Hello! This is the final chapter (thus the epilogue), so, as per usual, I would like to give my thanks to everyone.

Thanks to A.YamiYugi, sajsama, dragonlady222, Shamise, Serzie, Pharaohyamifan, susan bare, and Mystik Genie for reviewing!

Thanks to Animefang Girl, Pharaohyamifan, o-x-becca-x-o, and susan bare for favoriting!!!

Thanks to Animefang Girl, Animefreak99-06, G'ma Jloran, Greek Paradox, Shamise, Trikki, dontmesswithYami (nice name), esama, not the usual baka, and pequena for putting Mutual Recompence on Story Alert!!!

And thanks to everyone who has contributed to the 610 hits for the first chapter.

Yugi brought Ryou some pillows and blankets. "Well, it's not the master suite, but it will have to do," he said as he tossed the objects to the white-haired boy sitting on the couch. "I hope you don't mind; we don't exactly have a guest room."

"No, really, this is fine," Ryou said quietly. "It's more than I could ever expect. Thank you."

"Listen, Ryou," Yugi began, "there's something that I need to tell you if you're going to be staying with us."

Ryou nodded. "What is it?"

"Bakura… the creature that infected you… there are more of them." Ryou looked horrified. "But," Yugi continued, "they won't hurt you if you don't go down to the beach." Ryou sighed, relieved. "That's not all, though."

"What could be worse?" Ryou asked, chuckling softly. "I was just taken over…"

Yugi hesitated for a moment. "One of those creatures—the Karish—lives in my body too."

Ryou stood up and backed away from Yugi, as if afraid that he was going to suddenly turn evil and try to kill him. "You've just been deceiving me all along! Why are you doing this?"

Yugi raised his hands in a gesture of peace. "Ryou, calm down. He doesn't want to hurt anyone."

"You decided to tell him?" Yami asked curiously.

"After what happened to him, I thought that I should tell him the whole truth," Yugi explained sheepishly. "Besides, it's kind of hard keeping this secret from anyone. Being able to talk about it… it would be nice."

"He… he's not like Bakura was? How?" Ryou demanded.

"Yami was raised differently than the others of his kind. He's helped me, and I decided to help him. Ryou, if it weren't for him then Bakura would have killed you." Yugi suddenly got an idea. "Do you want to talk to him?"

"What?" Ryou asked.

"What?" Yami asked as well.

"I can prove to you that he's not evil. We're friends, and I want to show you why," Yugi said truthfully.

Slowly, Ryou nodded, and Yami and Yugi switched places. "Hello, Ryou," Yami said, glancing around uncomfortably.

"Hi," Ryou replied, just as shy. "Um… you're Yami?"

"Yes," Yami said. "Ryou, I would like to apologize on behalf of Bakura, and on behalf of my entire race. What they did to you was unacceptable."

"Thanks…" said Ryou. They sat in awkward silence for a few seconds. "So… how long have you known Yugi?" Ryou asked finally.

"Just about a week, but he has done me innumerable services. I owe him my loyalty and gratitude, and I have done my best to express it."

Ryou laughed. Yami peered at him. "No, I'm sorry, but… I was wondering if it was just Yugi pretending to be someone else to make me feel better. But he would never use words like 'innumerable services.'"

"Yugi would never lie to you," Yami stated. "The only reason he decided to tell you this is because he believes in total honesty, especially in these circumstances."

"Yugi and I haven't gotten together as much lately," Ryou said sadly. "It's my fault. I didn't want him to feel lonely or anything, but with my family…" Ryou sobbed softly. Yami recognized it as an expression of deep sorrow. "I guess I don't need to worry about that much anymore, do I?"

Yami, listening to Yugi's coaching, put a reassuring hand on Ryou's shoulder. "Fear not, Ryou. Everything's going to be fine."

"How can you say that?" Ryou choked. "My family is gone, and it's my fault! If I hadn't gone to the beach that afternoon, then Bakura…" Ryou trailed off, unable to contain his sadness.

"This is more your department, aibou," Yami said. "I don't know much about dealing with human grief… or grief at all, actually."

Yugi took over and held Ryou's hand in his. "I know what it's like to lose the people you care about. My parents died when I was seven in a plane crash, which is when I went to live with my grandpa. I felt like if I had convinced them to stay home or even go by car… I could have stopped their death. But it never works that way, Ryou. It was my parents' time, and it was your sister and mother's time, too, no matter how unfair it looks."

Ryou brushed a few tears from his cheeks. "Thank you, Yugi. I… I forgot. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. Let's get you ready for bed, and try to get a good night's sleep. I'll make BMW pancakes tomorrow." BMW pancakes—banana, maple, and walnut. It was another dish taught to Yugi by his mother.

"I really owe you one, Yugi," Ryou said as he lay down to go to sleep. "One day, I'll give you the recompense you rightly deserve."