a/n; Ahaha this is the FINALE of The Joke's On You. Wahha. That was undeniably fun. I actually liked writing this...and...and... Thank you all so much for the reviews! I always appreciate them, yus! Who knows, I might actually write more of my -second- otp. XD; HikaKao first, sorries. : otp4lyfwhut. -/n00b- Ahem. Anyway. This is M for mature now, thanks to...STUFF in this chapter. It ends sweetly? OMG SPOILER. Sorry. But um, yeah. Enjoy? Review? I love you all? WRITE MORE TAMAKAO?! I don't know. I'm on crack today, I swear.

It was a mystery how they wound up entangled. A mystery to at least the younger. He couldn't remember right away where he was, for he was still in waking up mode, but the feeling of legs entangled, the younger having his arms wrapped around someone else...it felt perfect. He smiled a tad, his cheek on someone's clothing. When he remembered he was at Tamaki's house, he snapped his golden hued eyes, staring at nothing in particular as he felt the arm carelessly thrown around him, hand on his skin. He could tell the other was awake, just by the fact he could feel the hand move.

The Hitachiin couldn't help but blush, feeling so comfortable laying against the other so closely. Kaoru couldn't remember what time he fell asleep, nor what they had said last. It was a blur, except... except one thing he knew for certain did happen. They did have...an interesting make-out session, to Kaoru's knowledge. The once pink blush darkened, Kaoru shifting to look up at the blond male.

"Morning sleepyhead. Ready for that date today, Kao-chan?" Tamaki asked, grinning at the blushing male. The nickname caught him off guard, seeing as only Hani added the suffix -chan to everyone, sans Mori. The younger tried to let his blush die, nodding in response as he scooted up more, tilting up to kiss him shyly on the cheek. How did this happen again? The Hitachiin sighed, not exactly wanting to move out of the spot at the moment. He nuzzled into the other just lightly, knowing he was only tired. "We need to get up..."

"Do we have to? I mean...we can go at any--"

"Wouldn't Hikaru worry about you? Or would you rather stay another night?" Tamaki asked, looking at the other. The blush smeared on Kaoru's cheeks told him what he wanted, at it seemed like he did want to take up on the King's offer. A shy nod was received, Kaoru averting eye contact from the other. He rolled over, removing himself from being latched onto the blond. He sat up, stretching a bit and yawning.

Before he could get up, Tamaki sat up, pulling Kaoru backward. The younger let out an 'eep' type sound, looking up at the other as he leaned against him. He blinked his golden eyes, startled just slightly from the sudden tug. He felt like one of the 'princesses' from Ouran, the kind Tamaki dipped and whispered sweet nothings to. Perhaps Tamaki was pulling a prank on Kaoru, just perhaps. It couldn't all be real...but having his first kiss stolen from the other would have been too much. The Prince Type never kissed the guests on the lips, to Kaoru's knowledge, so what made him so special...? And to follow through on the date?

"Ah...senpai...?" Kaoru breathed, blushing as he felt arms around his waist, legs daintily looking, knock knee and all. To Tamaki, Kaoru had a more feminine shape, legs thinner and girlier than Hikaru's. It was a feature he began to realize not too long ago, something that distinguished Kaoru from his twin brother. There was a short silence, eyes looking at the other and saying words neither would speak. After a minute or so of deafening quiet, Tamaki leaned in to gently kiss the other, stilling holding him close. The younger closed his eyes as he felt the kiss, enjoying ever second of their lips meeting, enjoying every single second of being in the blond's arms.

Unfortunately, they had to part. Tamaki laughed a bit, nuzzling into Kaoru's neck, kissing it softly. Kaoru laughed back, smiling as he looked at the sapphire eyed male. Feeling so blissful with him made him realize...he was falling for the prank they set up themselves. It was no longer a fake romance, no longer something they can just say 'fooled you!' about. It was something quiet, something known through the whole school (accidentally). Kaoru had fallen in love with Tamaki Suoh. It was only a matter of time before he would admit it himself.

"Well, time to get going," Tamaki whispered, letting go so Kaoru could move out of his arms. Reluctantly, he did so, twisting his body out as he got up, standing on his feet as he turned around. The Hitachiin offered a hand to the other, who took it immediately. Before Kaoru could pull him to his feet, the blond kissed the dainty hand in his, making the younger blush lightly. Letting it subside, he pulled, laughing as he felt Tamaki stumble into his arms. It was disturbingly enjoyable, the company of the idiotic King. He once would have never thought of being at the other's house, let alone being his 'pretend' boyfriend. Nor...would he had ever thought he'd love him. Maybe friends, after getting to know him, but...to fall in love? Was he so irresistible?

