Tracking Temptation
Chapter 8: Hide and Seek SOS
"Kagome ! Darling where have you gone?!" Taisho wailed, his mournful cries echoing down the vast hallways.
"Aww give it up pops" Inuyasha plopped down, picking imaginary toe jam from his feet.
"For once I'm in agreeince with the Halfling, she will eventually find her way back… though I can't imagine the havoc she could wreak in that time"
"…" All three men were silent for a moment contemplating a wild and slightly rabid Kagome running down the halls instilling terror to all who crossed her path.
"Oh god" all three men chorused
"Kagome ! KAGOMEEEE!"
"Hello hallway my name is Kagome" Kagome sang skipping down the dark hallways in a wild reckless abandon.
"Ohhhh!" a shiny door to her right caught the eye of our magpie Kagome
"shineeeyyy" she cooed, staring at the wooden door with silver trim and a dog head silver doorknob adorned with amber jeweled eyes .
"Hummm I wonder where this goes…" She turned the knob.
" I don't usually do this kind of thing" she blushed turning away from his gaze
"Don't worry" he leaned in closer "I'll teach you how it works"
"Oh" her blushed deepened looking into his gaze and the black locks that framed his chiseled face. She felt something moving up her inner thigh and glanced over to see a sly smirk on his face.
"WHY YOU!..."
"More wine?" the waiter interrupted the couple at the cozy booth for two, effectively breaking the heated conversation.
"Uh a bit more for me" the man turned toward his partner giving her thigh a quick up down. "and you my love ? more wine?"
She shook her head furiously at the waiter as the lecherous man continued to assault her inter thigh under the table.
The waiter left.
"So" he turned his attention back to the beautiful brunet "This is your first time on-line dating ? May I just say you look lovely , half the time I meet these girls in person its a pick and choose win and loose, you never know what your going to get. One time I actually peeked through the window to see what…"
"WELL! I can assure you this will be the last time I try something like this you …you ..PERVERT!" she stood up giving him a clock in the face. "And keep your hands off!" The whole restaurant was silently looking at the couples quarrel.
"Ouch" he rubbed his sore and probably bruised cheek well she does have a nice right hook , guess I'm going to have to go with the got in a bar fight again excuse .
"Pumkin wait! I thought we had a connection"
"I'm gonna connect my foot with your ass if you don't leave me alone"
"But buttercup !"
"Ouf!" A swift kick in the family jewels sent him to the floor. The crowd of restaurant watchers ooooed, some took pictures!
"That's what you get!"
"Call me !" He watched her hips wave him farewell as she marched out the door. What a woman!
Not far from the plot we follow the deranged Kagome down an underground tunnel, which in a mansion of this magnitude, there are many.
"Helloo, hellooo, ooo" her echo answered
"Echo, echo, echo!" She was having far too much fun with this as she giggled to herself enjoying the creepy hallway with some twisted fascination. Delicate fingers gripped at a moss-covered torch burning low in its iron cradle on the stonewalls. The walls were slippery with moisture.
Its like something out of an old castle or Hollywood horror movie, but nothing can faze the brave Kagome !
"Hello creepy tunnel my names Kagome"! She called out to the darkness
"Hello Kagome who the fuck are you!" It answered.
"That's not what I said" She was monetarily puzzled.
There was a faint light up ahead and the tunnel started slopping upward till she reached steps. The light grew brighter causing her to shield her eyes as she climbed her way out. And then….
"Whooahhh!" Her jaw dropped in aw! She was in a rainforest, or perhaps that was the only way she could describe it. A waterfall rumbled in the distance mist rising off and trailing down into a stream by her feet. There were trees as far as the eye could see and flowers of origin and color she couldn't begin to describe. A rabbit hopped on the ground by her feet looking very bored. A pathway weaved by her feet branching off leading into different parts of the garden paradise.
"Where am I?" she wondered aloud.
"Who the hell are you?" She turned amid her brain overload to look at the direction of the voice. There clothed in a pink fluffy robe with hearts all over it was a man….woman.. She wasn't sure for now lets say an "it".
And IT was looking rather perturbed.
"Umm hello"
"Who are you?"
"Well…stranger my name is Kagome. I'm a teacher working at the school of Principle Taisho" She felt the need to explain more then just her name to satisfy the angry aura nipping at her heals .
"Well aren't you going to tell me your name?"
