Hey I am sooo sorry for not updating. I just have no time right now. I'm sure that some of you fellow writers understand that and know what it's like.

Chapter 14

The Spell

A little while later that day all of the Titans were in Raven's room. It was dark and the only light was coming from the several candles around the room. Raven was at her bookshelf searching through her dozens of spell books and other magical readings.

She pushed several of the books aside and reached passed them for a book in the very back. When she found what she was looking for Raven pulled out a small black leather book. She blew the thick layer of dust off. "I never thought that I would ever have to use this book," she whispered.

Robin, Cyborg and Beast Boy looked over Raven's shoulders at the book. There was a silver picture of some kind of monster or demon on the front with words of an unfamiliar language at the bottom.

"Where did you get it?" Cyborg asked.

Raven hesitated before saying quietly. "It was my father's".

The boys gasped and Robin said to Star who was sitting on the bed. "Okay now I'm really thinking that this is not a good idea Star".

"Meow!" said Starfire.

Raven understood her and sighed. "She still wants to do it".

Robin frowned at her and walked over to Raven's bed. He sat down next to Star and looked her in the eyes.

"Well I guess I can't talk you out of it but whatever happens know that I love you Starfire," he said to her.

Star jumped into his lap then stood up on her back legs and licked him on the cheek. Robin hugged her and she snuggled against him purring.

Beast Boy and Cyborg watched them smiling. Raven used her powers to summon two small bottles of purple powder. They opened up and poured their contents on the floor creating a large circle with the powder around it. She then summoned all the candles in the room and put them all around the circle.

"Are you ready Starfire?" Raven asked.

Starfire nodded gave one last look at Robin who smiled at her. She then jumped down off the bed and walked into the circle. She sat down in the center and looked at Raven.

"Starfire, while I'm preforming this spell I want you to stay focused. Concentrate on who you are and what form you want to be," said Raven.

Star closed her eyes and concentrated hard. Raven placed the dark magic book on a stand and put her hood over her head. Her eyes glowed white as she began the spell.

"Necranom hesbarack admornay coswemp. Inotrium dispenderlay rechanisberb lee rex!".

Raven flew her hands up above her head and black magic erupted from them. It flew over to the circle Star was in and it surrounded her. The Titans watched as the spell completely formed around Star so they were no longer able to see her. A strong wind stated to blow all around the room causing books and papers to fly everywhere.

There was a flash of white light filled the room then the wind stopped. Raven lowered her hands and her eyes went back to normal. The circle of black magic vanished along with any trace of the dark magic circle ever being there.

Once everything vanished the Titans saw Starfire lying on her back on the ground with her eyes closed. She was her alien self once again with her normal clothes on.

Every just stared at her except for Robin who shouted "Starfire!" and ran over to her.

He knelt down beside her causing Raven react. "Robin wait it may not be safe," Raven said quickly.

Robin either didn't hear her or he just ignored her as he put a hand on Starfire's shoulder. He gently shook her but she didn't respond. Robin noticed that she wasn't breathing and shouted "No!".

When Starfire still didn't respond Robin started to shake her shoulder harder. She remained motionless so Robin stopped and put two fingers to her neck. He didn't feel a pulse. Tears started to run down his face as he kneeled on the floor beside her. He felt a firm hand go on his shoulder and knew without even looking that it was Cyborg's hand.

Suddenly Cyborg started to pull Robin away from Starfire. Robin quickly stood up and tried to throw his friend's hand off his shoulder. Cyborg's grip tightened and Raven and Beast Boy also grabbed Robin's shoulders and started to pull him away.

"Let go of me!" he shouted at them as he tried desperately to break free from their grip.

"Come on man it didn't work. You don't need to see her like this again," said Cyborg who was trying not to cry.

This made Robin emotionally snap. He took out his bo-staff from his belt and turned to face his friends. The look on Robin's face was the rage and sorrowful expression that they had seen before. This surprised and frighted the Titans so they let go of Robin.

"Robin just calm down. We all knew that this could happen," said Raven with some fear in her voice.

Robin just stood there glaring as more tears fell down his face. The Titans just stood there nervously until they decided that they really needed to get the unstable Robin away from Starfire. The second they started to come towards their leader reaching for him Robin hit them all in the chest with his bo-staff with one swing. Raven, Beast Boy, and Cyborg fell to the ground from the force.

Robin then dropped his weapon and ran over to Starfire. She still wasn't moving and looked completely lifeless. He bent down beside her and kissed her on the lips. The second he pulled away from the kiss Starfire gasped and her eyes flew open. Robin stared in shock as Starfire started to breath and looked up at Robin.

"Robin?" she said quietly.

"Starfire!" he yelled happily.

Star sat up and Robin instantly hugged her. She happily hugged back then Robin helped her stand up.

"I am back!" she said happily.

"Promise me you'll never leave me again," said Robin.

Starfire smiled. "I promise,"

The two then exchanged a loving kiss. They wrapped their arms around each other as the loving moment lasted for over a minute. When they pulled away they stared lovingly into each other's eyes.

Realizing that their special moment was over Raven, BB, and Cyborg went over to Starfire to exchange hugs and other happy greetings for her return.

Later that day Raven checked her dark magic spell book and read over the spell she had used. She noticed at the bottom of the page there was some small writing. It was in the same unfamiliar language but Raven understood it.

It said. "For the spell to work the reincarnated soul may need true love's kiss".

From then on things were quite different in Titans tower. Robin and Starfire were obviously a couple once again and were always together. Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven became closer friends. Raven was even sometimes nice to Beast Boy. They all had become even better super heroes because they all had full support for each other. Robin required that everyone (except for Cyborg who didn't need one) wear bullet proof vests under their clothes just in case.

One night about a week after Starfire had returned Raven was staring out the huge window in the main room. Cyborg walked up behind her so she turned to look at him. "Everything okay?" he asked.

"I'm just worried. The spell I used to bring Starfire back was completely dark magic. It is very rare that dark magic will do what you want it to without there being a price,"

"Well she seems to be okay. I haven't noticed any kind of side effect," said Cyborg.

"I hope you're right," said Raven.

They then looked out of the window up into the night sky. They did not notice a star flash in the distance.

The End?

Well what do you think? I bet I fooled a lot of you into thinking that I killed Starfire twice, but I didn't. I might write a sequel to this but I don't think that it will be for awhile. I'm just so busy and I've got other stories I want to write.

Thanks for reading! Bye!