A grin and the ever so familiar feeling of being lead around occurred, Kaoru happily holding onto Tamaki's hand as he went through the Suoh Mansion. Breakfast was served, Tamaki grinning happily, stealing glances from Kaoru as he ate, talking with his father casually as he talked about going somewhere with his 'friend', spending the day with him. Kaoru blushed lightly whenever Tamaki complimented him in front of his father, saying how he was one of the better Hosts. Tamaki would say he was only modest, how he really had a knack for it. The blond ruffled his hair playfully, winking quickly and going back to eating.

Kaoru sighed, feeling content as he went back to Tamaki's room. They had already showered and changed, the younger of the two feeling embarrassed at showering in Tamaki's bathroom. He stretched, lying on the bad as he looked at the ceiling. He felt a dip in the bed, knowing full well it could only be Tamaki. Kaoru looked over at him, rolling on his side and smiling.

"Where are we going today?" he asked, closing his eyes as he felt the other's fingers in his hair. He had never been on an actual date before, slightly nervous in going out for the first time. Besides his brother and Haruhi, Tamaki would be the first Host he had been alone with outside the Club. The grin remained on his face, Kaoru feeling perfectly at ease in the other Host's company. He didn't mind being with him at all, and as much as he was embarrassed to admit it, he loved it more than anything else. It was an innocent prank they had devised, Tamaki pulling Kaoru aside the day the planned it, telling them it would have been fun to see Haruhi and Hikaru jealous. That was the purpose, yet...the purpose no longer seemed relevant.

"I'm not sure. Maybe to lunch and to walk around?" the older male finally offered, moving to lay with Kaoru, pulling him close until they were nose to nose. The younger blushed, but nodded, giving a sheepish peck to the lips. They way everything started was a mystery, Kaoru still wondering why Tamaki had even kissed him the first time. He no longer cared however, seeing as he wouldn't mind the familiar feeling. It still made his heart flutter, his stomach tie in a knot, and his cheeks flush...yet he was never one to be used to displays of affection, public or not. It had always embarrassed him, no matter who he had been with.

"Sounds good to me. No time to lose, ne?" Kaoru asked, looking at the other. Tamaki nodded, getting up and taking Kaoru with him. The two walked downstairs, getting the chauffeur to take them around. Kaoru leaned his head against Tamaki's shoulder while in the limousine, feeling the arm around him while in the backseat. The blond looked out the tinted window, watching the scenery pass them by. He hadn't a clue why he felt so strong about the younger Hitachiin, nor had a clue on how he could tell them apart so easily by then. Only Haruhi was the one who could distinguish them, but once Tamaki got closer to Kaoru, he found it easier to tell who was who. Kaoru was better to be around with, anyhow. Hikaru was a jealous type, he knew...and yet he didn't know how the older brother would handle it if Tamaki asked Kaoru to, in reality, be his real boyfriend, instead of pretend.

He also didn't know if telling the members it was originally a joke would be a good idea. He figured he'd keep that quiet, the former shenanigan only kept between the blond and younger redhead. The sudden stop into town made Tamaki quickly look at the door, getting out first as he offered a hand to Kaoru, pulling him out with ease. A smile and thanks to the chauffeur, the blond happily guiding Kaoru quickly through the place. He smiled brightly, stopping almost everywhere to laugh and point at commoner things. Kaoru blushed lightly when he received compliments from passerby, the younger male borrowing some of the Suoh's clothes. Tamaki kept his arm wrapped around the Hitachiin, taking him place by place.

"Ah, Kaoru! Would you like some ice cream?" Tamaki asked excitedly, pointing to the person handing out ice cream cones to passerby. Kaoru nodded happily, being pulled immediately by the other. Tamaki purchased one, licking it and taking Kaoru by the hand, going to find somewhere to sit. He offered the cone to Kaoru, who blushed and took a lick, smiling at the sweet taste of it. It was almost a mirror to Haruhi and Hikaru's planned date, yet...it seemed better to be on the date, rather than watching from afar and making sure the male wouldn't do anything stupid. Sheepishly, hands found each other, walking around while Kaoru leaned his head against the male's shoulder, being offered a lick of the vanilla ice cream, always gladly taking up the offers.