"None of your business that's what! Now scamper along Ka-go-me. I'm waiting for someone to meet me here now run along " it waved her off.
"Well can you at least tell me who you are waiting for?"
"My boyfriend Inuyasha"
Kagome's eyes glazed over boy+boy= GAY MAN LOVE!
He stared at her sudden change of expression; she was drooling a bit from the mouth lost in some sick fantasy he thought.
"Heloo anybody home?" he waved a hand in front of her.
The Tashio brothers slumped down on the sectional in the den. They had covered every inch of the house and were nowhere near finding Kagome.
"Damn she's good at this hide and seek thing!" Inuyasha grumbled "Maybe we should just leave her I'm sure she'll find her way back eventually. "
"Huh" Sesshoumaru gave his younger brother the glance of disapproval. He on the other hand wanted to find her before she blew up the house, she was becoming so much more trouble then she was worth.
"What!, Oh come on don't, be like that. I don't want her running around unsupervised anymore then you do, but what can we do? We've looked everywhere I'm sure she'll pop up eventually and I for one am exhausted" Inuyasha rubbed his sore feet. "I'm heading off to the hot springs to relax, we can continue the search later."
"… mhm I will accompany you to the hot spring." The possibility of peace and quiet relaxation had lured the dog demon, unbenouced to him, into spending more time with his half brother then he had in 200 years.
Unfortunately the direction they were heading was the last place they would find peace.
"KAGOMMEEEEE !" Tashio wailed, never relinquishing the hunt for his lovely daughter to be, or so he hoped.
"Sooooooooooooo when was the first time he told you he loved you"
Kagome was sitting across from Jakotsu in one of the many hot springs in the large dome atrium, discussing what gay man like to talk about best, love, sex and fashion.
" welll," Jakotsu gave a flick of his wrist, " wouldn't you know it was the craziest thing, it was after our, well, our first time together" he put a hand over his mouth making a little "oh' face followed by a wicked grin.
Kagome gave a glass shattering scream of delight that could frighten away all wild life in a 100 mile radius. She leaned in closer
"and theeenn? What did he say?! What did he say!?"
"Well, I was a little insecure at the time, i wondered where was this going? Were we just friends with benefits? I didn't know, so I started making a bit of fuss, blah blah" he made a wave of his hand. " You know the typical stuff." Kagome nodded leaning in closer.
"And then." Jacotsu scooted closer, pausing for dramatic effect. " He leaned over cupping my face with his hand.""
Jacotsu leaned in cupping Kagomes cheek with one hand as demonstration. By this time she was withering in anticipation.
"He bent down" jacotsu leaned over her. " And whispered in my ear…. idiot you know I love you"
Shut up ! and sleep with me come on why don't you sleep with me. Shut up ! and sleep with me come on uh hu an…
"WHAT!" Sesshoumaru backed into his phone.
" Aww you don't like the new ring tone? but I tried so hard with that one"
"Mirokou I swear if you do that one more time."
"Hey hey easy now"
"And why is your voice so high?"
"Ummm, would you believe it was a cloud of helium in my room? "
" A magical unicorn gave me a lovely singing falsetto?"
" I traded voices with the leprechaun for his lucky charms?"
"Okay a kick to the nuts by a sassy brunnet?"
"Uh hem" Miroku switched to his business tone (as much as possible in his current errr… state). " I was actually calling to see if you made any progress with the target. Our client won't stop calling and whining its like he thinks we're an Express UPS service so I explained to him that it takes time, well actually I threatened to charge more. Either way I bought you 3 more days, so get it done!"
"Looking forward to it"
"Oh and I…"
Sesshoumaru hit end cutting off the conversation and stuffing his phone back into his pocket.
That man has the worst timing. Sesshomaru thought, throwing a towel over his shoulder, as he strut his sexy ass toward the hot springs.
"Kagome ! Are you there?! Omg omg omg ! " Jacotsu was in a panic. After the initial story shock Kagome had fainted and gone under into the abyss of the hot springs. It had been two minutes already and she had not resurfaced. He was frantically combing the water with his hands.
"Oh my god oh my god ! I've killed a poor little straight girl! Im so going to jail.. Im going to get butt raped and… well maybe that wouldn't be so bad…" his thoughts trailed off into a censored zone. A dark place too explicit for even I the writer to venture into. (Therefore please direct your selves to for further information) .
