The hamster loving Teen Titans obsessing Fan Fiction writer has created another story! If you like this story and are interested in reading other stories written by me then go to my profile page and read about my other TT and Danny Phantom stories. Anyway enjoy!

If you didn't already know I really don't like to be flamed. It makes me upset and not as eager to update so don't ruin it for others.

IMPORTANT NOTE This story takes place after the Titans go to Tokyo so Robin and Starfire are now a couple. No hiding feeling for each other and now more romance.

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans but I do own this story along with my other stories. They belong to Hamster Fan and nobody else. I also own a kitty!


Chapter 1

An "Average" Robbery

It was early nightfall at Titans Tower. Raven was in her room and Cyborg and BB were you guessed it playing video games.

Robin and Starfire were on the roof of the Tower. They were both lying on their backs next to each other gazing up at the stars.

"It is so beautiful. On my planet the sky is a much different color so it is harder to see the stars", said Starfire.

"It is beautiful but I something that is more beautiful", said Robin.

Starfire leaned on one elbow and turned to him. "What is".

Robin also leaned on one elbow and turned to face her. He smiled at her and said, "You".

Starfire smiled brightly and sat up with Robin doing the same. She leaned forward and gave him a loving kiss with him returning it. She wrapped her arms around his neck and continued to kiss for several seconds before them both regrettably pulling away.

Then for a few moments they just stared lovingly into each others eyes. Even though Star had never seen Robin's eyes because of his mask she guessed that they were beautiful.

A after a few moments Robin was about to say something to her when the blaring of the Towers alarm went of and could be heard on the roof.

Starfire jumped in surprise and Robin quickly stood up and held out a hand to help Starfire up. They both then ran into the Tower down the stairs to the main room.

They both got there to see Raven, Beast Boy and Cyborg already at the computer seeing what the problem in the city was.

"What's the problem?" Robin asked.

"Some guys are robbing a jewelry store", said Cyborg.

"Dude when will the bad guys learn? We always win at catching robbers" said BB.

"Apparently they will never learn" said Raven.

Robin then signaled for them to leave and they all ran out of the room.

The jewelry store being robbed was close by so they didn't bring the T-car or the R-cycle.

When they got there half a dozen robbers were outside the store carrying bags of jewelry. "Titans go!" Robin shouted and the five charged at the robbers. The robbers pulled out guns and fired at the heroes.

Raven held up a shield to protect herself and Cyborg. BB turned into a fly to dodge the bullets and Robin and Starfire also dodged.

The Titans then attacked while dodging bullets being fired at them. Each of the Titans ended up fighting against their own robber so they didn't pay much attention to what the others were doing.

After several minutes of fighting the robber Starfire was fighting collapsed unconscious. She saw that she was the first on to beat their opponent so everyone else was still fighting.

She noticed that an extra robber that no one was fighting was trying to escape. As he rounded a corner of a building and disappeared Starfire flew after him.

Robin noticed out of the corner of his eye Starfire fly around the corner after a robber. He wanted to follow her but was busy with hand-to-hand combat with another robber.

Starfire flew around the corner and looked for the robber. I was harder to see at that side of the building due to it being night time and there were much less street lights and light sources then in front of the crime scene.

She lit up her hand with starbolt energy to light up the area. She then spotted him hiding in the shadows and fired a starbolt at him and the fight began.

Meanwhile Robin hit his opponent one last time with his bo-staff and he fell to ground defeated. Robin then ran around the corner in the direction Starfire went and looked for her. It was much harder for him to see there but her could see green flashes of starbolts nearby and started to run over to the where the fight was happening.

When he almost got there he didn't notice the robber pull out his gun. Robin was only a few yards away when he heard the gunshot and saw a flash from the gun. He heard Starfire scream and saw her figure in the dark fall to the ground.

"Starfire!", Robin screamed.

Cliffy! I enjoy writing cliffhangers to keep you interested because cliffhangers are evil! I have a lot to do mostly involving school right now so it will be hard sometimes for me to update. Plus I also have other stories to update so please be patient with me. Thank you.