Though, once the sun started to set, Tamaki pulled out his cellphone to call the chauffeur, waiting in the meantime on a bench with the younger male. It turned out to be a splendid evening, the Italian cuisine the two had for lunch, Tamaki licking off the meatball sauce off Kaoru's chin, which ended up in Kaoru blushing just as red as the sauce, was perfect. Sweet nothings had been exchanged, as if the date was their eighteenth instead of their first. The older male pecked Kaoru on the lips, earning a kiss back almost automatically, as if on instinct. Kaoru had to admit it; Tamaki wasn't so bad of a guy to fall for. He was...every girl's dream man, and...he had him. Maybe not officially just yet, but it sure seemed like it.

"Tamaki...do you think...we should call it quits on the charade? It seems...all too real now. It's beyond real, I'd think," Kaoru whispered quietly, shyly looking down as the two waited for the white limousine to pull up. The older blinked his eyes, smiling fondly as Kaoru blushed a light pink. The arm around him pulled him flush against Tamaki's chest, head snapping upward so gold could meet blue.

"Maybe it was always real from the start."

"...the joke was on us, wasn't it...?"

"It was. Well...it's not a bad thing, though. It seems like you're happy with me, and I...I'm happy with you. More than happy, I believe..." the blond trailed off, blushing lightly himself as he saw Kaoru smile brightly. The horn of the limousine caught their attention, the both of them getting to their feet, hands not leaving the other. Tamaki held the door open for Kaoru, that time, not letting the chauffuer take away his gentleman charm. He got in afterwards, laughing a little as he held onto Kaoru ecstatically and tightly, stomach tied up in knots from the nervousness of admitting he did care for the other, that he wasn't pulling the wool of the Hitachiin's eyes. "So, you're staying with me tonight, again?"

"Well, if it's not too much trouble..." Kaoru replied, blushing as he thought over how the other night had ended. The Suoh heir shook his head, kissing his cheek and nuzzling into his neck like the morning prior to the date. A slight giggle made it's way out into the air, Kaoru scooting in closer, if they weren't close enough already, smiling as he felt the other. Before he knew it, they were at the mansion again, Tamaki sparing no time to lose as he rushed the other out, Kaoru wondering if the chauffeur rushed them back to the other's humble abode. Without time to lose, Tamaki ran the younger up the stairs, not even stopping to give his shoes to the servants. Kaoru laughed a little at his recklessness, yet he didn't mind, seeing as the blond locked them in his room, kicking off his shoes the minute they were inside.

"I have a feeling we'll have to trade off staying at another's house...as long as Hikaru doesn't skin me," Tamaki stated, laughing softly. Kaoru nervously laughed as well, rubbing the back of his neck as he slipped out of his shoes, going to lay on the blond's bed. A smirk trailed it's way on the blond's lips, Tamaki walking over, hand running up one of his shirts that were currently on Kaoru. "But...why not make some use of tonight?"

"E-eh? What do you mean...?" the redhead asked, blushing already as he looked up at the other. The hand sent shivers down his spine, the creeping feeling cascading down his back, making him move upward just in the slightest. It was a cold feeling, yet it quickly subsided, the blush not. He found his lips seized quickly by the other, bottom lip played with as it had been before. A finger traced a circle around Kaoru's navel, making him shudder yet again. He didn't fight back, he merely gave in to the touch as he softly let a moan slip into the other male's mouth. Arms linked around neck, Tamaki moving his hands until he started unbuttoning the top he let the other borrow.

It was his clothing, after all. And, being the proper owner, he was allowed to take them off at will. In the unwritten rule book (which he had just made up at that second), of course. The first article of clothing slid off Kaoru's slender shoulders, Tamaki having to move the boy's arms, having to break the kiss at that, to pull it completely off. No objections were made, Kaoru not minding the new feeling in the least. Being a Hitachiin, he was up for new experiences, and new games. Golden hued eyes narrowed at the blond, lips remeeting as Tamaki moved his hands up and down, earning startled inhales, which separated lips. The blond moved to kiss at the other's neck, straddling the boy completely without a seconds notice. Kaoru realized just then, he never knew how those kind of things started. It...seemed to just start. No accusations, no objections, just 'yes, yes, yes'.

