. "N-no, I couldn't ask you t-to do.." she started to say. But she was cut off by Lee "I'm going to train you! I'll help you get stronger and be appreciated for. I'll make you strong Hinata!" he shouted. Hinata laughed. She knew nothing would get him to change his mind now. "A-alright Lee-san. O-only if you promise I-I won't be b-bothering you." she said. "It'll be fun!! I think it'll be really fun!" he said loudly. "Would you like me to walk you home Hinata-chan?" he asked her. "N-no it's alright" she said. "Nonsense! I wouldn't want anything to happen to my friend." he said. "I-If you insist.." Hinata said. They began walking towards the Hyuuga residence in silence.

"I can't belive you Neji!" screamed a woman. "But Tenten! I swear I didn't mean to! I don't even li-" Neji was cut off by Tentens screaming "That's it Neji!!! It's over!" said an angry Tenten storming out of the Hyuuga mansion. She walked past Hinata and Lee and screamed at Hinata "Your cousin should be SHOT!" and then continued to walk off. "I wonder what that was about." Hinata thought out loud. "I don't know but she sure seemed angry." Lee replied. They walked the few more feet to the Hyuuga mansion. "Thank you for w-walking me home L-Lee-san." she said. "No problem Hinata-chan. But call me Lee. No need for the 'san' Hinata-chan." he said. "A-alright Lee-kun. Thank you a-again." she said before turning to go into her house.


End of chapter one. I hope you guys liked it. Please review... tell me if I should keep writing it. I relaly hope it's good. So yes.. please tell me if theres anything I should change or if I should stop altogther. Thanks! - SyndahChan.