"Cheese in my Tuna ! " Kagome woke with a start. Wow that was weird I've never dozed off in a hot spring before she rubbed her eyes and smoothed back her hair taking in her surroundings….. "oh shit"
"Wahhhhh my precious daughter" Tashio wailed holding his rubber bathing ducky close to his chest, he had learned from experience that perhaps it was best if his precious furby Zakiki (the second) didn't come to such outings .
"Oh stuff a sock in it would ya" Inuyasha gave a look of exasperation, "she'll come out of hiding eventually. That girl has the appetite of a horse from what I've seen."
Sesshomaru humped still silently mourning the loss of his previous kagome-devoured ice cream.
They made their way through the underground connecting tunnel to Tashio's giant Atrium, located just a ways behind the mansion, it was home to a staggering 2 water parks, 10 hot spring locations, a lazy river, 3 waterfalls, and 100 aces of wild untamed jungles housing various animals from around the world, of questionable nature and origin.
All three men reached the end of the tunnel to find one, very gay man running around a hot spring arms flapping above him, screaming something about butt sex.
"Who is THAT!" Tashio pointed, his rubber ducky gave a squeak of agreement.
"….Dad." inuyasha coughed clearing his throat"…I'd like you to meet my boyfriend"
"Woooow your big aren't you?"
"Ohhhhhhaww" The giant legendary turtle said in in Kagomes face.
"Did you bring me here?" Kagome asked the turtle, wherever here was. She surveyed the new environment, they were in a pool with a huge waterfall cascading over them and nothing but an ominous sounding jungle as far as the eye could see.
"Ohhhhhawwwwww" the turtle nodded its head.
"Do you know how to get back to where we were?"
"Ohhhhhawwwwwww" the turtle nodded it head.
"So you can understand me then ! You can take me back to where I was before !"
"Ohhhhhawwwwwww" the massive turtle shook his head.
"Oh I am so not playing this game with you !"
" Inuyaha held a blubbering Jacotsu, trying his best to console him.
"Gah stop crying I never know what to do when you do that"!. Jakotsu snuggled closer into his lap in response.
"Just hold me darling!" Inuyasha rolled his eyes at the blubbering blob of a man...woman.
"Keh don't worry its not like anyone would make a pass at you in jail anyway."
"What!" Jakotsu snapped his head up, glaring at his partner with watery accusing eyes.
"Are you saying I'm not attractive enough to get butt raped? "
"Ummmm.. ."
"Ladies please lets not fight" Taiso tried to mediate. "We still have to find my daughter in law." And here I thought I had two sons…apparently not.
Speaking of that other son. Sesshoumaru had fled the premises at the first sight of the wailing She-man. He wanted no part of that drama club. Our handsome protagonist was already halfway across the Atrium, in search of perfect solitude and peace.
"Okay maybe we got of on the wrong foot" Kagome was re-assessing her situation, the giant land mass of a turtle had her clutched in his claws and was making some deep throated humming sound. Which, to Kagome sounded a bit like purring.
"Hummmmmmmmowaaahhh" the turtle said.
"Well …aren't you looking rather fetching , with your shiny shell and ummm ...pretty claws… sharp claws… those are sharp. Soooo Mr. turtle why don't umm you let me out and I could you know give those a polish for you…or just run away." Kagome mumbled the last bit under her breath.
"Hummmowwaaahhh" the turtle purred and licked Kagomes head with a massive forked tongue, cause her to sport the world biggest mohawk.
Clearing charming her way out had no effect... other then getting a new hairstyle.
So it was time for plan B….
"Wahhhhhhh someone help meeeeee!'
Sesshoumaru's, keen ears picked up the last sound he wanted to hear right now. He had just settled into one of the hot springs and was enjoying a nice relaxing bath. When the devil incarnates voice came wailing through his ear drums.
"Helpppp ! someoneeee pleeeasseee!"
…well he had found Kagome. With a sigh he walked off in the direction of her voice to go save the damsel in distress. Kind of ironic that it was the opposite of his objective. But moving on!
Sesshoumaru stopped at a clearing in the jungle at the top of the waterfall. Below he found one Kagome, or so he thought, he couldn't see all that well through the mass of hair, and she was being mulled by one very giant turtle.
Franklin to be more precise, who was one of Tashio's many interesting pets in the atrium.
Kagome spotted him.
"Sesshoumaru help ! Get this thing off me !" She was tugging at one of the claws wrapped around her waist.
Sesshoumaru leapt down the side of the waterfall, landing gracefully on the ground and strode toward the damsel.