The kisses trailed down to the chest, a soft gasp as Tamaki kissed across chest, Kaoru having to hold back a moan at the feeling of a finger playing with a nub. When his tongue started doing that to the other nipple, he couldn't suppress a moan. It was low, subtle, yet there. That was all that mattered, to the blond at least. Giving the attention to the other, and enticing yet another sweet and soft moan, he trailed further, daring himself to go farther. Neither could remember what made things wind up the way they did, but neither was minding the rushing of things. Perhaps such a feeling had been there even longer, undertones of having a romantic feeling felt before. Perhaps that was why things were rushed, and why things were being adored and accepted so easily.

Of course, Kaoru was still embarrassed. Cheeks were stained with the perfect pink tinge, not fading in the slightest as hands trailed lower, moving to unbutton, unzip, and starting to slowly pull down the pants the other loaned. Of course it was perfectly fine, they were Tamaki's after all. Why not have the rightful owner claim it right away? They were quickly discarded next to the shirt, a smirk playfully on Tamaki's face as he let his hands trail lower, going to tease the inner thigh, not yet removing the boy's own clothing. Lips met again, hard as tongues mingled, Kaoru moaning into Tamaki's open mouth, a silent demand of more. Giving in to the unmentioned command, Tamaki moved to slip the rest of the younger boy's clothing, letting Kaoru quickly work on Tamaki's rushing the buttons as it slipped off, Tamaki throwing it behind him once Kaoru got it undone.

The blush seemed to redden as the Hitachiin hesitated at the pants, shrugging it off mentally and undoing them, giving his own slight tease which coaxed a low moan from the blond, making Kaoru grin in his own Devilish ways, for he was Hikaru's twin, after all. Hands moved quickly, Tamaki grinning as he restraddled the naked teenager, letting hands go to play with gorgeous red locks, feeling them as he kissed downward, moving to bite softly on an ear lobe; getting a harder moan of acceptance. The second Tamaki moved against Kaoru's erection, the slightest grind, another choked moan was vocalized, telling the Prince Type automatically that it was good move, though accidental. He did it again, receiving the same blissful and angelic vocalization. His own movements, and the sight of the blushing boy tilting his head back to moan, made a low groan escape his own lips.

Quick kisses, trailed in every possible place were made, the motions of rubbing against the other not ceasing. He could feel a certain feeling slowly start to escalate inside him, slowly yet surely. Each time he decided to move a little harder, he would earn a harder moan, long and dragged out as a whispered 'yes' or 'harder' came from the younger, heated words, just as heated as his cheeks. He repeated the motion still, pace alternating from fast to slow, soft to hard, just to torment the other. The moans didn't cease to stop, Tamaki groaning himself as he rocked against the other. He knew for sure he may just have to invest in other things, yet he found that the first time was definitely being pleasurable, though not much was occurring. It was a small notion, yet it earned a lot of respects from the other. One last hard groan and the younger released, shuddering slightly at the shout of Tamaki's name, such a groan of his name causing the other to shortly release after, both breathless as eyes connected in a sense of 'how did that just happen?'

Though, questions didn't need to be asked, Tamaki leaning against the younger. Though there was a mess, both were tired, even though it was hardly anything done. No objections had been made, Kaoru embarrassed at having let himself go so easily, letting himself give in to the other without question. He was the submissive twin in the Brotherly Love Act for the Host Club, yet that was suppose to have been different. Obviously it wasn't, and such a fact made Kaoru embarrassed. Though the feeling of Tamaki rolling off to lay against the other made him feel all the more better, the feeling of arms wrapping around bare skin comfort. It was more than he could ask for, and as he looked at him, Kaoru found it in his heart to whisper three little words that could mean so much more.

"I love you," the younger whispered, blushing as it came out. It wasn't shaky, it wasn't nervous. It was full of truth, full of confidence, and full of certainty. Tamaki blinked, blushing himself as he nuzzled the other, kissing him again on the lips.

"I love you too."

"Some joke that was..." Kaoru trailed off, laughing as he buried his face in other male's chest. He knew fact it didn't matter it started out as a harmless game, no matter if they were merely friends in the beginning. It was for certain then that they were lovers, that they had pulled the wool over their own eyes. No matter how it started, one thing was for certain.

They knew the joke was on them.