A/N Written for the Death of a Moon Challenge at Crystal Memories: A Sailor Moon Archive. Check out my profile later this week for more information.


It happened so quickly it had been impossible to prevent. One moment the Senshi and Tuxedo Kamen were watching Princess Serenity battle the equally matched leader of their most recent enemy. It appeared like neither would win and the titanic war would continue on until the end of time but then the Dark Witch made a fatal mistake and turned her attack on Serenity's friends. Serenity acted on instinct and folded her angelic wings into a steep dive, intercepting the dark beam with her own body. She crumpled and fell to the ground with a sickening crunch.

The Dark Witch's shout of triumph broke the despair filled silence, but her victory was short lived as Serenity's body began to glow with an ethereal light. The light exploded outwards, every dark presence it touched was vaporized by the power of love. Due to Serenity's sacrifice the Universe was safe once again.

Serenity faded away leaving behind Usagi, still in her school uniform. Her eyes closed, her innocent face at peace. Her loved ones gathered around her too shocked for words. Tears ran down every face. How could it end like this?

OOC: This is the first of 19 drabbles. I will be updating this weekly along with the 100 theme challenge. Please review.