"Down Frankin" the turtle, released Kagome from his claws and proceeded to back away from Sesshouomaru slinking into the water, giving one last owaahahhhh of sadness before he left.
"Umm thanks". Kagome got up off the ground, where she had been plopped by the turtle and was brushing herself off, suddenly hyper aware of her appearance, with Sesshoumaru there. She tried to brush back her hair only to find it not behind her, but in mid air. Kagome gave a squeak and ran to the water to look at her new T Pain reflection. ...Fool!
"Waahhhhhh" She gave a piecing cry and tried franticly to brush it down.
Sesshoumaru let out a small chuckle at the flustered woman, trying to fix herself. Women were always so simple. Yet this one never seased to amuse him.
"Oh my gosh " Kagome ran to the water to wash off the turtle goo, feverishly combing out her hair. This was the definition of a bad hair day. She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks. This is so embarrassing , but of course it would happen to me! She groused at her misfortune and stole a glance at the principle, who was trying to hide his laugher with his hand.
"Hey no laughing at…" her words trailed off when she saw him.
He was advancing toward her. His long dark hair was set free from its braid cascading over his bare chiseled chest that followed right down the abs to the V that slid down only to be concealed by this black swim trunks...What a Tease.
"Miss Higarashi"
"Huh what?"
"Your letting flies in again"
"Kagome snapped her mouth shut and wiped away any traces of droll she might have let loose.
And took one last side peak for good measure. Seriously how many men could pull off a look like that, he was just that scrumditaliumpshous.
"Well… it 's not polite to laugh!' she humphed turning her back to him.
"Here let me" His voice was almost on top of her and it sent a shiver down her spine. She felt a warm hand in her hair, gently removing the tangles and gave an eeeep of surprise. She didn't dare turn around.
She sat still, as he silently worked through her hair , combing it with delicate fingers.
Seshoumaru had no idea why he was helping her. He just couldn't stand the sight of her ugly hair, yes that was the reason it was sooo ugly he had to fix it ! He ran his long fingers through it marveling at the softness, colour and shine… but nowhere near as nice as his own, he confirmed.
"Thanks for helping me." A voice cut through his thoughts " how did you get down here so fast that waterfall is pretty high!"
Good, at least he confirmed, she didn't see him make that inhuman jump. It would have been a pain in the ass to try and lie his way out of that. And here he thought she was just a pretty face, but it seemed Kagome had her moments of moderate intelligence.
"Perceptive aren't we little one" he purred in her ear and then pulled back " I like to think I have fairly adequate athletic skills, so an obstacle such as that bares no problem for this Sesshoumaru" he boasted.
"Oh you would think your all that Mr. hot shot "
"Oh but I am all that" he turned her around to face him. She was blushing, her eyes down cast not looking in his face. Something stirred inside him, another half begging to be free.
Kagome ducked scurrying out of his reach and backed up against a rock.
"You.. you just think your cool, but your really a bully ! " Kagome fumbled for her words.
"Oh a bully am I?" Sesshoumaru gave a small grin. "Is that what you say to the person who just saved you?"
"I… well I could have done it without you! Meehhh ! " She stuck out her tongue. "Besides, your sneaky and a cactus butt and I think your hiding something, and… and I just don't like you so there!"
Cactus Butt? Sesshoumaru arched an eyebrow, it was defiantly the weirdest insult he'd heard.
"You dare insult this Sesshoumaru? He was almost upon her now. "If I recal it was you who was screaming for help was it not? And did I help you? You should be grateful insolent girl !"
Maybe you should have kept your big mouth shut Kagome. She mentally kicked her self, pissing off her boss wasn't the smartest of ideas. She tried to shrink into the rock closing her eyes to the advancing man.
"Theres no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home" She chanted wishing herself back in the comfort of her own pillowed filled bed. Silence. She cracked one eye open, he was still there… damn it, Dothy lied! Never trust the movies.
Sesshoumaru was slowly loosing control to carnal need, and to make maters worse he only now noticed her attire. A towel… fuck me, really!? A small towel was wrapped around her delicate frame highlighting every curve of her body and tucking into her boobs to hold it up. Also it was white… and it was wet.
Oblivious to her lewed appearance, it had not crossed her mind to cover up when she had a pissed of principle hovering over her. That, and she was just in the hot springs with Jacotus before being swept down stream by a giant turtle. I mean come, give a girl a break people.
The beast inside him broke free. Taking control. He placed his hands on the rock on both sides of her waist pinning her there.
"Perhaps you need to learn a lesson? " he purred dipping his head closer "Should I give you detention time I wonder? Or Punishment? " His voice had dropped to a husky growl.
Not good, not good. Kagomes Man-dar was sounding the red alarm.
She squirmed under his gaze.
"Good question! and one maybe we could discus at school, not alone… But you know what wow , its been a long night and I think I should get some shut eye before tomorrow you know.. or maybe just go straight home, or somewhere out of the reach of your half naked body, you are very much too close and I…" Kagome was blabbering some nonsense which Sesshoumaru decidedly felt was not worthy of his attention. Instead the beast was focused in on the way her lips moved, the rise and fall of her breasts as she let out a nervous breath.
A tension was rising in the pit of her stomach. Here was a sex god standing over her and all she could do was nervously run her mouth off. But in all fairness she had never quite been in this position before. She had sworn to herself never to mix business and pleasure, after the last failed relationship. But it was difficult not to notice the ripped muscles of his chest rising with his breathing, or his long hair framing his beautiful face, that was just begging for a tugging. Oh fuck it all!
She grabbed his hair pushing up against him into a kiss. He growled. Pinning her arms above her, pressing up against the rock, their bodies flush with one another. A heat was welling up inside her. Thoughts muddled by the sheer pleasure of his touch.
"Unhhh" she rubbed her hips up against him trying to close, the almost non existent, distance between them. She was breathing heavy.
The kiss broke, he glanced down at her, vulnerable, lips parted, and flushed face. she looked up at him with big blue eyes. As soon as their eyes locked the magic was gone, Kagome snapped back to reality.
Sesshoumaru released her and backed away. This certainly was a new side to her he had not seen before. His other half wanted nothing more then to continue from where they left off, getting to explore every inch of her with his hands, mouth…
"I.." His thoughts were cut short
" I'm sorry " kagome cut in, I just.. " she blushed deeply turning away.
" Don't be, this is entirely my fault" They stared at each other for a second trying to read one another's thoughts.
"Maybe I should…" Her mouth was begging him forward.
Sesshoumaru let out a low growl and grabbed her by the hips lifting her up against the wall, she gave a small eep! of surprise before wrapping her legs around his hips for support.
"Mmmhhh" She moaned into his mouth as he assaulted her with his tongue once again. He wondered briefly what the rest of her tasted like.
Their breathing was quickening now as he nibbled and teased at her lip, making her beg for more. He raked his teeth gently over her neck licking and nipping as he made his way down to…
"Kagooomeee are you here? Franklin says he's sorry!" Tashio hollered, frolicking through the jungle towards them, not the least bit subtle.
Fuck monkeys!
Sesshoumaru let go of the woman as quickly as he stated putting her back on the ground and mumbling some apology before speed walking as fast as he could without running. shit shit shit ! What was happening to him. Rule number one. Never become emotional or physically compromised with a target. He was breaking his own rules. Whats happening to me?
Kagome was left looking disheveled and red faced with a Tashio that was now very aware of the situation he had just run in too.
Disclamer: I own the world…but not the characters of this story as they are the property of Ramika Takahashi …if you have any issues with the world domination please contact the bureau at MOD for World President.
Rated M for maybe you shouldn't be reading this, maybe just maybe if you are still afraid of the dark and your mommy still tucks you in at night and cleans your room then maybe this is not the place for you, PLEASE kindly redirect yourself to the T and K section where you will be welcomed by rainbows unicorns and woodland fairies for your childhood pleasure. Rated M for language and future sexing XD
Hello my little love monkeys !
Yes it is I MoD ! (Whhaaatt? Who's that girl?)
I know its been ages since I uploaded, bad girl ! Truthfully I found this chapter in one of my old drives and decided to post it for shits and many giggles. I have part of chapter 9 finished and will try and pump the rest of this story out just to say I finished it gosh darn it ! Plus it makes for a good stress outlet and some memories (all alone in the moon light ! ...okay enough of that)!
So with that said stay tuned for more shenanigans and don't forget to vote MoD for World President and you will get a cookie ! (yes we have the cookies )
Chow for now !
PS: Please read comment and review ! MoD loves the attention !.. I mean yup attentions the right word. :P
~MistressOfTHE DICK... nono its Deceit.. you slutty girl ! :P